呼吸:眼鏡蛇呼吸 。透過鼻子吸氣,透過鼻子吐氣。 吐氣時,透過鼻子發出有力量嘶嘶的聲音。
手印:Ravi Mudra 太陽手印,拇指尖和無名指尖在一起。
抬起手臂吸氣,曼陀羅重複 Sat Nam,Sat Nam。然後呼氣,放下手臂,曼陀羅重複 Wahe Guru,Wahe Guru。 隨著音樂的節奏移動,慢慢地抬起和放下手臂,深深地呼吸。
繼續動作和手印,開始隨著音樂跟著一起唱誦。 11分鐘。
結束:深吸氣,屏住呼吸,根鎖,呼氣。 再重複兩次,然後放鬆。
Yogi Bhajan 於 1995年8月17日教導
我們今天要做Ravi Mudra,也就是太陽手印 。 太陽手印是無名指。 我們昨天左右都做了練習,對嗎? 喘口氣,好的。 今天,我們將用蛇的呼吸(Snake Breath)來做這件事。 蛇的呼吸意思是眼鏡蛇的呼吸。眼鏡蛇呼吸意味著,當你像這樣上升時,你吸氣,當你下來時,你呼氣;你呼氣真的很好。 這將產生真空,將下丘腦和額葉移入旋轉系統。 這種呼吸也會在腦幹中產生第一環和第二環,腦幹控制著你整個存在的地理。 你會有一個非常不同的體驗。 你明白我在說什麼嗎? 但問題是把它做對了。 好嗎? 太陽手印就是這個手指,而你像這樣坐著。
我們要播放一個磁帶,今天我們會要求你完全閉上眼睛,坐得像你很完美一樣。 首先,假裝你很完美。 你雖然不是;我知道,你知道,我們都知道。 但儘管如此,假裝是可以的。 假裝你很完美,當它磁帶唱 「 Sat Nam」時,你一路上去吸氣。 當磁帶上唱著「 Wahe Guru」時,它會說兩次。 它給你一個非常有節奏的時間,這個曼陀羅是有節奏的,然後你下來,你的呼吸會像......蛇在呼氣時發出嘶嘶聲。 你每次動作都會創造一點真空,這一點真空,將改變你的整個灰質和神經平衡。 它會給你帶來你從未體驗過的新鮮感。 這被理解為一門科學嗎? 並不是說你今天只能和我一起做,你可能做得不完美,你也可以試著在家裡做。 但你必須去做才能體驗到。
願恆久的陽光照耀著你,所有的愛都環繞著你,你內心的純潔光芒指引著你。 讓你的靈魂找到信任,讓你的信任找到信念的統一,讓你的信仰找到愛,讓你的愛找到無限,讓你的無限賜予你整體、真實、豐盛、美麗、厚足和幸福。 讓你的生活變得光亮。 讓生命和光永遠融合在造物主的合一中,為這個地球上的每一個生靈。 Sat Nam。
~ Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan August 8, 1995
Part 1
Posture: Sit in easy pose with the legs crossed.
Eyes: Closed.
Breath: Cobra Breath – Inhale through the nose and exhale through the nose. Create a hissing sound through the nose with a powerful exhale.
Mudra: Ravi Mudra or Sun Mudra. Tip of the thumb and tip of the ring finger are together.
Mantra: Sat Nam Sat Nam, Wahe Guru Wahe Guru (See embedded audio below). For Part 1, breath with the mantra (mouth is closed). Begin chanting with the mantra in Part 2.
Movement: To begin, the elbows are tucked into the body and the palms are up and facing the body in Ravi Mudra. Inhale and slowly raise your arms up as the mantra repeats Sat Nam, Sat Nam and exhale, lowering the arms as the mantra repeats Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru. Move in rhythm with the music, slowly lifting and lowering the arms, breathing deeply.
Time: 11 minutes
Part 2
Continue the movement and the mudra but begin chanting with the music.
Time: 11 minutes
To End: Inhale deeply, suspend the breath and pull the locks, exhale. Repeat twice more and relax.
“We are doing Ravi Mudra today, Sun Mudra. Sun Mudra is the ring finger. Today, we’ll do it with a Snake Breath. Snake Breath means Cobra Breath. This breath will create a vacuum, which will move the hypothalamus and the frontal lobe into the rotary system. That breath will also take the first and second ring in that stem of the brain, which controls the entire geography of your being. You will have a very different experience. When your arms come down, exhale through the nose powerfully and that hiss of the snake will come while breathing out. You create on every strike, a little vacuum, a little vacuum that will change your entire gray matter and neurological balance. It will bring you to the freshness that you never have experienced.
Close your eyes please and just understand the beauty is in that hiss. Nothing else. Second part, when we begin chanting, with the tip of the tongue, we stimulate the upper palate and thus stimulate the hypothalamus. Simple. There will be equal insanity with equal progress. But once you do dharma, then karma will not affect; then the hand of God will work.
May the long time sun shine upon you, all love surround you, and the pure light within you, guide your way on. Let your soul find the trust, let your trust find the unisonness of faith, let your faith find the love, let your love find the Infinity, let your Infinity gift you totality, reality, prosperity, beauty, bounty and bliss. Let your life become light. Let life and light merge forever in oneness of the Lord Creator for every creature on this earth. Sat Nam.”
Read an excerpt of this lecture.
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