2025年1月5日 星期日

Yogi Bhajan 金句:找到安全感 ( Yogi Bhajan Quotes on Finding Security )

1971 年 7月 Yogi Bhajan 在紐約阿南達修道院

寶瓶時代即將到來,它將很快在精神上炸燬每個人,你簡直會不敢相信。到時 不安全感將圍繞著我們、二元性將成為我們最好的朋友。 沒有必要如此。 只要相信你的靈魂 — 祂會拯救你。 把這個當作一門藝術來學習, 深入你的靈魂。 這就是你所擁有的一切。 

幸福不是你所擁有的,幸福也不是你沒有的。 幸福是一種讓你感到安全的心態。 ~1971年5月18 日 

冥想、昆達里尼瑜伽和白色譚崔瑜伽,都致力於將不安全感的思路與潛意識層解開。 當這些被移除時,你可以按真正實際情況來處理事情,而不是像你的恐懼所描繪的那樣。~ 寶瓶教師一級教師培訓手冊 

當一個人感到不安全的那一刻,他就會覺得自己缺少一些東西。 他覺得自己缺少一些東西,這讓他對危險時時保持警惕,這動搖了他的幸福感。 ~ 1971年5月18日

你的性格和特色必須具有深度,它應該像一棵榕樹一樣,所有鳥類和人類都可以在樹下休息並感到安全。~ 1990年9月25日

如果您在任何情況下,都不能給予他人安全感,那麼在任何情況下,其實你自己也無法有安全感。~ 1990 年9月25日 

愛是一個人最有安全感的地方。 它是安全的、深刻的和非常有療效的療癒。 它沒有痛楚、沒有限制、沒有抱怨。 它超越了超越。~ 放鬆和快樂:婚姻手冊 

一個人的最高安全感狀態是當一個人處於愛的狀態時。 這是一種意識,可以穿透任何東西,但沒有什麼可以穿刺它。~ 放鬆和快樂:婚姻手冊 

沒有安全感的人,總是會試圖讓有安全感的人沒有安全感,來測試他的安全性。 這就是定律。 無恥的人會對高貴的人,表現得非常咄咄逼人,因為他們想測試他們是否真的高貴還是假冒的。~ 1978年7月2日 

豐盛並不意味著你會擁有財富、健康和幸福。 解釋豐盛的最好方法是這樣說,它就像一朵玫瑰花蕾,當它開花、綻放並分享它的香味時。 那就是玫瑰花盛開的時刻,持續好幾天。 當一個男人或一個女人豐盛時,一個人可以分享的是安全感、優雅、深度、品格和真實的香味。 就像蠟燭發出光一樣,人類發出的是豐盛。 ~ 1997年12月26日

Yogi Bhajan – July, 1971 – Ananda Ashram in New York

The Age of Aquarius is coming in and it’s going to mentally blow up everybody so fast you can’t believe it. Insecurity will be all around us. Duality will be our best friend. There is no need for it. Just trust your soul—it will save you. Learn this as an art. Dive deep to your soul. That’s all you have.

Happiness is not what you have and happiness is not what you don’t have. Happiness is a state of mind where you feel secure.

Meditation, Kundalini Yoga, and White Tantric Yoga all work to disentangle the threads of insecurity from the layers of the subconscious. When these are removed you can deal with things as they actually are rather than as your fears portray them.
-The Aquarian Teacher Level 1 Teacher Training Manual

The moment a person does not feel secure, he feels that he lacks something. The very fact of his feeling that he lacks something, makes him alert to a danger and that shakes his happiness.

Your character and your characteristics have to have that depth that it should be like a banyan tree under which all birds and humans can rest and feel secure.

If you cannot give security to others in all circumstances, you shall not have security in all circumstances.

Love is the most secure place in an individual. It is secure, deep, and very curative healing. It has no pain. It’s not limited. It has no argument. It’s beyond the beyond.
Relax and Rejoice: A Marriage Manual

The highest state of security of an individual is when a person is in the state of love. It is a consciousness which can penetrate through anything for that thing, and nothing can penetrate it.

The insecure person will always try to make a secure person insecure to test his security. That is the law. Ignoble people will act very aggressively toward noble people because they want to test whether they are really noble or are phony.

Prosperity doesn’t mean that you will have wealth, health and happiness. The best way to explain prosperity is to say it is like a rosebud when it flowers and opens up, and shares its fragrance. That’s the moment, which lasts a few days, when a rose flower is prosperous. When a man or woman is prosperous, it is the fragrance of security, grace, depth, character and truthfulness that a person can share. Like a candle emits light, a human emits prosperity.

                                   本文選自 STUDENTSOFYOGIBHAJAN

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