從《這個人叫做 Siri Singh Sahib 》一書的第 97 頁開始,由美國馬薩諸塞州波士頓的 Qurban Singh Khalsa 撰寫,我永遠不會忘記我第一次看到 Siri Singh Sahib — 它完全改變了我的命運。 在馬薩諸塞州沃徹斯特的學校,上了三堂昆達里尼瑜伽課後,我去了華盛頓特區的白壇催瑜伽課程,不知道該期待什麼,但直覺上覺得不得不去。 學生和老師之間的聯繫超越了時間和空間,我一看到他,聽到他說話,我就有一種歸屬感,也有一種距離感,我必須推動自己,才能真正進入歸屬。 這既是我精神的解脫,也是對假我的威脅。 從那天起,戰鬥就開始了。
當一個人向你說出真相,並透過他活生生的光芒激勵你,按照你的最高理想和美德生活時,它深深地觸動了你,你無法忽視。 通往我作為人類最高成就的大門已經開啟,我所需要的只是動力和勇氣去經歷它、並成為它。 我的靈魂拿起劍,與我反抗的假我作鬥爭。 從那天起,我開始每天做薩達納。 我參加了所有可以參加的冬至和白壇催瑜伽課程,一年半後,我終於搬進了修道院。
1974 年的冬至是我與 Siri Singh Sahib 最難忘的經歷。 我想得到一個靈性上的名字,感覺我即將經歷一場重生。 當我終於見到他時,他直視著我,說:「 所以,你終於決定要一直這樣做下去了?」
「 是的,先生。」
「 不管怎樣?」
「 是的。」
然後他停頓了一下,看著我。 「 你將會接受考驗。」
「 我已經接受了測試 」,想想自兩年前我參加第一次白壇催課程以來所經歷的變化。
他迅速轉移了眼神,用銳利之眼看著我,向我傳達了我所謂的「 正在接受考驗」的荒謬淺薄言論。
「 我會嚴格對你。 你能做到嗎?」
「 是的,先生。」
「 無論發生什麼,你都會跟上嗎?」
我感覺我的能量圈被錘擊了,我調動了全部力量。 他再次挑戰性地問道,我深吸了一口氣,翻了個白眼。
後來我發現了一張古魯那納克 Guru Nanak 的美麗形象,在廣闊的空間中莊嚴地仰望合一的創造者。
那一刻,我睜開眼睛,看著 Siri Singh Sahib,我的整個人臨在都在說:「 是的!」
他挑了挑眉毛,說:「 好的。」 他開始寫下我的名字,暗示著「 不要說我沒有警告你」。 他低著頭把它遞給我,說。 「 庫爾班。 這意味著犧牲!」
我雙手合十接受並感謝他,但他沒有抬頭。 從那天起,我感受到了堅定不移的力量和承諾,甚至從未有過片刻的懷疑。 當有人要求我做出犧牲時,我的頭已被給出去了。 我的使運已經註定。每當事情看起來很困難時,我都會記住 Siri singh Sahib 的話,並準備好經歷任何事情。
Siri Singh Sahib 召喚了我們,揹著我們,用正法武裝我們,並將我們送回神和古魯上師那裡。
From page 97 of the book, The Man Called the Siri Singh Sahib, published in 1979 and written by Qurban Singh Khalsa, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
I can never forget the first time I saw the Siri Singh Sahib – it completely changed my destiny. After three classes in Kundalini Yoga at my school in Worchester, Massachusetts, I went to a White Tantric Yoga course, in Washington D.C. not knowing what to expect, but intuitively feeling compelled to go. The link between a student and a teacher goes beyond time and space, and as soon as I saw him, and heard him speak, I was struck with both a sense of belonging, and a sense of the distance I would have to push myself through, to actually belong. It was simultaneously a relief to my spirit and a threat to my ego. From that day on, the battle began.
When a man has spoken the Truth to you and through his living radiance inspired you to live to your highest ideals and virtues, it touches you too deeply to ignore. The door to my highest fulfillment as a human being had been opened and all I needed was the motivation and courage to go through it and become it.
My spirit took up the sword and battled my resisting ego. From that day on, I started doing a daily sadhana. I went to every Solstice and White Tantric Yoga course I could and finally after a Year and a half, I moved into an ashram.
The Winter Solstice of 1974 was my most memorable experience with the Siri Singh Sahib. I wanted to get a spiritual name and felt like I was about to undergo a rebirth. When I finally got to see him, he looked straight into me and said, “So, you’ve finally decided you’re going to do this all the way?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Come what may?”
Then he paused and looked askance. “You will be tested.”
“I’ve been tested”, thinking of the changes I had undergone since my first White Tantric course two years earlier.
He quickly shifted his eyes, giving me a piercing look, communicating to me the absurd shallowness of my so-called, “being tested.”
“It will be very hard on you. Can you do it?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“No matter what happens, you will keep up?”
I felt my aura being hammered at and I summoned all my strength. He asked again challenging, and I took a deep breath, rolled my eyes up to find a beautiful image of Guru Nanak solemnly looking up to the one Creator in a vast expanse.
At that moment, I opened my eyes, looked at the Siri Singh Sahib, and my entire being said, “Yes!”
He raised his eyebrows, saying “Okay.” In a way that implied, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” and he began writing my name. He handed it up to me with his head down, saying. “Qurban. It means sacrifice!
I accepted it with folded hands and thanked him, but he didn’t look up.
Since that day, I have felt an unfailing strength and commitment, and have never once entertained even a moment of doubt. When someone calls upon me to make a sacrifice, my head is given. My destiny has been sealed, and whenever things seem to be difficult, I remember the Siri singh Sahib’s words and feel ready to undergo anything.
The Siri Singh Sahib has called us, carried us, armed us with a Dharma, and is sending us on back to God and Guru.