2024年9月23日 星期一

Yogi Bhajan 關於隔離和連結的語錄 ( Yogi Bhajan Quotes on Isolation and Connection )


孤獨是地球上最悲傷的事情。 集體意識消除了孤獨感 — 我並不孤單;我有很多兄弟姐妹。這是一種獨特的力量 — 當這些兄弟姐妹和善良激勵我瞭解自己的善良時,我知道我是善良的,我周圍都是我所有兄弟姐妹的善良。 1974年3月11日 

隔離不是生命的法則。 有些人完全隔離了自己。有些人以稍微大一點的方式和小一點的方式限制自己。 只要你將自己隔離在任何身份中,你就失去了對無限的視線。 身份已被賦予你,以來達到無限的。 1995年7月3日 

無論你不理解的是多少東西,你都一直在緊縮。 如果你一直收縮,那麼生命有什麼用處呢? — 成功和心靈;生命的氣息是一份值得分享的禮物

當你認為宇宙與你不同,你與宇宙不同,或者你想與宇宙不同,你超越宇宙與其不同時 — 「 我只想要我自己的世界」— 哈哈,那你就是在尋求直接的麻煩。 你怎麼能和神競爭呢? 1978年5月5日

當你在同修裡做靈修練習時,你會以多種方式豐富自己。 首先,你可以將打擊任何人讓其發瘋的隔離感在此失敗。 其次,當你們所有人都在冥想神時,你們的靈修練習的效果會隨著參與人數的增加而增加。

— KRI國際寶瓶教師培訓手冊

你無法隔離地生活。 你可以假裝或練習隔離,但你是一個孤立的人並不是事實。 你可能會把自己關在一個很小的壁櫥裡,但你仍然會振動。 你的磁場會振動。 你的磁場投射會振動。你的物理元素在振動。你的心智在震動。 這些振動會影響你周圍、頻率和範圍內的其他人。 所以你不是個人。 我們互相影響。 1972年3月1日 

你必須伸出手來觸碰別人。 你必須修補你們的關係。 你必須在自己身上建立人類心智的統合性 — 在心理和社會學上。 給彼此美麗的微笑和歌聲。 2000年1月5日

在群體靈修中,單一光圈會融合並形成一個群體光圈。如果這個團體被很好地調頻到無限中,就會形成一個反射所有顏色的彩虹光環。真誠和奉獻的藍色佔主導地位。 這種能量圈的轉變有助於練習者超越以自我為中心。

 — 寶瓶師教師培訓手冊

當你不接受孤獨作為最高意識狀態時,你如何獲得滿足? 當你達到一切的頂端時,你就成了合一。 孤獨,獨家,在那種獨特的合一中,孤獨主義,你內在的合一就被喚醒了。 


如果我們擠壓我們自己掉下來、封閉自己、開始評判和進行懲罰,並對彼此制定規則,所有我們創造的只是恐懼。 讓我們變得像神一樣廣闊、互相擁抱、彼此相愛。 讓我們變得溫暖、閃耀、美麗和明亮。 



— 寶瓶教師培訓手冊

建造更多的俗世設施,只會變得隔離,儘可能地把自己逼到牆角,這不會是真實。 我們現在正走向那個時代,在這個時代,這個資訊時代將把每個人都烤成現實,每個人都會為更高的自我而行動。


我們是團體、我們是能量;我並不孤單。 我不是一個人。 我可以激發出這麼多人的力量。 這就是群體意識:我並不孤單.. 


