摘自《 冥想道路 2000 》雜誌的 30-38 頁
譚崔照片和 Mahan Rishi Singh Khalsa 對 Yogi Bhajan 的採訪
在新墨西哥州熾熱的陽光下,我們全在這裡坐了大約3個小時。 我們正在與被稱為「偉大馬哈譚崔」的瑜伽老師 Yogi Bhajan 一起為五天中的第一天暖身。 我不知道我到底準備好了什麼,但暖身已經足夠具有挑戰性了,我現在已經準備好好好休息和洗澡了。 天空是晴朗的藍色,我們被佩科斯山谷的常綠植物和松樹所包圍,離一條美麗而冰冷的河流不遠,我現在就想跳進去。 我坐在這裡排著一長隊的男人,面對著一長排女人。 我們全身都是白的,要被山上的陽光煮熟了。 暖身運動是唱誦、姿勢和呼吸練習的組合。 有很多腹部呼吸和手臂運動。 教練說了,我們正在加強和穩定下盤中心,這樣我們才能在譚崔期間保持平衡和提升。 喝了很多水,我已經準備好參與到即將到來的任何情況中。
當 Yogi Bhajan 到達時,他周圍有很多活動。 人們帶著一種樂趣、嚴肅和期待的混合奔來跑去。 Yogi Bhajan 一開始透過目光掃射人群來歡迎我們。 你可以看到他的眼睛,凝視著我們的頭頂和整個場域。 大約有五百人坐成非常直的直線。 他的雙手有各種手印動作,並感受聚集的電磁場,他出自於某種神秘的理由,指示著人們徹底移動改變。 當這一切發生時,他開玩笑地、也是認真地談論了許多具有靈性重要性的話題,如關係、命運、地球、寶瓶座時代、成為領導者、飲食、冥想、瑜伽,以及此時此刻看起來似乎流經他的一切事情。
他解釋了譚崔那天將做什麼,告訴我們隊伍的線要排得直,直視我們同伴的眼睛。 然後他告訴我們把手臂舉到一個 60 度角,從男人和女人之間的同步呼吸開始,然後開始唱誦。 這持續了一個多小時。 在某些時候,Yogi Bhajan 呼喊著,吸氣!!!!!! 堅持住!!!!!! 然後吐氣。 接著我們休息,喝點水,伸展身體,為下一次鍛鍊做好準備。 這種情況持續了幾個小時,經常和我以前從未見過的人在一起,但到了一天結束時,透過尊重、榮耀和愛,我開始深深地理解了。
「 當那個點到來,心智的無限光束開始向無限傳送訊號,無限與有限互相聯繫起來時,這個單位變成一種聯合合一,這就被稱為瑜伽心智的最高階段。」 ~ 摘自《 瑜伽士巴贊的教導 》
Yogi Bhajan 調整磁場 — 1975年在新墨西哥州佩科斯谷
我們的練習之一,舉起雙臂,凝視對方的眼睛、呼吸和唱誦,我感受到了同伴的痛苦。 我感覺她快要暈倒了。 然後我問自己,是她,還是我? 我感覺自己重新到中軸,以幫助放鬆和穩定我們的流動。 然而在一霎那間,我意識到我是那個即將失去什麼的人。而 她是給瑜伽提供力量和無敵的人。 經歷痛苦的時刻、狂喜的時刻。 我開始看著她的左瞳孔,因為我可以看到我們在那裡的合一,這感覺像是從鬥爭中分散了注意力。 在那持續了大約兩秒鐘,我馬上又再度回到了水深火熱中。 我必須擺脫自我。 現在她消失了! 她在哪裡? 她似乎在我呼吸時來來去去。 現在她的形態正在改變。 許多不尋常的面孔、影像和形狀在我眼前展開。 我第三隻眼睛的金觀音?
不知怎的,自我放下了,我體驗了被Prana普拉那擁抱著的輕盈。 但我的意志不是這樣做的,還有別的事情在發生。 讓我的頭腦集中在唱誦上,我的眼睛與我的同伴相連,我們的能量對齊,保持平衡,並撐住我們的手臂。 跟上!!!! Yogi Bhajan的聲音響徹整個山區。 他什麼時候會說吸氣呢?! 每一次呼吸,我都會直接看到我堅持的真理。 我聽說我們不會停下來,直到整個磁場變成藍色。 我覺得我變藍了! 好的,重新聚焦,然後放下前面的 .............. 吸氣!!!!!!!!!!!! 結束了,休息,現場音樂隨之而來。 宇宙之愛和幸福之歌。 深深的和平和天堂般的放鬆的時刻。 相互的愛、奉獻、解脫和尊重在譚崔空間中湧現。
「 在白色譚崔瑜伽中,能量被大量產生,以淨化身心。 靈魂已經準備好,在這純潔中開始,與生命本身臨在的真真切切的存在聯繫起來。」~YB(1972年3月,華盛頓特區)
從那時起,我有機會與 Yogi Bhajan 或他的一位主持人一起在全國各地參加了許譚崔課程。
我向讓我與神結合的科學頂禮。 我向創造力的絲絲入扣頂禮 ~ Guru Gobind Singh,JAAP 重複地唱誦吧!
