2025年1月5日 星期日

無限的付出 ( Limitless Giving )

你理解的,善良這件事。 我們是人類,若除去善良,我們就是活生生的魔鬼。 善良非常重要。當你反對某人時,你就是對那個人和你自己不友善。那麼你正在做出負面的行動,你將會收到報應,而不是其它人。 告訴某人他個性的缺失,這是不仁慈的。 這樣的工作只有老師或時間可以來做。 所以永遠不要建議任何人,直到有人來向你乞求它。 如果你只是做自己的工作,管好自己的事、微笑、快樂地生活,你可以成為這個地球上最幸福快樂的人。」

~ Yogi Bhajan 引用了 1979 年出版的《 叫做 Siri Singh Sahib的人 》一書的第 95 頁。

這是來自《 叫做 Siri Singh Sahib 的人 》一書的第 97 頁,該書於 1979 年出版,由 Siri Gian Singh Khalsa 撰寫:提到 Siri Singh Sahib 的無限善良、溫暖、謙遜和直覺力量,實在不足以傳達,對那些聆聽、閱讀到他的話語,或體驗他作為管道的真理教導任何方面的人的生活的影響。

他有兩個特點給我留下了深刻的印象,是他願意給予、不斷地給予,以及給出自己,還有他可以調到的看似無限範圍的情境和頻率。 三年前冬至的第一天,Siri Singh Sahib 奉獻出自己的一個例子,特別影響了我。 儘管 Siri Singh Sahib 生病了,但他仍按照行程在我們的冬至慶祝活動中,向所有人發表講話。 在他發表談話前一小時,他打電話給我,給我一些不是我求來的,但確是非常需要的指導。 剛開始他沈默了很長的時間,一言不發,接著對我大喊大叫、取笑我,並講了迷人的故事,並展示了對我的存在比任何人都更深刻的理解。 當我仍然無法理解他在一小時後對我說什麼時,他又再花了一個小時,然後又花了第三個小時..... 而數百人正在等待。 當我之後繼續作為他的學生時,我意識到了,我只是他花了這麼多時間的數千人中的一個啊。

“Kindness you understand.  We are mankind and minus kindness, we are living devils.  Kindness is very essential.  When you talk  against someone, you are being unkind to that person and yourself  as well.  You are performing a negative action and will receive the reaction, not anyone else.  

 It is unkind to tell someone that the gap is in his personality.   That job is only for a teacher or for time.  Never advise anyone until a person comes and begs it out of you.  You can be the happiest person on this earth, if you just do your own job, mind your own business, and smile and live happily.” 
~Yogi Bhajan quote shared on page 95 of the book, The Man Called the Siri Singh Sahib, published in 1979.  

This is from page 97 of the book, The Man Called the Siri Singh Sahib, published in 1979 and written by Siri Gian Singh Khalsa:

Mentioning the Infinite kindness, warmth, humility and intuitive power of the Siri Singh Sahib, can’t begin to convey the impact he has, upon the lives of those who hear him, read his words, or experience any aspect of the teachings of Truth, for which he is a channel.

Two of his characteristics, which have deeply impressed me, are his willingness to give, and give, and give of himself and the seemingly limitless range of situations, and frequencies, he can tune into.  One example of the Siri Singh Sahib’s giving of himself, which particularly affected me came three years ago on the first day of Winter Solstice.  

The Siri Singh Sahib was scheduled to speak to everyone at our Solstice celebration, despite the fact he was ill.  An hour before he was to speak, he called me in to give me some unsought, but much needed, guidance.  He stared at me for long periods without saying a word, shouted at me, mocked me, told fascinating stories and demonstrated a deeper understanding of my being than anyone ever has.  

When I still was unable to understand what he was saying about me after one hour, he spent an additional hour, and then a third hour, while hundreds of people waited.  As I continue as his student, I realize I’m only one of many thousands of people, with whom he has spent so much time.

                                    本文選自 STUDENTSOFYOGIBHAJAN

                                        明月心滴翻譯 / 歡迎覺知轉載分享 


