Amrit Kaur Khalsa 在新墨西哥州推廣白色譚崔瑜伽 — 1999年6月
由華盛頓特區 Mahan Rishi Singh Khalsa 對 Sardarni Guru Amrit Kaur 進行的採訪。 1999年8月,刊登在 2000 年的《冥想之路》雜誌上。
MP:白色譚崔瑜伽是一種獨特的冥想形式。 這不是那種為眾人所知的。 當大多數人想到譚崔時,他們會想到男女之間的性關係。 你如何描述白色譚崔瑜伽呢?
GAKK:有三種譚崔道路。 有紅色譚崔,就是你剛才描述的那種。
白色譚崔瑜伽會在全面上起作用。 它利用男性和女性的極性能量來淨化潛意識。 這創造了穿越譚崔線的對角線磁場,並經由大師過濾。 這對每個人來說都是獨一無二的,因為每個人都有不同的東西正在被清理。這段經歷之後,常見的是個人對生活的直覺增強,以及深刻的潛意識變化。 這些變化通常透過從舊有的模式,能看到新的見解而來。 通常,人們對他們的舊問題沒有真正的意識,但突然間,他們以不同的心態或人生觀工作起來。 我喜歡解釋它,就像你在對你的意識進行春季大掃除一樣。 假設你正在打掃窗戶,水是曼陀羅,你採取的姿勢是手印,是肘部潤滑劑,動作則是你正在清潔窗戶的行動。 當你完成後,你可以透過那扇窗戶或更清晰地看到你的頭腦,而不是被舊的恐懼,或妥協自己的方式所矇蔽。 我們自己覺得被羞辱或疏遠的方面也被淨化了,這些與我們自己的神性和高貴性產生了分離。
MP:Yogi Bhajan 經常談論壇催經驗的經度和緯度,以及Z字型或對角能量的影響。 你能討論一下這個嗎?
GAKK:他經常說,如果你能想像一個盒子,並透過建立一個十字架在裡面做四個正方形,你就有正邊拉動和負邊拉動。 他說,如果你說一個負面的話,那就有一定的影響力。 由於整個宇宙是一體的,說一件負面的事情,你就承擔了那一件負面事情的業力。 當你抹去它時,有一種極性把你拉入另一個對角線,為你清除它並帶來解放。 Siri Singh Sahib(Yogi Bhajan)也談到了應用意識。 他說,你的態度必須與你正在做的事情的規模相匹配。 他把它應用到生活態度上。 當你有一個高度,你必須走多遠時,你就有了你想交付的東西的水準。 然後你需要一種態度,將口徑精準度傳遞到你想要達到的高度。
緯度必須與高度一起來進行。 經度則與地平線有關,或你必須覆蓋的深度或廣度。 每個人都生來就有行旅的命途。 他們必須覆蓋那個相當的距離。 當你走在一條靈性道路上時,你與靈魂和諧地生活時,你就是在自己向這一使命臣服。 然後你生活在幸福、和平、超然、中性中,你瞭解自己。 白色譚崔正在幫助你與此保持一致。
他說,「 你的靈魂有一段旅程,這是一段註定的旅程。 它需要經度緯度才能出生。 它選擇了它的地理,以及它培養你選擇的父母的本質。 前七年的這一切都在那裡。 一切都準備好了。 活動都安排好了。 這就像你有一本書,當有人有一本60頁的書,叫做生活時。 每一頁都必須翻開、瀏覽和理解。 中間可以有交叉引用,你會強調的東西、你會喜歡的東西、還有可怕的東西。 比如說,每一頁都是你生命中的一年。 生活像一本生命書一樣繼續,每個明天都會像今天一樣到來。」
MP:在白色譚崔瑜伽中,線條的穩定性和筆直度對能量的最佳流動很重要。 為什麼這很重要?