早課的集體意識是互相幫助。 如果我試圖睡覺,另一個人沒有睡覺。 如果在整個群體中,一個人只向神敞開一次心扉,我們都會因他的開放而得到祝福。

 — 寶瓶師教師培訓手冊

變得社交有什麼問題嗎? 和別人見面有什麼問題嗎? 你為什麼一直表現得像狒狒一樣蹦蹦跳跳? 你為什麼總是談論苦難? 所有這些業力會這樣加起來。 向所有人展示光明和道路是你的正法。 讓你的記憶永遠是,你會提升一切。

—  成功和精神

慈悲心的狀態是當你不承認除你之外的任何其他身份時。你不會有恐懼,你也不會有復仇,因為你會獨自。 孤獨,合一,是所有時代和所有成分的終極真實。 所有元素合併為一體。 我敦促你創造一個翻湧,與一個被稱為神的孤獨臨在融合。


只有一種力量是任何人都無法擊敗你的。 它渴望歸屬感。 你的力量是你渴望屬於真實的身份,這就是無限。


領導者必須做三件事。 第一個是犧牲。 第二個是獨自站立。 第三個是領導。 領導者是能夠站在梯子頂端,保持平衡和獨處的人。 


群體意識發展到體驗無限,是通往宇宙意識的橋樑。 障礙將永遠存在。 缺乏知識、缺乏老師、假我、恐懼和業力都是障礙。 這些障礙使一個人受到限制。 群體意識釋放無限的自我,滿足靈性渴望。

— 寶瓶師教師培訓手冊

寶瓶時代正在帶來意想不到的變化。不僅是你,每個人都會感到孤獨,而你是孤獨迴圈的一部分。 因此,去建立一種關係。 現在是同意的時候、是傾聽的時候、是合作的時候。是時候信任了。 


當你變得孤獨,你不愛自己、你會流淚,你會感到痛苦。 那它就沒有達到與最高的一合一的獨特孤獨性。 你們無意識地都達到了一體性。但在意識上你們都否認它(合一)。 


如果你沒有與這種浩瀚交織在一起,如果你沒有絕對把自己交給這種存在、生活的整體,那麼你會感到非常獨立、孤獨、困惑,過著被詛咒的生活。 你將只是一個人 — 出生和死亡;就是這樣。 你從未出來過。 你的小我、恐懼和騷動是一個繭,你永遠不會孵化、開花和美麗。

— 心智:它的投射和多個方面

人們不知道如何照顧他們的孤獨。 今天,大多數受苦的人都覺得自己很孤獨。 孤獨來自於你內心的存在,那就是你的靈魂。 你的靈魂是孤獨的,因為它想和上神在一起,它想感受神聖精神的湧入。 


當你說:「 我不是這個。 我不是那個。 我沒有在這理喔。 我也不在那裡喔」你在和誰說話呢? 你這世的生活意味著,活出所有一切都在你之內,所有臨在都在你之內。神是無所不在的,是全能的。 你也是。

—  成功和精神

生活的整個痛苦開始於當靈魂的飢餓沒有得到滿足。 靈魂是飢餓的,需要由更高自我的精神,透過更高臨在的話語,由聖潔的陪伴來滿足。


只要有一個人用心和靈魂,以祈禱的心智走進薩達納靈修練習,我們都會受益。 這就是團體薩達納的力量。

— 寶瓶師教師培訓手冊

我們稱自己為文明人,有教堂、宗教教師、瑜伽士、斯瓦米、傳教士和輔導員 — 有很多種位置 — 但你們在精神上都是孤獨的,這難道不令人驚訝嗎? 有書籍、圖書館和雜誌,但你仍然很不幸,仍然孤獨。 你從未被教導過這種孤獨是一種力量。 你沒有練習,所以你一天比一天更嚴重,越來越難。 你從未被教導要成為你自己。 你卻被教導要成為「某人」。 


如果你必須自己做靈修練習薩達納,那麼當你唱誦時,想像一下你周圍有一百萬的其它人。 聽到他們都在唱誦,你在中間,一動不動。 感覺你沒有在身體上唱誦,但卻在領導唱誦,讓唱誦引導你。 正如你所想像的那樣,繼續唱誦。