前幾天在與Yogi Bhajan的談話中,他提到他的老師是Sant Hazara Singh,當時他是馬哈譚崔Mahan Tantric。 據說他是一位非常偉大的聖人,他可以透過記憶背誦整個Siri Guru Granth Sahib(錫克經文)。 Santiji 老師會給他們 Kriya(包括姿勢、呼吸和曼陀羅在內的練習),這些練習有時會持續數小時。 我記得七十年代我們在華盛頓特區做的一次譚崔,在那裡我們舉起了一個多小時。 這徹底地令人感到痛苦。 當我們完成鍛鍊後,他說他理解我們的痛苦,因為他的老師讓他做了八個小時的練習。 他說,譚崔的教導起源於幾千年前的印度,當時「 人類希望發展出一種完美的狀態」。
1971年春天的一個早晨,Yogi Bhajan,又名 Siri Singh Sahib,從晨間冥想中早早地就出來了,並向他的學生宣佈發生了一件不尋常的事情。 「馬哈譚崔」的衣缽剛剛傳給他。 他解釋說,當他的老師 Sant Hazara Singh 離開他的身體時,他已經將這一神聖的責任傳給了喇嘛 Lilan Po。 隨著喇嘛 Lilan Po 的去世,Yogi Bhajan 表示,「喇嘛 Lilan Po 以精微能量體出現,並傳遞給了他。」 這一事件對西方 3HO 的瑜伽教導和願景產生了深遠的影響。
他解釋說,譚崔是「經度和緯度,並創造了神聖的人類的態度。」 「 譚崔是神創造力的經度和緯度。」 「譚崔的確切含義是,就像你織布時一樣,有長度(經)和寬度(woof)。 長度被稱為 taanaa,寬度被稱為 peta......譚崔是一門使其一致化的科學,它教導並引導一個人從眾多散佈的分子,到聯合一致化的統一,穿過整個宇宙的經度和緯度。」
白色譚崔是一種瑜伽和冥想練習,它使用手印(手的姿勢、封印)、呼吸技巧、身體姿勢、曼陀羅和唱誦的組合來淨化能量圈磁場,並淨化潛意識。 在相對較短的時間內,潛意識的限制被釋放出來,讓內心自由,以及對心智具有掌握度。 Yogi Bhajan說過:「 打破潛意識的障礙是單位意識與最高意識的結合;你不能對瑜伽有任何誤解。 當意識能夠突破潛意識的阻礙,並能夠穿刺、並與至最高意識的意識融合時,這種結合被稱為瑜伽,一種正在發生的事,我們尋求這種正在發生的事,因為有限必須知道其無限的潛力。」
透過在這個層面上影響我們的心理,我們從腦袋的慾望、多重現實和觀念中解放出來,這些慾望、多重現實和觀念抑制了我們的進化,並使我們處於禁錮狀態。 「白色譚崔將不安全感的線索從潛意識層中解開。 當這些被移除時,你可以按真實情況處理事情,而不是像你的恐懼所描繪的那樣。」
譚崔能量由男性和女性一起在上面工作,我們坐成直線,彼此面對面,凝視著對方的眼睛。 Yogi Bhajan說,能量是對角線流動的,他稱之為「Z能量」。
「 來自人的能量,從角度的方向上穿過。 如果你坐在一個女人面前,那個女人的能量會放在左邊的一個男人和右邊的一個男人身上。 他們都互相編織在一起。」 據說,它想像宇宙的能量在自然界中是平行的或垂直的,就像一塊編織在一起的布。 當布在對角線上拉伸時會變強,白色譚崔、對角線或「Z」能量也會變強。 當馬哈譚崔引導時,這種能量會穿過潛意識。 「譚崔是宇宙的紡紗纖維。 知道對角能量的人都知道神的旨意。」
在談到心靈投射時,他說:「你的存在對整個宇宙有振動效應。 無論你在哪裡,無論你做什麼,即使你只是在另一個男人身邊過馬路。 換句話說,在神秘語言中,據說任何屬於你靈魂概念的東西都會受到它的影響。 你看到什麼,你聽到什麼,你感受到什麼,你觸控什麼,你與什麼有關,以及任何與你有關的東西都受到你振動壓力的影響......」使用對角線能量,馬哈譚崔 Mahan Tantric,Yogi Bhajan,將他精微能量體與參與者的精微能量體連線起來。 這與依靠衛星和電磁能來連線雙方的全球電話系統的工作方式相同。
