有一種叫做靈性上的安全感。 如果你不容光煥發、你不閃耀、不甜,你的舉止不優雅的時候;當你已經知道你所知道的,但卻不關心其它人時,那麼整個宇宙都會來困擾你。 因為你將脫離迴圈,你永遠不會成為其中的一部分。 ~1998年6月28日
當你沒有安全感時,你就無法愛,當你不愛時,你就沒有活著。 當有人迎合你的情緒時,你會覺得你戀愛了,但實際上,愛與此相反。 當你為某人犧牲你的情緒時,這就是愛。 ~ 放鬆和快樂:感官時代的婚姻手冊
在感官時代,您將瞭解安全感。不會有任何不安全感。 當你給一個人帶來安全感,而對方也給你帶來安全感時,你們將相互合為一個單位。 如果你明白我們都是人類,你就會立即進入有感知的、情感上的理解,生活就會變得幸福。~ 2001年1月22日
你的小我不是你的主人。 讓我們對神永遠不會屏棄地球這一事實,保持善良和溫和。 造物主不會拋棄他的創造和創造物。 讓我們以意識的狂喜和與神和彼此合一的感覺,開始我們的今天。讓我們下定決心,一點一滴,每天都和不安感說再見,每天都更加依賴安全感一些。~ 1999年1月16日
昆達里尼瑜伽培養中性、直覺、全面的思維。 你磨練智力,不要用它來製造自我懷疑或不安全感。 你以優雅和發自內心的承諾行事。~ 寶瓶教師一級教師培訓手冊
白色譚崔課程和所有其它課程之間的區別非常簡單。 對角線能量充當槓桿,給你一個非常穩固的開始。 它打破了障礙。 它沒有什麼更多的可做,也沒有什麼因缺少的需要去做。 在我們的生命中,隨著我們的如常生活的進行,我們的潛意識載入其中。 我們開始進入我們生活中的自卑。 這並不是說我們因為一無所有,所以沒有安全感。 而是因為我們在生活中無法移動,我們的生活之流被擋住了,所以我們沒有安全感。這就是白談催的對角線能量的作用 — 它突破式地打破了障礙。 ~ 1990年4月8日
There is a spiritual security. If you are not radiant, and you are not shining, and you are not sweet, and your manners are not gracious; when you only know what you know and you don’t bother about anybody else, then the whole Universe will bother you. Because you will be out of the loop, you will never be part of it.
When you are insecure you do not love, and when you do not love you do not live. When someone caters to your emotions, you feel you are in love, but in reality, love is the opposite of this. When you sacrifice your emotions for someone, then that is love. – Relax and Rejoice: A Marriage Manual
In the Sensory Age you will understand security. There will not be any insecurity. When you bring security to another person and the other person brings security to you, you will mutually become one unit. If you understand that we are all human beings, you will immediately come to a sensory, emotional understanding, and life will be happy. 1/22/01
Your ego is not your owner. Let us be kind and gentle to the fact of reality that God is never going to abandon the planet Earth. The Creator is not going to abandon creation and the creatures. Let us start our today with ecstasy of consciousness and the feeling of oneness with God and with each other. Let us make a resolution that each day we’ll say a little good-bye to insecurity, and we’ll rely on security a little bit more. 1/16/99
Kundalini Yoga develops the neutral, intuitive, comprehensive mind. You sharpen the intellect and do not use it to create self-doubt or insecurity. You act with grace and commitment from your heart. -The Aquarian Teacher Level 1 Teacher Training Manual
The difference between White Tantric courses and all other courses is very simple. The diagonal energy acts as a lever and gives you a very solid start. It breaks the blocks. It has nothing more or nothing less to do. After a while in our life as our routine goes, our subconscious gets loaded. We start getting into the inferior self of our life. It’s not that we are insecure because we don’t have anything. We are insecure because we cannot move in our life, our life current gets blocked. And that is what the diagonal energy of White Tantric Yoga® does—it cracks through it and breaks the blocks. 4/8/90
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