— 寶瓶師教師培訓手冊



你們互相認識嗎? 不。 你一生都在努力工作,但從未認識過對方。 不理解慈悲就是不理解神。 神是擴張的衝動,人是富有慈悲理解的擴張。

—  成功和精神

將一應用於一切。 將合一應用於你的敵人;將合一應用於你的朋友;將合一應用於你的災難;將合一應用於你的毀滅;將合一應用於你的建設;將合一應用於一切。 你會感覺很棒。 你的恐懼會消失,你的悲劇會融化,你的悲傷會消失。 1992年6月28日

操控你的是恐懼。 彼此的恐懼。 恐懼症。你的精神、你的靈魂的驚人恐懼症。 這就是你不能臣服的原因。 


我們不能與冷鬱症活在一起。我們不能與不停地否認活在一起。 我們不能與我們的隔離感活在一起。保持敞開、直截了當,做你自己。


沒有寬闊和豐富的頭腦,你就會糾纏在地球上,試圖擁有一切,但最終一無所有。 丈夫和妻子吵架、父親和孩子們打架、孩子們和母親打架。你沒有親切感,沒有連結能力。你沒有發展出任何東西,也沒有深度。

— 心智:投射和多個方面



生命的氣息是你活著的最終原因,其目的是,你必須從渺小中成長。你正在宇宙中創造一個宇宙。這就是所謂的孤立的心理學、社會學和個人影響。 不要只考慮盒子。 把它想象成巨大的宇宙,並成為其中的一部分。


因為隔離感,你阻擋了所有的機會、所有的財富、所有的幸福以及所有應該來到你身邊並屬於你的一切。你舉起盾牌;什麼也進不去。 如果你是一個開放、寬廣、誠實、給予、接受、微笑、善良的人,即使是神也能走進你。 


放下你的隔離感、放下你的憤怒,你就會成為宇宙的一部分。 宇宙有一種愛的語言,它是持續存在的。 所以,請放下你的缺點,去愛無限。 


當你有慈悲心,像大海一樣廣闊時,你唯一會知道的是,其他人就像一艘小船。 每個人都是你的一部分。 如果你不明白每個人都是你的一部分,那麼你就不明白你是誰。

—  成功和精神

你們都像島嶼一樣將自己與世界隔離開來。那非常不公平。這種孤立總是帶來不快樂。 生命就是分享,不是去破壞你的身份,而是分享你的身份,並提升另一個人。 




所有這些跑到洞穴裡躲起來、不社交、不出來工作的瑜伽士 — 古魯·那納克告訴他們:「 你們是什麼呢? 你們是一群逃跑的人。 你們把自己藏在了山上。 你不是人類;你對任何人都沒有用處。 你無法分享你的精神。」 




你們都害怕變得孤獨。 你不知道該如何處理你的孤獨,因為你不知道如何給予。 給你的孤獨 — 那種合一、那種狂喜,那種更高的意識狀態。


擴大,提升。 你的視野會變大;你會知道更多、你會快樂。 還是收縮、孤立、哭泣和死亡 — 選擇權在你。


不要躲起來。保持神聖,不要把自己陷進洞裡。 拓寬視野。


我們的生活中有一種空虛,這種空虛我們無法滿足,因為這種空虛是靈魂的召喚,就像蠟燭需要點燃一樣,雖然蠟燭會被消耗,但靈魂也會被救贖和解放。 1996年8月28日

你做了柵欄。你在操控自己,「 我就是我。 我是為了我自己。」 但當豐盛到來時,它會找到你創造的所有障礙。這樣你就不適合所有人。你也不是為了人類的善意。 你更不是獨一無二的,你對一切風向都不是開放的。

—  成功和精神 



當你有陰性的心智,但若它控制著你時,你就會生活在地牢裡。頭腦用理性的想法來控制你,它給你邏輯和理由,它給你對與錯,但它永遠不會讓你唱你的人生之歌。 它永遠不會讓你成長。它會把你弄走、它會嚇唬你、你會被孤立、你會一無是。 它會把你放在你自己的地牢裡,你永遠不會看到自己的光輝,當你看不到自我的光輝時,人們就不會看到你,當人們看不到你時,你就沒有機會。 當你沒有機會時,你會感到沮喪,你會生氣;你會開始失去自制力。 當你失去自制力時,你以後就不會有自尊了,因為每個人都會說:「他就是個白痴,他是一個憤怒的人。 別管他。」你不會被欣賞的。