「 在白色譚崔期間,宇宙的無限能量透過馬哈譚崔流向所有參與者。 白色譚崔不是普通的瑜伽。 如果沒有馬哈譚崔Mahan Tantric的存在,它就無法練習,因為它需要他對情緒超越性的掌握,它不僅有效,而且是安全的。 同伴們自中間白色的線條分坐面對面,馬哈譚崔Mahan Tantric坐在團體前面,投射出自己的星體來包圍團體。 他延伸擴展了自己的心靈電磁場,以涵蓋群體的能量圈。 在白色譚崔冥想期間,每個參與者的潛意識中有很多負面情緒浮出水面。 為了釋放這種消極情緒而不將其投射到同伴身上,馬哈譚崔透過自己的意識過濾負面情緒,並用自己的延伸擴展的能量場控制群體能量。 這個能量場充當起了一個保護盾牌,這樣學生能量圈裡攜帶的負面印記就無法相互融合在一起,他們的命運也無法交織在一起。 如果馬哈譚崔本身沒有完全地解脫,這樣一群人釋放的負面情緒,如果沒殺死他也會讓他生病。 參與者的能量圈最終必須變成藍色和金色,代表奉獻和完美。 白色譚崔瑜伽需要特殊條件。 它擁有一個特殊的老師,併最後產生了特殊的結果。」
我對Yogi Bhajan說:「 早在八十年代,你就不再自己領導譚崔課程,而是開始使用影片和主持人。 你預見到現在這樣嗎,還是會有另一個像你這樣的馬哈譚崔?」 他說:「 我們不會知道。 這是你不會知道的事情。」 我問人們是否仍然有同樣的潔淨效果。 他說:「 我現在覺得好多了。 一切都跟心理和電磁場有關。 沒有什麼其它新的事了。」
「 如果男性的心理磁場能與女性的心理磁場融合,它將達到平衡,如果這種超級心靈力量,它可以在靈魂中進行,那麼這對夫婦將安全地共度餘生;他們不會分崩離析。 那現在,這些是白色譚崔瑜伽的基本基礎。期間常會有內心被擾動到的感覺;有些人因為鄰居而掛斷電話、有些人有這個、有些人有那個... 。 一個人有很多方法讓他搞砸。 因此,當他們在生活中相遇時,他們是一堆難題;她既不清楚,他也不清楚。 他們結婚了。 幾年來,由於性生活和理解,這段關係進展順利,但後來他們開始爭吵。 戰鬥隨之而來。 厭惡和仇恨源於懷疑,懷疑只有在能量低的時候才會出現。 白色譚崔瑜伽可以提高能量。 它讓你在空間上獲得收益。 它讓你振作起來,給你更高的光芒。」
From pages 30-38 of Meditation Pathways 2000 Magazine
Tantric photographs and interview of Yogi Bhajan by Mahan Rishi Singh Khalsa
We’ve all been sitting here now for about 3 hours in the blazing New Mexican sun. We’re warming up for the first of five days of White Tantric Yoga with Yogi Bhajan, a man known to be the “Mahan Tantric.” I don’t know exactly what I’m ready for, but the warmups have been challenging enough, and I’m ready for a good long rest and shower. The sky is clear blue, and we’re surrounded by the evergreens and pines of the Pecos valley, and not far from a beautiful, cold river I’d like to jump into right now. I’m sitting here in a long line of men, facing a long line of women. We’re all in white, getting cooked by the mountain solar rays. The warmups have been a combination of chants, postures, and breathing practices. There’s a lot of abdominal breathing, and arm exercises. The instructor says that we’re strengthening and stabilizing the lower centers so that we can have the ability to remain balanced and elevated during the Tantric. Drinking lots of water, I’m ready to get into whatever’s coming.
