2024年9月22日 星期日

幫助人們去瞭解靈魂在地球上的旅程 ( Helping People to Understand their Soul’s Journey on the Earth )


Antarjami 的數值命理學

Antar Jami 是 Pritam Bhagwati 的創造,透過直覺和自我認知過程,來傳播和學習數字學的創造性和普遍語言。 將其理解為一個完整和多維互連的系統。 Antar Jami豐富了瑜伽、音樂、色彩和幾何學的智慧。 透過瞭解語言,我們可以解碼它傳遞給我們的資訊,並認出才能和挑戰,以及追蹤過去阻止我們實現和解放自己的經驗。

昆達里尼瑜伽的冥想和練習,是徹底改變數字向我們揭示東西的方式。 喚醒內在力量,釋放限制我們的條件和信念。 Pritam Bhagwati 每年都會進行個人諮詢並組織Antar Jami 培訓——譚崔數值命理學,以及學習小組和研討會。 在喚醒意識中使用數字學語言。

點選此拜訪 Antar Jami Pritam Bhagwati 數值學網站

Antarjami Numerology

Antar Jami is the creation of Pritam Bhagwati to transmit and learn the Creative and Universal Language of numbers, through intuition and the process of self-knowledge. Understanding it as a complete and multidimensionally interconnected system.

Antar Jami enriches the wisdom of yoga, music, colors, and geometry. By knowing the language, we can decode the information it transmits to us and identify talents and challenges, traces of experiences from the past, which stops us from realizing and freeing ourselves.

The meditations and practices of Kundalini Yoga are the way to make the transformation, of what the numbers are revealing to us. To awaken inner power and release conditioning and beliefs that limit us.

Pritam Bhagwati makes personal consultations and organizes Antar Jami training every year – Tantric Numerology, also study groups and workshops. To use the Language of Numbers in the awakening of consciousness.

Visit her website to find out more Antar Jami Numerología con Pritam Bhagwati

本文選自 StudentsofYogiBhajan

明月心滴翻譯 / 歡迎覺知轉載分享

