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Papaji Yogi Bhajan 的父親 |
對 Mata Vaishno Devi 的承諾是 Yogi Bhajan 的父親在1976年分享的故事,講述了嬰兒 Harbhajan Singh(Yogi Bhajan)來到這個世界發生了什麼事。 Siri Singh Sahib 的父親 Kartar Singh Puri 被 3HO 同修親切地稱為「Papaji」。 這是Papaji分享的故事:
1928年,我從查謨和克什米爾的吉爾吉特退伍回來。在炎熱的夏天,我無法繼續我的(醫學)治療。 由於病得很重,有人建議我去旁遮普省古爾達斯普爾地區的達爾豪斯山站。
當我離開時,在我的小村莊哈爾卡姆(現在的巴基斯坦),我的兒子出生了。我收到訊息說一切都很好,為了我自己的健康,我應該待在那裡(在山站)。日期為 1929 年 8 月 26 日。
我父親特別高興,在比我還小的叔叔誕生後27年,這是27年來家族的第一個男性。 (27年來沒有男孩 — 最後一個是 Papaji 的叔叔)。 神和古魯大師如此祝福他(嬰兒),儘管那個小村莊裡沒有訓練有素的Dai(助產士),但他沒有遇到任何麻煩,分娩後他完全沒事。 在我(返回)吉爾吉特之前,我碰巧在距離查謨 20 英里的 Siri Najar 團的第二次停留處停了下來。
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Mata Vaishno Devi 神廟 |
我坐在高速公路的一側,突然我碰巧看到了被稱為 Mata Vaishno Devi* 的3座山峰。 我向 Mata Vaishno Devi 承諾:如果你在第一個女兒(當時)1歲(當時)之後生下一個兒子,我會在他出生後 40 天內把那個孩子帶到你的 Darbar(山上的神殿)。
當我從達爾豪斯回來時,我告訴我妻子我對 Mata Vaishno Devi 的承諾。 她非常難過。 她說:「 沒有人允許新生兒在分娩後40天之前外出,你說要去Vaishno Devi 洞穴,那裡沒有交通工具。 Hathi Matha的斜坡令人恐懼。 我不知道你是怎麼做出這個承諾的。」 我很抗拒,聽到這個承諾的每個人都嘲笑我的想法。 沒有人支持我的提案。 當我失去所有的希望,沒有任何幫助時,我再次向Mata Vaishno Devi 祈禱,希望她能創造機緣,幫助我履行承諾。
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通往 Mata Vaishno Devi 神殿的路 |
我去看望我的岳父母。 剛好當時五六個家庭成員正在制定一個去Vaisno Devi的計劃。 當我告訴他們我在25天大時帶嬰兒去洞穴(一路帶著25天大的嬰兒)的問題時,他們只是笑了。 但他們提供了一切可能的幫助來兌現承諾,Mata Vaishno Devi 將幫助自己完成這項任務。
在到達查謨後,我們出發前往卡特拉,那裡是斜坡的起點。 走了一段距離後,太陽開始下山了。 這個小男孩開始哭哭啼啼。 我妻子變得不安,說:「 我沒有要求你把這個計畫推遲到孩子幾個月大之後嗎?」 突然,一對夫婦在看到洞穴後回來了。 這名男子用一條綁在脖子上的布抱著他的孩子。 我詢問他攜帶了什麼。 他說他是我的兒子,他只有18天大,在Vaishno Devi的恩典下,我兌現了我的承諾。 我告訴我妻子,妳兒子都已經20天大了。 他們的少了2天。 注意保持妳的勇氣。
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Mata Vaishno Devi 神聖洞穴 |
我們走上去,到達陡峭的高度後,我們到達了Adh Kauri,在那裡我們睡了一晚。 第二天早上,我們在聖洞的Darshan之後開始了。 然後我們帶著精神飽滿健壯的嬰兒回來了。
在他的學校生活中,他(幾近)溺水了兩次;一次在運河裡,一次在 Hardwar 的恆河。 但神總是幫助他,他得救了。
* 神聖母親的聖地,隱藏在神聖的特里庫塔山上一個美麗的古老洞穴中。 神聖的母親以Vaishno Mata的崇高形式安息在這個地方。 它被認為是MahaKali、MahaLakshmi 和 MahaSaraswati 女神的化身。 Vaishno Mata的神社由Shaktas(作為神聖母親的崇拜者)極其尊重,是罕見的Shakti Peethas之一。 這是印度次大陸最高權力的住所。 Mata Vaishno Devi 神廟非常古老。 傳說Mata Vaishno Devi 在《Treta Yuga》中化身為一位美麗的公主。 為了人類的福利,她作為Parvati、Saraswati 和 Lakshmi 母親的Shakti 而來。 她在特里庫塔山的洞穴裡懺悔。 洞穴裡沒有雕像,遊客被要求保持沉默。
此篇文章由Sat Bachan Kaur編輯(即新標題),以便於在網站上閱讀
Promise to Mata Vaishno Devi is a story which the father of Yogi Bhajan shared in 1976 about the circumstances in which baby Harbhajan Singh (Yogi Bhajan) came into the world. The Siri Singh Sahib’s father, Kartar Singh Puri was fondly referred to by the 3HO Sangat as “Papaji”. Here is the story Papaji shared:
Expecting the child
In 1928 I came back from Gilgit in Jammu and Kashmir after I left my military service. During the heat of the summer, I could not continue my (medical) practice. And being very ill, I was advised to go to the hill station, Dalhousie, in Gurdaspur region in Punjab.
