2024年11月8日 星期五

純潔( Purity )

由M.S.S.撰寫。 來自馬薩諸塞州波士頓的Gurushabd Singh Khalsa在1979年出版的《叫Siri Singh Sahib的人》一書的第172-174頁上分享。 

我對白色譚崔瑜伽的第一次體驗是痛苦的。我們在科羅拉多州帕奧尼亞的山區。 坐在我對面的是一個我從未見過的女人,總共有三百人和我一起進行,開始了古老的白色譚崔Kriya。 一開始,以固定的眼神和看起來溫和的手臂動作開始,但五分鐘後,我開始有一點感覺到白色譚崔瑜伽好像過了很久。 接著我們繼續,直到達到31分鐘,交換了同伴後,又重新開始了半小時。 我感覺相對來說非常好,但在接下來的一個小時裡,我理性的頭腦感到了被擠壓。 起初,當痛苦開始影響我作為一個堅強的年輕男性的自我形象時,我的小我介入了,並開始戰鬥。 我必須跟上,因為我是一個堅強的男人,我不能讓這個我眼前可憐的虛弱女人失望。 這個想法足以短暫地爆發能量,但它似乎並沒有讓我的手臂產生太多的持續力量。 當我誦讀曼陀羅,並保持我的眼睛與同伴的眼睛穩定地連線時,噢這是最美好的部分。

我注意到,如果我把目光看向別處,它似乎會打破我們之間的能量連線,我手臂上的疼痛就會變得更加明顯。 所以,出於自我保護的本能,我一直盯著她的眼睛。 然後,我開始注意到下一層能量阻斷開始。 如果我把精神注意力從我的同伴和曼陀羅上移開,我手臂上的疼痛將變得難以忍受。 因此,我讓我的心智保持在曼陀羅中,眼睛繼續專注於她的眼睛,並找到了超越我自己真正的自由和力量,只是將自己與神聯繫起來,讓祂來做這項工作。

我記得華盛頓特區的白譚崔課程。 那次是Guru Ram Das的生日當天。 我和妻子面對面,看著對方的眼睛。 我可以在她的眼睛裡看到自己的倒影,我意識到我們真的是彼此的一部分,沒有什麼能像這樣的事這樣的動作,會影響我們其中的一個人,而卻不影響另一個人。 

第四位大師,Guru Ram Das以其治癒和慈悲心而聞名。 我記得祈禱:「 聽啊,Guru Ram Das,我知道這是你的女兒坐在我面前,我們被安排著,她看著我,而我在她的眼睛裡。 你為什麼不能讓我變得足夠純潔,以至於我在她眼裡不是汙穢? 為什麼不讓我完全純潔,這樣她看到的東西就是純潔的?」然後,Siri Singh Sahib 用低沉的語氣對著麥克風說:「 據說,如果你在Guru Ram Das 的生日那天許願,你的願望就會實現。」感到一絲絲喜悅從我內在流過。

Siri Singh Sahib 讓我們閉上眼睛,他帶著我們前往金廟的故鄉阿姆利則。 他完美地描述了通往人行道的大理石樓梯,人行道上環繞著寺廟本身的水池。 這是圍繞那輛坦克的歷史足跡。 這是 Baba Deep Singh 在激烈的戰鬥中奇蹟般地戰鬥,然後頭顱才掉下來的地方。 那裡有 Akal Takhat,第六位古魯 Guru Hargobind 在那裡為他的錫克(學生)服務。 有一棵 Baba 佛坐在那裡,監督建造聖池的樹。 最後,有一個傳說中以其治療能力而聞名的地方。 傳說是這樣的:一個患有痲瘋病的人坐在這個聖池的岸邊,當時它還沒有多少水。 它仍然只是一個池塘。 他看到一隻黑鳥在水面上盤旋。 突然,它潛入水中,重新出現,竟然變成雪白皚皚之色。 這個痲瘋病人就自己滑進了水裡,他的疾病竟被洗淨了。

當他的妻子回來時,他去擁抱她,但她把他推開了。 她不相信他是同一個人,她想知道她的丈夫去了哪裡。 最後,Guru Ram Das 解決了爭端,他說那個池塘的水在進行療癒。 他指出,那名男子的一根手指沒有浸在水裡,仍然有痲瘋病,並要求他在妻子看著時,把手指浸在水裡。 後來那根手指也痊癒了,妻子因此確信了她丈夫的身份。 

Guru Ram Das 將這療癒的水截在一個人造水池之中,在水的中心建造了一座金廟。 

即使在今天,人們也站在痲瘋病人被治癒的地方,以治癒自己。 在白譚崔練習期間,我們似乎真的就像在金廟一樣。 現在,我們在痲瘋病人痊癒的地方盤旋,Siri Singh Sahib說:「 想像,你的靈魂可以來到水池之邊。」

幾乎瞬間,一個小的、黑暗的、像蜥蜴一樣的生物出現了,並沿著水池的邊緣飄來飄去。 我的思緒說:「 啊,來吧,你一定是在開玩笑。」 然後接著(Yogiji )指示:

「 現在,讓它沉浸入第四位古魯建造的水池裡。」 就這樣,我的小卡通爬行動物靈魂滑入水中,融入一根發光的光棒一樣,如此明亮,如此清晰,以至於當它重新回到我的身體時,我對它的存在感到敬畏。 它的光芒充滿了我的整個身體。 我發誓永遠不會背叛它。

Siri Singh Sahib告訴我們,惡魔的靈魂和聖人的靈魂是一樣的,所有的靈魂都屬於神。 他還告訴我們,最糟糕的詛咒是自我詛咒。 我治癒的不是我的靈魂,而是我自己的自我憎恨所吞噬的黑暗。 在我的一生中,我從未尊重過女人的真正美麗,現在在我的妻子和偉大的譚崔面前,我為了一個女人,而變得純潔的祈禱得到了回應。 我當時欣喜若狂。



Written by M.S.S. Gurushabd Singh Khalsa from Boston, Massachusetts and shared on pages 172-174 in the book, The Man Called Siri Singh Sahib, which was published in 1979.