你讓你的靈魂孤獨地活著、孤獨地死去,並把它擠壓到自己的四肢中窒息。 靈魂一直需要一點食物 — 這裡說一點話,那裡說一點話,一點善良,一點神的愛。 1982年4月27日

Yogi Bhajan Quotes on Isolation and Connection

Loneliness is the saddest thing on the Earth. Group consciousness takes away the loneliness—I am not alone; I have many brothers and sisters. And this is a unique power—when these brothers and sisters and goodness inspire me to the goodness of myself, and I know I am good, and around me there is a goodness of all my brothers and sisters.

Isolation is not the law of life. Some people totally isolate themselves. Some people limit themselves in little bigger ways and smaller ways. As long as you isolate yourself in any identity, you have lost sight of Infinity. Identity is given to you for reaching out to Infinity.

However much you don’t understand, that much you contract. And if you are contracted, then what is the use of life?
-Success and the Spirit; The Breath of Life is a Gift to Share

When you think the Universe is different from you and you are different from the Universe, or you want to be different than the Universe and you want to make the Universe different—“I want my own world”—ha, ha, you are asking for direct trouble. How can you compete with God?

In group sadhana individual auras merge and form a group aura. If the group is well-tuned into the Infinite, a rainbow aura forms that reflects all colors. A bluish color of sincerity and devotion predominates. This auric transformation aids the practitioner in making the step beyond ego-centeredness.
-Aquarian Teacher Teacher Training Manual

How can you have satisfaction when you do not accept loneliness as the highest state of consciousness? When you reach the top of all, you become One. Lonely. Exclusive. In that exclusive oneness, the loneliness, the One within you is awakened. 

If we squeeze down, close down ourselves, and start judging and punishing and laying rules on each other, all we are creating is fear. Let us become as vast as God is and hug each other, love each other. Let us be warm and shining and beautiful and bright.

Take care of the spiritual factor of your life by joining with others to experience and elevate yourself, the group, and the Universe. 
-Aquarian Teacher Training Manual

It will not be the fact to build more earthly facilities and just become isolated and corner yourself as much as you can. We are now marching forward to that era when this Information Age will broil down everybody to a reality, and every person will act for higher self.

We are group, we are energy; I am not alone. I am not by myself. I can muster the strength of so many people. That is group consciousness: I am not alone.. 

Group consciousness in morning sadhana is to help each other. If I am trying to sleep, another is not sleeping. If, in this whole group, one person opens up to God just once, we will all be blessed in his openness.
-KRI International Aquarian Teacher Training Manual

What is wrong with being social? What’s wrong with meeting others? Why do you act like baboons jumping all the time? Why do you talk about miseries all the time? All this karma adds up. It is your dharma to show the light and the path to all. Let your memory ever be that you will uplift everything.
-Success and the Spirit

When you do a sadhana in the sangat, you enrich yourself in multiple ways. First, the isolation which can hit anybody and make them go totally crazy is defeated. Secondly, when all of you meditate on God, the total effect of your sadhana becomes multiplied by the number of people participating.
-KRI International Aquarian Teacher Training Manual 

You cannot live isolated. You may pretend or you may practice isolation, but it is not a fact that you are an isolated human being. You may confine yourself in a very little closet, still you will vibrate. Your magnetic field will vibrate. Your astral projection will vibrate. Your physical elements vibrate. Your mind vibrates. And these vibrations will affect everybody else in your surroundings, in your frequency and in your range. So you are not individual. We affect each other.

You have to reach out and touch people. You have to mend your relationships. You have to build in yourself the unison-ness of the human mind—psychologically and sociologically. Give beautiful smiles and songs to each other.

