2024年9月22日 星期日

轉換:徹底改變 ( Transformation )



Siri Tapa Kaur Khalsa 撰寫,並在 1979 年出版的《The Man Called the Siri Singh Sahib》一書的第163頁上分享。 

我與「 Yogi Bhajan」 的第一次直接接觸是在華盛頓特區為期五天的秋季白色譚崔瑜伽課程中。 我上昆達里尼瑜伽課程大約一年了,我非常期待「白色譚崔體驗」。 

自從我的老師第一次提到白色譚崔瑜伽 —「男女對著坐的瑜伽」以來,我就一直想做。 我終於在那裡,戴著頭巾和白色衣服,與所有其他的人排成一排,等待著看進一個男人的眼睛,真實地交流。 經過至少一個小時的唱誦,Siri Singh Sahib 來了,課程開始了。 當然,這些練習令人難以置信,但 Siri Singh Sahib 更令人驚歎。 畢竟,他是主持整個場景的人。 比他的行動更令人印象深刻的是他的話。 他以如此強烈、親密和溫暖的方式與我們所有人交談。

我記得我的老師在課程結束後問我:「 好吧,你覺得 Yogiji 怎麼樣?」 我的回答是:我以前從未聽過這樣的人。他的話太吸引人了,我無法做白日夢或打瞌睡,儘管我以前從未打瞌睡過,我每晚也只睡四個小時。 雖然他向一群不同的人講課,但我覺得Siri Singh Sahib 是在直接和我說話。 他似乎知道我在想什麼,因此可以結束我所有的困惑,這很好,因為我第一次強烈地體驗了錫克正法和 3HO 的生活方式。 作為史密斯學院的瑜伽學生,我參加了白譚崔課程。 我以 3HO 的新靈感成員回來了。 讚嘆智慧古魯大師! 我對 Siri Singh Sahib 與我們分享的教誨和唱誦真實之名Nam感到倍受祝福。 

現在,兩年半後,我結婚了,我期待有一個孩子,根據 Yogi Bhajan 和錫克正法的這些和更多教導長大。 我承諾以卡沙 Khalsa 的身份而生活,並以卡沙的身份撫養我的孩子,這都要感謝 Siri Singh Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogi ji 願他得到祝福!

Written by Siri Tapa Kaur Khalsa and shared on page 163 of the book,  The Man Called the Siri Singh Sahib, published in 1979.

My first direct contact with “Yogi Bhajan” was during a five-day fall white Tantric Yoga course in Washington, D.C. I’d been taking Kundalini Yoga classes for about a year, and I was greatly anticipating the “White Tantric Experience.” 

Ever since my teacher first mentioned White Tantric Yoga – the “yoga between men and women”, I’d wanted to do it.  And there I was finally, in a turban and white clothing, lining up with all those other people, waiting to look into a man’s eyes and truthfully communicate.  After at least an hour of chanting, the Siri Singh Sahib arrived, and the course began.  The exercises were, of course, incredible, but the Siri Singh Sahib was even more amazing.  After all, he was the one directing the whole scene.  More impressive than his actions, were his words.  He talked to us all in such a strong, yet close and warm way. 

I remember my teacher asking me after the course, “Well, what do you think of Yogi ji?  My response was, “I’ve never listened to anyone like that before.”  There was something so magnetic about his words, I couldn’t daydream or fall asleep, even though I’d never previously managed with only four hours of sleep a night. 

Although he lectured to a whole group of different people, I felt the Siri Singh Sahib was talking directly to me.  It seemed he knew what was on my mind and therefore could end all my confusion, which was great, as I was for the first time intensely experiencing Sikh Dharma and the 3HO lifestyle.   

I went to the White Tantric course as a yoga student from Smith College. I returned as a newly inspired member of 3HO.  Wahe Guru! I was high in the bliss on the teachings the Siri Singh Sahib shared with us and the chanting of the Nam. 

Now, more than two and a half years later, I’m married and expecting a child, to be raised according to those and many more teachings of Yogi Bhajan and Sikh Dharma.  I’ve made the commitment to live as Khalsa and raise my children as Khalsa, all thanks to Siri Singh Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogi ji.  May he be blessed! 

本文選自 StudentsofYogiBhajan

明月心滴翻譯 / 歡迎覺知轉載分享