GAKK:以拉鍊為例,每個人都代表拉鍊中的一個齒輪或槽口。 當其中一個不對齊時,能量不會流動並卡在那裡。 如果你把它全部拿出來,它就壞了。 如果一條直線沒有保持,它可能會對你位置上下的人產生強烈影響。
這就是為什麼作為一名助理主持人,我確保線條非常筆直。 當任何一條線沒有對齊時,我都能感覺到它們內的不適。 當Siri Singh Sahib(Yogi Bhajan)曾經旅行並領導譚崔課程時,他會說這將如何影響他的脊柱。 當你在協調主持時,你可能沒有看到某個區域,但當某些東西不對齊時,你會感覺到它。 這就像在黑板上抓撓的聲音。 你可以在靈魂或心理層面上感受到它。 這通常被翻譯為一種生理觸覺。
MP:只是為了描述一下譚崔的設定 — 人們排著隊,大約五十碼長,一邊是男性,另一邊是女性。 他們凝視著對方的眼睛,或者某個手印並保持著姿勢。 在這些冥想中,沒有人可以穿過直線或在線上留下空白。
GAKK:這就像拿一把剪刀剪拉鍊。 到此結束。 重建精微但非常深刻的能量真的需要很長時間。 我們不想在磁場中留下空位或空洞。 一切都有程序,這些程序協議的存在是為了讓人們獲得最好的體驗。
MP:一個人坐著,凝視著伴侶的眼睛,經常是保持某種手印,配合呼吸,同時唱誦。 深度凝視的意義是什麼呢?
GAKK:每個人都有九個門和許多鎖來調節能量流動。 在譚崔課程中,這些大門要麼開啟,要麼關閉,這取決於能量的流動方式。 如果眼睛是睜開的,就會透過眼睛的大門進行能量交換。 如果眼睛閉著,有時耳朵是透過聲音開啟能量。 還有穿過第三隻眼睛和頭頂的大門。 鎖和姿勢創造了一定的角度來刺激能量流動。 身體是宇宙能量的幾何載體。
MP: 你知道白壇催可能非常具有挑戰性,某人如何做好準備呢?
GAKK:最重要的是,他們應該準備好體驗和面對自己本身。 他們不應該對此有先入為主的觀念。 即使是做過很多譚次白崔的人也不應該有先入為主的觀念。 成見在此起不了作用。
這不是一種你試圖獲得特定結果的瑜伽。 譚崔不屬於這一類別層級。 從某種意義上說,它是絕對的瑜伽。 如果有的話,就是Shunia 歸零的概念,你自己與靈魂結合的空間就是你所經歷的。 你需要開始與此工作,並面對那些淹沒你的事情,讓你的靈魂蒙上面紗的事。 你只需要意識到正在發生的事情 — 而不是透過評判它 — 而不是被它激怒,而只是以一種不執著超然的方式去注意觀察到它。 有時你會將經驗釋放到譚崔場中,那裡的頭頂是一個迴圈能量場。 有些時候,你真的需要曼陀羅或呼吸,並依靠所有的支援來繼續度過難關,去面對任何恐懼或過去的創傷。 但就像你在平時冥想中做的任何事情一樣,在某個時候,你必須放手,然後進入宇宙自我的空間。 這是一個你想掌握自己並瞭解自己各個方面的地方,這樣你就可以帶出你的靈性身份和神性。
MP: 當你正在進行持續 62 分鐘的動作時,你到了極其痛苦的地步,你會在那一刻對一個人有什麼建議?
GAKK:跟上! 如果我知道會有一個雙臂舉到 60 度的練習,那麼我會提前讓他們做好準備,是他們為此做出選擇,要去做的。 當你感到疼痛時,第一本能總是避免疼痛,所以你開始動作。 此外,當你感到痛苦時,你會說:「 不,我真的不想這樣做。」 這就像一個女人分娩時;有一個階段,她會說:「 不,我真的不想經歷這些。」 當她經歷它時,有分娩、也有巨大的歡欣鼓舞。 當你第一次登上那個舞臺時,這是你自己的命令 — 靈性控制你的小我。 你掌握了自我指揮身體的能力,超越了重力或情感的吸引力。 然後,你的靈性到了可以統治自己的一個點,而不是那些物質或頭腦。 然後頭腦就能為靈性服務了,你就勝利了。
MP: 在 20 世紀 80 年代中期,Yogi Bhajan 開始透過他精微能量體帶領譚崔,並選擇不同的人來助理進行這一過程。 作為一名助理主持人,你能描述一下偉大馬哈譚崔(Yogiji)沒有實際在場的情況嗎?