While I was away, at my small village in Harkarm (now in Pakistan), a son was born. I received information that everything was alright, and I should stay there (at the hill station) for the sake of my own health. Dated August 26, 1929.
First male in the family after 27 years
My father was especially happy that there was a male child in his family after 27 years after the birth of his uncle in my younger brother. (It was a span of 27 years that there was no male child – that last one being Papaji’s uncle).
God and Guru blessed him (baby) so much that in spite of no trained Dai (mid-wife) being available in that small village, he did not get any trouble and the delivery and after he was quite alright. Before my going (back) to Gilgit, I happened to stop at a second halt of the regiment going to Siri Najar 20 miles from Jammu.
The Promise
I was sitting on one side of the highway and suddenly I happened to see the 3 peaks known as Mata Vaishno Devi*. I promised Mata Vaishno Devi: if you give a son after the first daughter, (who) was 1 year old (at that time), I will bring that child in your Darbar (the shrine at the mountain) within 40 days of his birth.
When I reached back from Dalhousie, I informed my wife about the promise I made to Mata Vaishno Devi. She was very upset. She said “nobody allows the new born to go out before 40 days after the delivery and you speak of going to visit Vaishno Devi cave where there is no means of transport.
The slopes of the Hathi Matha is frightening. I don’t know how you made this promise.” I resisted and everyone who heard this promise laughed at the idea of mine. Nobody seconded my proposal. When I lost my every hope and no help came from any quarter, I again prayed to Mata Vaishno Devi that she should create such circumstances that may help me fulfill my promise.
Keeping the Promise
I went to see my in-laws. Five or six members of the family were making a program of going to Vaisno Devi. When I told them my problem of taking the infant to the cave at 25 days old (to take the 25-day old infant) they just laughed. But they offered all the help they could to make the promise fulfilled and Mata will help herself in this mission.
The Journey
We started, after reaching Jammu, we started for Katra, where the slope begins. After going a little distance, the sun was beginning to set. The little (baby) boy began to weep and weep. My wife became restless and said: “Did I not ask you to postpone this program ‘til the boy was a few months old?”
Suddenly a couple was returning after seeing the cave. The man was carrying his child by a cloth tied over his neck. I inquired what he was carrying. He said he is my son, who is only 18 days old, and I have by Vaishno Devi’s grace fulfilled my promise. I told my wife your son is 20 days old. Theirs is 2 days less. Keep courage.
The Sacred Cave
We walked up and after coming to the steep height, we reach Adh Kauri where we slept for the night. Next morning, we started after having the Darshan of the sacred cave. Then we came back with the baby hale and hearty.
During his school life, he happened to (almost) drown twice; once in (the) canal and once in the Ganges at Hardwar. But God always helped him and he was saved.
*The holy shrine of the Divine Mother is tucked into a beautiful, ancient cave high up on the sacred Trikuta Mountain . The Divine Mother rests at this place in the exalted form of Vaishno Mata. It is believed to be an embodiment of Goddess MahaKali, MahaLakshmi and MahaSaraswati.
Held with utmost regard by the Shaktas (worshippers of God as Divine Mother), the shrine of Vaishno Mata is one of the rare Shakti Peethas. This are the abodes of supreme power in the Indian subcontinent. The temple of Mata Vaishno Devi is very ancient. Legend has it that Mata Vaishno Devi had incarnated as a beautiful princess in Treta Yuga. And that she came as a Shakti of Mother Parvati, Saraswati and Lakshmi for the welfare of mankind. She performed penances in the cave on Trikuta Mountain. There are no statues in the cave and visitors are asked to remain silent.
This post was edited by Sat Bachan Kaur (i.e. adding headings), to make it easier to read on the website
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