幾年前在Hacienda de Guru Ram Das 網站上分享。 「 孩子啊」,Siri Singh Sahib,Yogi Bhajan 說,「 靈性的指導方針可能因許多事情而異,但最重要的因素之一是服從。 這也是最難屈服的概念之一。」1994年的一個夏夜,我們從牧場開車到聖達菲的埃爾多拉多酒店。 我們在這個地方度過了許多晚上,一邊吃飯一邊聽現場音樂。 和往常一樣,我們的老師邀請了很多人加入我們。 (今天請允許我讚揚一些默默無聞的英雄:多年來,Dharma Singh和Siri Mukta Singh為這些郊遊買單,沒有考慮自己被獎勵。) Siri Singh Sahib Ji發現這些時間令人放鬆、有趣,儼然是一個教學舞臺。 埃爾多拉多酒店滿足了他的所有要求,所以多年來它成為我們常去的聚會場所。 事實上,它是眾所周知的,以至於偶爾有些人會去那裡找我們。 這是他每晚的宮廷式的聚會。 就像很多好事一樣,在當時它從未得到足夠的感激。
在車行時間,是我可以再次與我們心愛的老師私下交談的時候之一。 當地輪值的秘書做得怎麼樣了? 你為什麼說是私人的? 因為,經過多年的經驗,我可以說,除非被要求去,否則當地的秘書只是為了他而服務,而不是她的個性想這麼做。 同樣在他的世界裡,保密是一種無聲、莊嚴的誓言,並虔誠地守護著。 我的歷史反映了我在這種環境中與老師的許多親密對話。 畢竟,如果不合適,他就會把它結束掉。 這不是問題,
「 先生,在觀者眼中,沒有服從嗎?」
「 你是什麼意思?」
「 我問的是,服從不是主觀的嗎? 你怎麼知道你是否服從了正確的標準? 你怎麼真正知道你做得有多好?」
「 Hari Jiwan,你有古魯大師嗎?」
「 是的,先生,我有的。」
「那就,使用祂。 他想讓你這麼做。 聽著,我知道祂的標準被濫用是一個問題,那又如何? 什麼又不是呢? 只要教導保持純潔,古魯大師的純潔將繼續提供給所有人。 我無法幫助別人本來就要做的事情。那是他們的業力。 我教學、我也祈禱,我也保持希望,我做任何必要的事情來幫助,但剩下的取決於每個人。 使用古魯大師、他的教導、他的曼陀羅,把你的服從設定在正確的方向上,一切就都會好起來的。」
那時,我聰明地理解了他的話,但並沒有真正深深地融入我。 不要誤會我的意思,我真的很佩服他的話,只是,在當時,這太超過了無法處理。 這是另一個「後知後覺」的時刻。 所以,我不再問任何問題,而是改變了話題。 我開始談論建立道路,他總是喜歡談論這個主題。 儘管我改變了話題,但Siri Singh Sahib卻沒有。 「 我唯一確定的方法,雖然我知道還有其他方法,就是遵守真正的教導。 服從真正的古魯大師,是通往無限的真正道路。 其他都是一場賭博。 我不能冒險。 服從 Guru Ram Das 的意志是我唯一的願望,真的是唯一剩下的願望。 這是唯一仍然適切的願望。」
我一言不發。 他的話終於穿刺了我的外殼。 我明白他在說什麼。 很少有人甚至意識到服從的真正意義,因此害怕它。 如果能把偏見放在一邊,讓業力允許服從一條真正的道路,這實際上是最美麗的學科。
「 對自己總是做得不夠的健康地恐懼,以及對做得足夠多的健康地熱愛,共同創造了一個古魯·錫克,一個古魯穆克 — 追隨古魯的人,一個古魯之家中的摯愛,一個真正屬於神的人。」 他輕而易舉地說了這些,因為這就是他啊。 他理解服從是什麼。
作為一個側邊欄,我會告訴你他也理解了什麼,惡作劇,就是這樣。 他非常理解它,以至於這讓他真正同情那些調皮的人。 這並不意味著他沒有妥善處理它,他確實處理了。 這意味著他的預設功能富有同情心。 我們有多幸運呢? 一切都被原諒了。 我們總是可以重新開始。 我瞭解到,正如他們在法律中所說,正義被推遲就是正義被剝奪。 換句話說,我瞭解到,如果我現在面對不可面對的,幫助就會到來。 我瞭解到,如果我拖延,我會矇蔽自己。 我瞭解到,學生必須邁出第一步,然後Guru ji會拿掉學生千百樣業。 但是,學生必須先行動,這確實可能是一件可怕的事情。 我瞭解到,服從教導、老師、古魯大師和神本人的這個練習,就使這一步成為可能。 我瞭解到,服從真實使不可能成為可能。
服從會創造奇蹟。 服從造就感激之情。 感恩預言著奉獻精神。 奉獻融合成愛。 而且,愛融合成融合。 與古魯大師、無限、萬物之神、自我開光的自我融合。 保持調頻,
MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa
As shared on the Hacienda de Guru Ram Das website some years ago.