GAKK:我第一次協助時,我不確定我會經歷什麼。 為了幫助能量的流動,我做了很多祈禱和調頻。 我經歷到的是,當譚崔能量被啟動時,我作為協助進行者的分子速度會放大 — 電壓會放大。
自我速度,加速了,是我最能解釋的方式。 甚至在壇催日之前,你已經開始在不同的軌道或領域中運作。 Yogi Bhajan 幫助您準備系統,作為完成工作的工具。 你就像一顆衛星。 對於助理主持人來說,這是一個有趣的平衡,因為許多做壇催的人可能從未親眼見過 Yogi Bhajan。 大家不明白這一點。 要成為一個清晰的協助進行者,你必須足夠的臨在,也必須足夠的不在,這樣你本身就不會在那裡。 你只是正在為群體的過濾器提供服務。
MP: 壇催在個人層面上正在深入工作,但每個人都在用心和靈魂來唱誦,這種在人與人之間和周圍移動的能量動態流動,似乎也對地球產生了巨大的影響。 我經常看到現場天氣在變化。
GAKK:Yogi Bhajan 經常會談論受壇催影響的不同地界。 我們確實經歷過,是的,雨確實來了。 它透過不同的曼陀羅而來,並透過其他曼陀羅而停止。
MP:人們通常穿著白色衣服,在壇催瑜伽時遮住頭。 這個目的是什麼?
GAKK:這都是能量的流動。 當能量流動時,你沒有遮住頭,放大和發光的光線對人們來說可能太多了。 能量湧入他們,有時會導致頭痛或其他不適。 能量應該穿透並傳遞。
MP:據我所知,人們有時需要 40 天或更長時間才能真正獲得白壇催瑜伽的好處。 人們能做些什麼來最好地保持能量的流動嗎?
GAKK:我總是建議人們在接下來的 40 天裡進行冥想。 我認為有時人們在清醒的生活中發現了有趣的夢或變化。 我建議每天至少冥想 11-31 分鐘,以維持這個過程和好處。 不喝酒、抽菸或吸毒也很重要。 它們改變了身體的化學成分。 壇催瑜伽對腺體系統有強大的影響。 如果你想要它的好處,最好吃純淨的食物,喝足夠的水,並保持清潔。 現在,透過壇催,你得到了提升。 現在你可以決定你想用它做什麼了。
Guru Amrit Kaur Khalsa facilitating White Tantric Yoga in New Mexico—June 1999
This interview of Sardarni Guru Amrit Kaur by Mahan Rishi Singh Khalsa, D.C. August 1999 appeared in the Meditation Pathways Magazine in the year 2000.
MP: White Tantric Yoga is a unique form of meditation. It’s not one many people have heard about. When most people think of Tantra, they think of a sexual relationship between a man and woman. How would you describe White Tantric Yoga?
GAKK: There are three Tantric paths. There is Red Tantric, which is the one that you just described.
There is also Black Tantric, known for voodoo or casting of spells, which manipulate the elements for specific results and for purposes that serve the individual.
White Tantric Yoga works on a full level. It works on cleansing the subconscious mind, using the polarity energies of the male and female. This creates the magnetic field which diagonally goes through the Tantric lines, and filters through the master. It’s unique to each person because everyone has different things that are being cleansed. The common feeling after this experience is an enhanced intuitive sense about life, along with deep subconscious changes. Those changes often come about by seeing old patterns with new insight. Often people have no real awareness of their old issues, but all of a sudden are working with a different mentality or view of life. I like to explain it as if you are doing a spring cleaning of your consciousness. Let’s say you are cleaning a window. The water is the mantra, and the mudra, which is the position that you take, is the elbow grease and the action you use to cleanse the window. When you finish, you are able to see through that window, or into your mind with more clarity, instead of it clouded with old fears or ways which compromise yourself.