The state of compassion is when you do not recognize any other identity other than you. You’ll have no fear, and you’ll have no vengeance, because you’ll be alone. Loneliness, the oneness, is the ultimate reality of all times and all ingredients. All tattwas merge to be one. I urge you to create a surge to merge with one lonely being called God.

There is only one power which nobody can defeat. It’s longing to belong. Your strength is your longing to belong to that identity which is the reality, which is the Infinity.

A leader has to do three things. The first is sacrifice. The second is stand alone. The third is lead. A leader is one who can stand on the top of the ladder and stay balanced and alone.

The development of group consciousness into the experience of Infinity is the bridge to Universal Consciousness. Barriers will always exist. Lack of knowledge, lack of a teacher, ego, fear, and karma are all barriers. These barriers keep a person limited. Group consciousness releases the unlimited self and fulfills the spiritual longing.
-KRI Aquarian Teacher Training Manual

The Age of Aquarius is bringing unexpected changes. Not only you, but everybody is going to be lonely and you are a part of that cycle of loneliness. Therefore, create a relationship. It’s a time to agree, a time to listen, a time to cooperate. It’s a time to trust. 

When you become lonely and you’ll not love yourself, then you’ll have tears, you’ll have pain. It does not reach the uniqueness of the loneliness of the oneness of the One, the highest of all. Unconsciously you all reach for oneness. Consciously you all deny it.

If you are not intermingled with that vastness, if you have not absolutely surrendered yourself into the Totality of this existence, life, then you will feel very independent, lonely, confused, and live a cursed life. You will be just one person—born and died; that’s it. You never came out. Your ego, fears, and commotions are a cocoon, you will never hatch, blossom, and be beautiful.
-The Mind: It’s Projections and Multiple Facets

People do not know how to take care of their loneliness. The majority of people who suffer today feel that they are lonely. And loneliness comes from a very inner being of you and that is your soul. Your soul is lonely because it wants to be with God, it wants to feel the inflow of the divine spirit.

When you say, “I am not this. I am not that. I am not here. I am not there,” who are you talking to? This life of yours is meant to be a life of all within you and all existing in you. God is omnipresent and omnipotent. So are you.
-Success and the Spirit

The whole pain of life starts when the hunger of the soul is not taken care of. The soul is hungry and needs to be fulfilled by the spirit of the higher self, through the word of higher being, by the company of the holy.

If one has walked into sadhana with heart and soul in a prayerful mind, we will all benefit. That is the power of group sadhana.
-KRI International Aquarian Teacher Training Manual

Isn’t it amazing that we call ourselves civilized human beings, with churches, religious teachers, yogis, swamis, preachers, and counselors—all with tons of status—yet you are all mentally alone? There are books, libraries, and magazines, but you are still unfortunate and still alone. You have never been taught that this loneliness is a power. You don’t have a practice, so every day you become harsher and harsher and harder and harder. You have never been taught to become you. You have been taught to become “somebody.”

If you must do sadhana by yourself, then while you are chanting, imagine a million others all around you. Hear them all chanting, with you in the middle, not moving at all. Feel that you do not chant physically, and yet are leading the chant and letting the chant lead you. As you imagine this, continue chanting.
-KRI International Aquarian Teacher Training Manual 

How long can one escape from the oneness of the One, where one ultimately belongs?


Do you know each other? No. You work hard your whole life, and never know each other. Not to understand compassion is not to understand God. God is an impulse of expansion and man is a compassionately understanding expansion.
-Success and the Spirit

Apply one to everything. Apply oneness to your enemies; apply oneness to your friends; apply oneness to your calamities; apply oneness to your destruction; apply oneness to your construction; apply oneness to everything. You will feel great. Your fear will be gone, your tragedy will melt away, your sorrow will be gone. 

What rules you is fear. Fear of each other. Phobia. Phenomenal phobia of your spirit, your soul. That’s why you can’t surrender. 