When Yogi Bhajan arrives, there’s a great deal of activity around him. People are scurrying about with a mixture of fun, seriousness, and anticipation. Yogi Bhajan begins his welcome, by scanning the surface of the group. You can see his eyes, gazing above our heads and throughout the field. There are about five hundred people sitting in very straight lines. With his hands moving with various gestures, sensing the magnetic field of the gathering, he instructs people to shift for some mysterious reason. As all of this is going on he jokingly and earnestly talks about numerous topics of spiritual importance, such as relationship, destiny, the Earth, the Aquarian Age, becoming a leader, diet, meditation, yoga, and whatever seems to be flowing through him in that moment.
He explains what the Tantric will be working on that day, tells us to set our lines straight, and look directly into our partner’s eyes. He then tells us to bring our arms up into a 60-degree angle, begin with a synchronized breath between the man and woman, and start chanting. This goes on for over an hour. At some point, Yogi Bhajan exclaims, INHALE!!!!!! And HOLD!!!!!! And Exhale. We then rest, drink some water, stretch out, and get ready for the next exercise. This goes on for hours, often with someone I’ve never met before, but by the end of the day, through respect, honoring, and love, come to know very deeply.
Yogi Bhajan adjusting magnetic field—1975 in Pecos Valley, New Mexico
With one of the exercises with our arms up, gazing into each other’s eyes, breathing and chanting, I feel the pain of my partner. I feel like she’s about to pass out. Then I ask myself, is it her, or is it me? I feel myself re-centering, to help relax and stabilize our flow. In one split moment I realize that I’m the one about to lose it. She’s the one feeding strength, and invincibility into the yoga. Moments of agony, moments of ecstasy. I begin to look into her left pupil because I can see our oneness there, and it feels like a good distraction from the struggle. That lasts for about two seconds, and I’m right back into the fire. I have to get out of myself. Now she’s disappeared! Where is she? She seems to come and go as I breathe. Now her form is changing. Many unusual faces, images, and shapes unfolding before my eyes. A gold Kwan Yin at my third eye?
Somehow, self lets go, and I experience the lightness of being held by the prana. My will isn’t doing this, there’s something else happening. Keeping my mind focused on the chanting, and my eyes linked with my partner, our energies align, keep us balanced, and support our arms. KEEP UP!!!! Yogi Bhajan resounds throughout the mountain landscape. When is he going to say Inhale?! With every breath I see directly what I hold onto as my truth. I hear we don’t stop, until the whole magnetic field turns blue. I think I’m turning blue! Okay, refocus, and let go…………..INHALE!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s over, rest and live music follow. Songs of Universal love and happiness. Moments of deep peace and Heavenly relaxation. Mutual love, devotion, relief, and respect surge through the Tantric space.
This is a moment’s flashback, of what I remember experiencing almost twenty-five years ago at my first White Tantric Yoga course during a Summer Solstice celebration, held in the Pecos Valley Mountains outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Since that time, I’ve had the opportunity to do numerous Tantric courses throughout the country with either Yogi Bhajan, or one of his facilitators.
In talking with Yogi Bhajan the other day, he mentioned that his teacher was Sant Hazara Singh, who was the Mahan Tantric at that time. It’s said that he was a very great saint, who could recite the whole Siri Guru Granth Sahib (Sikh scriptures) by memory. Santiji would give them kriyas (exercises including postures, breathing, and mantra) that would last sometimes for hours on end. I remember one Tantric we did in Washington, D.C. in the seventies, where we kept our arms up for over an hour. It was excruciatingly painful. When we were complete with the exercise, he said he understood our pain, because his teacher had him do that exercise for eight hours. He said that the teachings of Tantric originated in India thousands of years ago, when “mankind wanted to develop a state of perfection.”
One morning in the Spring of 1971, Yogi Bhajan, also known as the Siri Singh Sahib, came out early from his morning meditation and announced to his students that an extraordinary thing had happened. The mantle of the “Mahan Tantric” had just been passed to him. He explained that when his teacher, Sant Hazara Singh, had left his body, that he had passed this sacred responsibility to Lama Lilan Po. With the passing of Lama Lilan Po, Yogi Bhajan states that, “he appeared in his subtle body and passed it on.” This event had far reaching effects on the teachings and vision of yoga for 3HO in the west.