Also cleansed are the facets of ourselves that have been shamed or alienated, which create separation from our own divinity and nobility.
MP: Yogi Bhajan often talks about the longitude and latitude of the Tantric experience, along with the effects of the Z or diagonal energy. Can you discuss this?
GAKK: He often says that if you can imagine a box and make four squares in it by creating a cross, you have positive sides pulling and negative sides pulling. He says that if you say one negative thing, that has magnitude. Being that the whole universe is one, saying one negative thing, you take on the karmas of that one negativity. When you are erasing that, there is a polarity that pulls you into another one of the diagonals, clearing that for you and bringing liberation. The Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan) also talks about applied consciousness. He says that your attitude has to match the magnitude of what you are doing. He applies it to the attitudes of life. When you have an altitude of how far you have to go, you have a caliber of what you want to deliver. Then you need the attitude to deliver the caliber to the altitude that you want to go.
Latitude has to do with altitude. Longitude has to do with the horizon, or the depth or breadth of which you have to cover. Each person is born with a destiny to travel. They have to cover that distance. When you’re living a spiritual path, and you are living in attunement with your soul, you are surrendering to that mission on your own. You then live in happiness, peace, detachment, neutrality, and you know yourself. White Tantric is helping you become in tune with this.
“He said that your soul has a journey, and it is a predestined journey. It takes longitude and latitude to be born. It selects its geography, and its nurturing essence of the parents you select. All of this in the first seven years is there. It is all set. The events are all set. It is like you have a book, when someone has a book of 60 pages that is called life. Every page has to be turned, gone through and understood. In between there can be cross references, things you will highlight, things you will like, and dreadful things too. Every page, let us say, is a year of your life. Life proceeds like a book of life and every tomorrow will come as a today.”
MP: In White Tantric Yoga, the steadiness and straightness of the lines is significant for the optimum flow of energy. Why is this important?
GAKK: Take a zipper for example, with everybody representing a cog or notch in the zipper. When one of them is out of alignment, the energy doesn’t flow and gets jammed there. If you take it out altogether, it is broken. If a straight line isn’t maintained it can energetically affect the people that are down from you, or up from you.
That’s why as a facilitator, I make sure the lines are extremely straight. I can feel the discomfort within any of the lines when they’re not aligned. When the Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan) used to travel and lead the Tantric courses, he would say how it would affect his spine. When you are facilitating, you may not be looking at an area, but when something goes out of alignment you feel it. It’s like the sound of scratching on a blackboard. You can feel it on a soul or psychic level. This often translates as a physical sensation.
MP: Just to describe the Tantric set up a little—people are sitting in lines, about fifty yards long, with the men on one side and the women on the other. They are gazing into one another’s eyes or holding a posture with a mudra. During these meditations no one is to cut across the lines or leave a gap in the line.
GAKK: It is like taking a pair of scissors and cutting the zipper. It’s the end of it. It really takes a long time to reconstitute the subtle, but very profound energies. We don’t want to leave an emptiness or hole in the magnetic field. Everything has a protocol, and these exist so people can have the best experience.
MP: A person is sitting, gazing into their partner’s eyes, often holding a mudra, with a given breath, along with chanting. What is the significance of the deep gaze?
GAKK: Each individual has numerous locks to regulate the energy flow, along with nine gates. Those gates are either open or closed during a Tantric course, depending on how the energies flow. If the eyes are open there’s an exchange in energy through the gates of the eyes. If the eyes are closed, sometimes it’s the ears that are the opening of energy, through sound. There are also gates through the third eye and top of the head. The locks and postures create certain angles to stimulate the energy flow. The body is a geometric vehicle of cosmic energy.
MP: How would you prepare someone for a day of White Tantric knowing that it can be very challenging?