“Son,” the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan, said, “The guidelines of spirituality may vary depending upon many things, but one of the most important factors is obedience. It’s also one of the hardest concepts to surrender to.”
We were driving from the ranch to the El Dorado Hotel in Santa Fe on a summer evening in 1994. We spent many evenings eating and listening to live music at this venue. As usual, our teacher invited many people to join us. (Allow me to give credit today to some unsung heroes: for years, Dharma Singh and Siri Mukta Singh foot the bill for these outings, with no thought of reward.) The Siri Singh Sahib Ji found these times relaxing, entertaining, and a teaching stage. The El Dorado met all his requirements, so it became our usual hangout for many years. In fact, it was so well known that occasionally some people would come looking for us there. It was his nightly courtly gathering. Like everything good, It was never appreciated enough at the time.
Time spent in the car was one of the times where I could, once again, speak privately with our beloved teacher. What about the resident secretary on duty? Why do you say private? Because, after many years of experience, I can say that, unless called upon, the resident secretary on duty was there only to serve him, not to impose her personality. Also in his world, confidentiality was a silent, solemn oath and guarded religiously. My history reflects many intimate conversations I’ve had with our teacher within this environment. After all, if it weren’t kosher, he would have shut it down. No problem,
His above statement was in response to a question I had presented to him, “Sir, Isn’t obedience in the eye of the beholder?”
“What do you mean?”
“What I’m asking is, isn’t obedience subjective? How do you know that your being obedient to the right standard? How do you really know how well you’re doing?”
“Hari Jiwan, do you have a Guru?”
“Yes, sir, I do.”
“Then, use Him. He wants you to. Listen, I know His standards are subject to abuse, but so what! What isn’t? So long as the teachings remain pure, the purity of the Guru will continue to be available to all. I can’t help what others do. That’s their karma. I teach, I pray, I hope, I do whatever is necessary to help, but the rest is up to each individual. Use the Guru, His teachings, His mantra, to set your obedience in the right direction and everything will come out great.”
Back then, I understood intellectually, but his words hadn’t really sunk deeply into me. Don’t get me wrong, I truly admired his words, it’s just that, at the time, it was too much to deal with. It was another “catch you later” moment. So, I stopped asking any more questions and changed the subject. I started talking about building this dharma, he always liked talking about that.
Even though I’d changed the subject, the Siri Singh Sahib hadn’t. “The only way I’m sure of, and I know there are others, is obedience to the true teachings. Obedience to the true Guru is the real path to Infinity. All others are a gamble. I can’t take the risk. Obedience to the will of Guru Ram Das is my only desire, truly the only one that is left. And that’s the only desire which remains appropriate.”
I didn’t say a word in response. His words were finally penetrating my shell. I understood what he was saying. Very few are even aware of what obedience is in it’s true sense and are therefore afraid of it. It’s actually the most beautiful of disciplines if prejudice is put aside and karma allows for obedience to a true path.
“A healthy fear of not doing enough, and a healthy love in doing more than enough come together to create a Guru Sikh, a Gurumukh, a beloved in Guru’s court, a true man of God.” He said this easily because this is who he was. He understood obedience.
As a sidebar, I’ll tell you what he also understood, mischief, that’s what. He understood it so well that it made him truly compassionate to others who were being mischievous. That doesn’t mean that he didn’t deal with it appropriately, he did. What it means is that his default function was compassion. How lucky are we? All is forgiven. We can start anew, always.
I learned that, as they say in the law, justice delayed is justice denied. In other words, I learned that if I face the unfaceable now, help comes. I’ve learned that if I delay, I cloud myself. I learned that the student must take the first step and then Guru ji can take a thousand towards the student. But, the student must move first and that can be a scary thing. I’ve learned that the practice of obedience to the teachings, the teacher, the Guru, and God Himself, makes this step possible. I’ve learned that obedience to the truth makes the impossible possible.
Obedience makes miracles. Obedience creates gratitude. Gratitude foretells devotion. Devotion blends into love. And, love melts into merger. Merger with the Guru, the Infinite, the God of Everything, the self-illuminated self. Stay tuned,
In the Humility of Service and Gratitude,
MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa
本文選自 StudentsofYogiBhajan
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