He explains that tantra is, “the longitude and latitude, and creates the divine human attitude.” “Tantra is the longitude and latitude of the creativity of God.” “The exact meaning of tantra is, like when you weave cloth, there is a length (warp) and there is a breadth (woof). The length is called taanaa, and the breadth is called peta… Tantra is a science of unison, which teaches, and leads one from the multi-son, to the unison, through the longitude and latitude of the entire Cosmos.”1
White Tantric is a practice of yoga and meditation which uses a combination of mudras (hand gestures, seals), breath techniques, postures, mantras, and chanting to purify the auric field, and cleanse the subconscious mind. Through a relatively short period of time, subconscious limitations are released, allowing for inner freedom and mastery of the mind. Yogi Bhajan has said that “breaking the barriers of the subconscious mind is the union of the unit consciousness with supreme consciousness; you must not have any misunderstanding about yoga. When the conscious mind can break through the barriers of the subconscious block and can penetrate and merge with the supreme conscious mind, that union is known as yoga, a happening, and we seek this happening because the finite must know its infinite potential.”
By influencing our psyche at this level, we free our minds of desires, multi-realities, and perceptions which inhibit our evolution, and keep us imprisoned. “White Tantric disentangles the threads of insecurity from the layers of the subconscious. When these are removed, you can deal with things as they really are, rather than as your fear portrays them.”
Tantric energy works with masculine and feminine, sitting in straight lines, across from each other, gazing into one another’s eyes. Yogi Bhajan says that the energy flows diagonally, in what he calls the “Z energy.”
“The energy from the person, crosses angle wise. If you are sitting before a woman, that woman’s energy is going to one man on the left, and one man on the right. They’re all knitted into each other.” It’s been said to envision the energy of the universe as parallel, or perpendicular in nature, like a cloth woven together. As a cloth becomes stronger when it’s stretched on the diagonal, so is the White Tantric, diagonal or “Z” energy, stronger. This energy, when directed by the Mahan Tantric, cuts through within the subconscious mind. “Tantra is the spun fiber of the Cosmos. Whosoever knows the diagonal energy knows the Will of God.”
In speaking about mind projection, he says that “your existence has a vibratory effect upon the whole universe. Wherever you are, whatever you do, even if you just crossed the road by the side of another man. In other words, in the mystic language it is said that anything which comes within the concept of your soul is influenced by it. What you see, what you hear, what you feel, what you touch, what you relate to, and whatever relates to you is influenced by the pressure of your vibration…”
Using the diagonal energy, the Mahan Tantric, Yogi Bhajan, connects his subtle body to the subtle bodies of the participants. This works the same way as a worldwide telephone system that relies on satellites and electromagnetic energy in order to connect two parties.
“During White Tantric, the infinite energy of the universe flows through the Mahan Tantric into all of the participants. White Tantric is no ordinary yoga. It cannot be practiced without the Mahan Tantric present, because it takes his mastery over emotions for it to be not only effective, but safe. Partners face each other in lines white the Mahan Tantric physically sits in front of the group, and projects his own astral body to encircle the group. He extends his own psycho-electromagnetic field to encompass the group aura. During a White Tantric meditation, a lot of subconscious negativity from each participant comes to the surface. In order to release that negativity without its projection onto the partner, the Mahan Tantric filters the negativity through his own consciousness and controls the group energy with his own extended energy field. This field acts as a protective shield so that the students’ auras, which carry the imprints of their negativity, cannot merge with each other, and their destinies cannot entwine. If the Mahan Tantric himself were not totally detached, the negativity released from such a group, would make him ill, if not kill him. The participants’ auras must ultimately change to blue and gold, representing devotion and perfection. White Tantric Yoga needs special circumstances. It has a special teacher and yields special results.”
I said to Yogi Bhajan that “back in the eighty’s you discontinued leading the Tantric courses yourself and began to use a video and facilitator. Do you foresee this as the way it will be now, or will there be another Mahan Tantric such as yourself?” He said that “we don’t know. This is something you don’t know.” I asked if people are still getting the same cleansing effect. He said, “That it’s better now. Everything is psyche and electromagnetic field. There’s nothing new.”
“If the psycho-magnetic field of the male can be merged with the psycho-magnetic field of the woman, it will achieve a balance, and if, which this super psychic power, it can be conducted in the soul, then the individual couple shall live together safely for the rest of their lives; they shall not fall apart. Now these are the basic grounds on which White Tantric Yoga is based. There are disturbed feelings; some have hang-ups because of the neighbors, some have this, and some that. There are so many ways in which a person can get messed up. So when they meet in life, they are a bunch of hang-ups; neither she’s clear, nor he’s clear. They get married. For a few years the relationship goes alright because of the sex life and understanding, but then they start quarreling. Fights ensue. Dislike and hatred come out of doubt, doubt comes only when there is a low energy. White Tantric Yoga raises the energy. It gives you a gain in space. It lifts you up and gives you a higher light.”
本文選自 StudentsofYogiBhajan
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