GAKK: Most importantly, they should come prepared to experience and face themselves. They should not have preconceptions about it. Even people who have done many Tantrics shouldn’t come with preconceptions. Preconceptions don’t work. It’s not a type of yoga where you’re trying to get a specific result. Tantric isn’t in that category. In a sense, it is the yoga of an absolute. If anything, the concept of shunia, the space of the union of yourself with your soul is what you experience. You begin to work with and face those things that bury you, and keep you veiled from your soul. You just have to be aware of what is happening—not by judging it—not getting aggravated by it, but just noticing it in a detached way. Sometimes you release the experience into the Tantric field where above your head is a field of circulating energy. There are times when you really need the mantra or the breath and rely on all the supports in order to keep rolling through, facing whatever the fear or past trauma has been. But like anything you do in meditation, at some point you have to let go into the space of a Universal Self. It’s being at a place within where you want to master yourself and know all the facets of who you are, so that you can bring out your spiritual identity and divinity.
MP: When you are in the middle of an exercise that goes on for 62 minutes, and you come to that point where it’s extremely painful, what would you suggest for a person in that moment?
GAKK: Keep up! If I know there’s going to be an exercise where both arms are held up at 60 degrees, then I would prepare them in advance to decide that they are going to do it. The minute you hit the pain, the first instinct is always to avoid pain, so you start to move. Also, when you hit the pain, you say, “No, I don’t really want to do this. It’s like a woman when she goes through childbirth; there’s a phase when she says, “No, I don’t really want to go through this.” When she goes through it, and there’s the delivery, there’s also the great exultation. When you first hit that stage, it is a command of yourself—of spirit over your ego. You develop the mastery of having the capacity to command your body over the gravity or emotional pull. Then your spirit gets to the point where it is ruling, not the matter, or the mind. The mind then serves the spirit, and you are victorious.
MP: In the mid 1980’s Yogi Bhajan began to lead the Tantric through his subtle body and chose various people to help in the facilitation of that process. As a facilitator, can you describe what happens with the Mahan Tantric not physically present?
GAKK: The first time I facilitated, I wasn’t sure what I’d be experiencing. I did a lot of prayers and attunement in order to help the flow of energy. What I experienced was that when the Tantric energy was activated, the molecular speed of myself as a facilitator would amp up—the voltage magnified.
The Self-speed, is how I can most explain it, is accelerated. Even before the day of Tantric you are already starting to operate in a different orbit or field. Yogi Bhajan helps to prepare your system as a vehicle to do the job. You are like a satellite. It’s an interesting balance for facilitators because many of the people doing Tantric may have never met Yogi Bhajan. The not understand this. To be a clear facilitator you have to be present enough and also absent enough, so that you aren’t there. You are serving the group filter.
MP: The Tantric is working deeply on an individual level, but also with everyone chanting with their heart and soul, this dynamic flow of energy moving between and around people seems to have a powerful effect on the planet as well. I often see the weather change.
GAKK: Often times, Yogi Bhajan will talk about the different realms that are affected by the Tantric. We do experience it, and yes, rain does come. Through different mantras it comes, and through other ones it stops.
MP: People usually wear white, and have their head covered during Tantric Yoga. What is the purpose of this?
GAKK: It’s all a flow of energy. When the energy is flowing through, and you don’t have the head covered, the light that magnifies and glows can be too much for people. There’s a pouring of energy into them that can sometimes result in headaches or some other discomfort. The energy should be passing through and passing on.
MP: From what I understand, it sometimes takes 40 days or longer for people to truly gain the benefits of White Tantric Yoga. Is there anything one can do to best keep the flow of energy going?
GAKK: I always recommend that people follow up with doing meditation for the next 40 days. I think sometimes that people have found interesting dreams or changes in their waking life. I recommend at least 11-31 minutes of meditation a day to sustain the process and the benefits. It’s also important not to drink alcohol, smoke, or take drugs. They change the body’s chemistry. Tantric Yoga effects the glandular system in a powerful way. If you want the benefits of it, it’s best to eat pure, drink enough water, and keep cleansing. Through the Tantric you have received a boost. Now you can decide what you want to do with it.
本文選自 StudentsofYogiBhajan
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