2024年9月23日 星期一

曼陀羅: Teree Meher Daa Bolnaa (Mantra: Teree Meher Daa Bolnaa)

Teree Meher Daa Bolnaa
Tudh Aagai Ardasse
Guru Guru Wahe Guru
Guru Ram Das

Aad Guray Nameh
Jugaad Guray Nameh
Sat Guray Nameh
Siri Guru Dayvay Nameh


噢,Guru Ram Das,這是我對你的祈禱。 









這個唱誦是 Yogi Bhajan 在某次講課前完成的。 他調頻進入 Guru Ram Das 以及幾個世紀以來在這個星球上傳遞智慧的教師黃金鍊。 如果你在任何時候想調諧這種能量,或者只是感受 Guru Ram Das 和 Yogi Bhajan 的臨在,這是一個完美的曼陀羅,可以吟誦或聆聽。

Snatam Kaur 為此曼陀羅寫道

「 Yogi Bhajan 在 2004 年 10 月 6 日離開了他的身體。 對我們許多人來說,他比以往任何時候都更活生生的,因為我們意識到他的教導透過我們每個人繼續存在。 他總是說,他教的每一件事都來自 Guru Ram Das 的恩典。 每次講座前,他都會誦讀這個曼陀羅。 正是透過這種弟子之於古魯大師的謙卑關係,Yogi Bhajan 給了我們許多轉變和意識的工具。 早在 1999年,Livtar Singh、GuruGanesha Singh 和我把這個曼陀羅放在音樂中,當我第一次在錄音室誦讀它時,以及此後每當我誦讀它時,它都會把我帶回 Yogi Bhajan 用手放在心輪中心誦讀的這個畫面,我感覺到他和我在一起,把我與Guru Ram Das 的恩典聯繫起來。 在我環遊世界的過程中,我看到了對 Guru Ram Das 的奉獻是如何以多種形式帶來偉大的療癒和奇蹟的。 如果你讓 Guru Ram Das 進入你的內心,會發生什麼就在你和他之間。 但是,毫無疑問會有療癒和恩典。

聽 Snatam Kaur 唱這個曼陀羅:

Teree Meher Daa Bolnaa

Tudh Aagai Ardasse
Guru Guru Wahe Guru
Guru Ram Das
Jugaad Guray Nameh
Sat Guray Nameh
Siri Guru Dayvay Nameh

May my words be from you and
May my mind be a source of knowledge and ecstasy
That wisdom may come as I act as a servant of the Infinite.
I bow to the Guru throughout the ages
I bow to the Guru that is true here and now
I bow to the Great Guru that will always and forever be.

More Information:

This chant was done by Yogi Bhajan before he lectured.  He tuned into Guru Ram Das & the Golden Chain of Teachers that have passed wisdom down on this planet for centuries. If at any time you would like to tune into this energy, or simply feel the presence of Guru Ram Das & Yogi Bhajan with you, this is a perfect mantra to chant or listen to.

Snatam Kaur wrote about this mantra:

“Yogi Bhajan left his physical body on October 6th, 2004. For many of us, he is even more alive then ever before, as we realize that his teachings live on through each of us. He always said that every thing that he taught came from the grace of Guru Ram Das. Before every lecture he chanted this mantra. It is through this humble relationship of disciple to Guru, that Yogi Bhajan gave us so many tools for transformation and awareness. Back in 1999 Livtar Singh, GuruGanesha Singh and I put this mantra to music, and when I chanted it for first time in the studio, and whenever I have chanted it since, it brings me right back to the image of Yogi Bhajan chanting this with his hands at the heart center, and I feel him with me, connecting me to the Grace of Guru Ram Das. In my travels all over the world, I have seen how devotion to Guru Ram Das brings great healing and miracles in many forms. If you let Guru Ram Das into your heart, it is between you and him as to what happens. But, there will no doubt be healing and grace.”

本文選自 StudentsofYogiBhajan

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