We cannot live with our cold depression. We cannot live with our open denial. We cannot live with our isolation. Be open. Be straight and be yourself.

Without vastness and an enriched mind, you entangle in earth and try to have everything and end up with nothing. Husbands fight with wives. Father fights with the children. Children fight with the mother. There’s no familiarity, no capacity of connection. You do not develop anything and there is no depth.

-The Mind: It’s Projections and Multiple Facets

Blessed are those who get it together to get it together. Together they join, meet, communicate and walk together.

The breath of life is the ultimate cause of your living and has the purpose that you must grow from your smallness. You are creating a universe within the Universe. That is what is called the psychological, sociological and personal effect of isolation. Don’t think in just boxes. Think as the huge Universe and be part of it.

By isolating you block all the opportunities, all the wealth, all the happiness and everything which should come to you and belong to you. You put your shields up; nothing can enter. If you are an open, wide, honest, giving, receiving, smiling, kind person, even God can walk into you. 

Let your isolation go, let your anger go, and you’ll become part of the Universe. The Universe has a language of love and it’s a continued existence. So please let your shortcomings go and love Infinity. 

The only thing you will know when you are compassionate and as vast as the ocean, is that everybody else is like a little boat on it. Everybody is a part of you. If you do not understand that everybody is a part of you, then you do not understand who you are.
-Success and the Spirit

You have all isolated yourself from the world individually like islands. That is very unfair. This isolation has always brings unhappiness. Life is to share, not to destroy your identity, but to share your identity and elevate another person.

Every soul needs to see the light and get rid of personal darkness. There is a maturity in it. There is a fulfillment in it. There is a joy in it. 

All these yogis who ran to the caves and hid themselves and didn’t socialize and didn’t come out to work—Guru Nanak told them, “What are you? You are a bunch of individuals who have run away. You have hidden yourselves in the hills. You are no human; you are no use to anybody. You are unable to share your spirit.” 

It’s a proven scientific fact that none of you is individual. You are all interdependent. You are woven into each other. You are knitted. This knitting of you, you do not recognize.

You’re all afraid to become lonely. You do not know what to do with your loneliness, because you do not know how to give. Give your loneliness—that oneness, that ecstasy, that state of higher consciousness.

Expand, elevate. Your horizon will become big; you will know more, you will be happy. Contract, isolate, cry and die—the choice is yours.

Don’t hide out. Be holy, don’t put yourself in the hole. Expand the horizon. 

There is an emptiness in our life and that emptiness we cannot fulfill because that emptiness is a calling of the soul, like a candle needs to be lit, and though the candle will be consumed, the soul will be redeemed and free.

You make fences. You’re controlling yourself, “I am me. I am for myself.” But when prosperity comes, it will find all the hurdles you have created. You are not for all. You are not for goodwill for humanity. You are not unique and open to all winds.
-Success and the Spirit

When you are asked to deliver, you can get scared, you can get inferior, you can hide out, you can say no. That’s your choice, but that choice will destroy you, not God.

When you have your negative mind and it controls you, you live in a dungeon. Mind controls you with rational ideas. It gives you logic and reason. It gives you right and wrong, but it will never let you sing your song of life. It will never let you grow. It will let you go, it will scare you, you will be isolated, you will be just good for nothing. It will put you in your own dungeon. You will never see the brightness of yourself, and when you will not see the brightness of self, people are not going to see, and when people are not going to see, you will not have opportunities. When you will not have opportunities, you will be frustrated, you will be angry; you start losing your self-control. When you lose self-control, you will have no self-esteem later on because everyone will say, “He’s an idiot, he’s an angry person. Leave him alone.” You will not be appreciated.

You let your soul live lonely, die lonely and squeeze it to suffocate into its own extremities. The soul needs a little food all the time—a little word here, a little word there, a little kindness, a little love of God.

本文選自 StudentsofYogiBhajan

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