My first experience in White Tantric Yoga was excruciating.  We were in the mountains of Paonia, Colorado.  I sat opposite a woman I had never seen before, and along with three hundred people, began an ancient White Tantric kriya.  It started out innocently enough with fixed gaze and benign-looking arm movements, but then after five minutes I began to feel a little White Tantric Yoga went a long way.  We continued until we had reached the 31- minute mark, switched partners and began again for another half hour. 

I felt relatively on top of things, but in the next round of one hour, my rational mind felt the pinch.  At first, when the pain started impinging on my self-image as a strong young male, my ego stepped in and took up the fight.  I had to keep up because I was a strong man and I couldn’t let this poor frail woman down.  That thought was adequate for a short burst of energy, but it did not seem to generate much sustaining power in my arms. It was best when I just chanted the mantra and kept my eyes steadily linked with my partner’s.   

I noticed that if I looked away it seemed to break the energy link between us and the pain in my arms would become more noticeable.  So, out of self-preservation instinct, I kept my eyes glued to hers.  Then, I began to notice the next layer of energy blocking.  If I took my mental attention away from my partner and the mantra, the pain in my arms would become unbearable.  So, I kept my mind in the mantra and my eyes focused in hers and found a real freedom and strength beyond my own in just linking myself with God and letting Him do the work. 

I remember a White Tantric course in Washington, D.C. This was the occasion of the birthday of Guru Ram Das.  My wife and I faced each other and looked into each other’s eyes.  I could see my own reflection in her eyes and I realized that we were really a part of each other, that there was no such thing as an action that affected one of us and not the other.   

Guru Ram Das, the fourth guru is known for his healing and his compassion.  I can remember praying:” Listen, Guru Ram Das, I know this is your daughter sitting before me, and we have been placed so that she is looking at me and I am in her eyes.  Why can’t you make me pure enough that I am not dirt in her eyes?  Why not make me totally pure so that what she sees is pure?” 

Then the Siri Singh Sahib spoke in a low tone into the microphone, “It is said that if you wish for something on Guru Ram Das’ birthday, your wish shall be granted.”  I felt a little flutter of joy go through me. 

The Siri Singh Sahib had us close our eyes and he took us on a journey to Amritsar, the home of the Golden Temple.  He described perfectly, the marble stairway that led to the walkway containing the pool of water surrounding the Temple itself.  It is an historic walk around that tank.  There is the place where Baba Deep Singh’s head fell after he miraculously threw it in the heat of battle.  There is the Akal Takhat, where the sixth Guru, Guru Hargobind, ministered to his Sikhs.  There is the tree where Baba Buddha sat and supervised the building of the tank.   

And, finally, there is a spot legendarily known for its healing powers.  The legend goes like this:  A man stricken with leprosy sat on the banks of this body of water when it was not yet a tank.  It was still only a pond.  He saw a black bird hovering above the water.  Suddenly it dived into the water and reappeared, snow white.  The man himself slipped into the water and emerged clean of his disease.   

When his wife returned, he went to embrace her, but she pushed him away.  She didn’t believe he was the same man, and she wanted to know where her husband had gone.  Finally, Guru Ram Das settled the dispute, saying the waters of that pond were healing.  He pointed out that one of the man’s finger’s that had not been dipped in the water was still leprous and asked him to dip that finger in the water while his wife looked on.  That finger became healed too, and the wife became convinced that her husband’s identity. 

Guru Ram Das enclosed the healing waters in a tank and a Golden Temple was built in the center of the water.  Even today people stand at that spot where the leper was healed, in order to heal themselves. 

During the White Tantric exercise, it seemed as though we were actually at the Golden Temple.  Now we were hovering over the spot where the leper had been healed, and the Siri Singh Sahib said:” Imagine, your soul could come to the edge of the tank.”   

Almost instantly a small, dark, lizard like creature appeared and skittered along the edge of the tank.  My mind said, “Aw come on, you’ve got to be kidding.”  Then came the instruction 

“Now, let it dip in the tank built by the fourth Guru.”  With that, the little cartoon reptilian soul of mine slid into the water and emerged as a luminous rod of light, so brilliant, and so clear that when it reentered my body, I felt awed by its presence.  It's light filled my whole body.  I vowed never to betray it.    

The Siri Singh Sahib had told us that the soul of a demon and the soul of a saint are the same, that all souls belong to God.  He had also told us that the worst curse is a self- curse.  What was cured in me was not my soul, but the darkness in which I had engulfed it by my own self-hatred.  For my whole life, I had never respected women for their real beauty, and now in the presence of my wife and the Mahan Tantric, my prayer to become pure for the sake of a woman had been answered.  I was in ecstasy. 

本文選自 StudentsofYogiBhajan

                                         明月心滴翻譯 / 歡迎覺知轉載分享

