2024年9月23日 星期一

第一口和最後一口呼吸 (The First and Last Breath)


第一口呼吸的質量會印痕在普拉那能量體上,並影響從一開始體驗生命的方式。 它可以反映當時母親的心理、父母雙方在受孕時產生的投射狀態,以及子宮內經歷的累積情緒狀態。

最後一口氣和伴隨而來的思維,將靈魂投射到不同的死後領域。 心智在死亡的那一刻是不受約束的,所以它的投射非常有效。 由於死亡時思維的力量,許多傳統都練習死亡曼陀羅、祈禱或Praan經文。 無論過去的行為如何,在最後一刻說出這句話都會引導靈魂。

這最後一口氣也是最後的機會。 當你死亡時,你會評估你的行為和產生的業力。 根據你最後呼吸的頻率和最後的思維想法,你可以投射超越業力的反應,或進入和通透過它們。 當你死亡時,你在能量圈中創造了一種態度和投射,這實際上是一張身份證。 那一刻投射的任何東西都會被磁場讀取,宇宙也會做出相應的回應。 你的投射將無限從愛和光芒中拉入融合。 無限和神在本質上是中性的,就像生命從根本上被兩極性所支配一樣。 因此,在死亡行動中,你最後一口呼吸的頻率投射,建立了你與無限的關係。

正在發生的事就是像這樣。 這就是故事本身:你從死亡中走出來,你必須赴死,這是唯一的敏感時刻,在這個敏感時期,你覺得你永遠在這裡。你不明白你實際上害怕死亡。 你為什麼害怕死亡? 因為你不理解死亡。 死亡是什麼? 死亡是那種持續的寧靜。 這只不過是你沒有性的敏感性,性的敏感性(這意味著)只是指的是你沒有慾望了。 然後當你來到這裡時,你會覺得這是永恆的。 

無論你必須在這裡做什麼才能與地球聯繫起來,你都會忘記你與你來自的以太的關係。 你必須去以太,我們造成了「死亡」的混亂。 死。 我要死了!」 這有什麼關係呢? 因此,我們正在創造的東西是非現實已經成為現實,現實已經成為非現實,這對許多人來說非常痛苦。

我們的傾象是朝著地球,而不是朝向神。 我不認為我們可以輕易相信,但我個人的感覺是,如果我們能相信我們從以太來,再回到以太,而這個地球只是一扇窗,那麼以這種方式看待它,生活將比其他任何東西都要美好。 但沒有人相信這個地球是暫時的。 每個人都認為它是永久性的。 我們會盡我們所能。祢的旨意如是,它也會如此。」-Yogi Bhajan1981812



在所有腳印中,大象的腳印是至高無上的。 同樣,在所有正念冥想中,死亡是至高無上的。」


「 當死亡時刻到來時,不要像那些內心充滿對死亡恐懼的人一樣,所以當他們的時刻到來時,他們會哭泣並祈禱有更多的時間以不同的方式重新過上他們的生活。 唱你的死亡之歌,像英雄回家一樣死去。」

— 莫希坎酋長奧普穆特,1725年,美國原住民語錄,

你對死亡有什麼看法? 你願意練習 — 把死亡放在你生活的中心 — 這樣你才能真正好好活下去嗎? 

彙編自《寶瓶教師:生命週期和生活方式》。 Yogi Bhajan教授的KRI昆達里尼瑜伽國際教師培訓。 二級徹底轉換。 昆達里尼瑜伽研究所。 2007年。

The First and Last Breath

The quality of the first breath imprints the pranic body and affects how life is experienced from the start. It can reflect the psyche of the mother, the state of projection created at conception by both parents, and the cumulative emotional state from the experiences in the womb. 

The last breath and the thought that accompanies it projects the soul into different after-death realms. The mind is unfettered at the moment of death, so its projection is very effective. Because of the power of thought at death, many traditions practice a death mantra, prayer or praan sutra. This phrase spoken at the last moment guides the soul regardless of past actions.

This last breath is also a last chance. As you die, you assess your actions and their karmas. According to the frequency of your last breath and your last thought, you can project beyond the reactions to your karmas or into and through them. You create an attitude and a projection in your aura at death that is effectively an identity card. Whatever is projected in that moment is read by the magnetic field and the Universe responds accordingly. Your projection pulls the Infinite into merger out of love and radiance. The Infinite and God are fundamentally neutral in nature just as life is fundamentally ruled by polarity. So in the act of dying, the projected frequency of your last breath establishes your relationship with the Infinite.

“What is happening is this. This is what the story is: you have come from death, you have to go to death, this is the only sensitive period, and in this sensitive period you feel you are permanently here. You do not understand. You are afraid of death. Why are you afraid of death? Because you do not understand death. What is death? Death is that constant calm. It’s nothing more than that in which you do not have the sensitivity of the sexuality, the sensitivity of the sexual body (which means) you do not have desires. And then when you come here, you feel that this is permanent.

Whatever you have to do here to relate to earth, you forget your relationship to the ether that you came from. You have to go to ether and we have created this havoc of, “Death. Death. I am going to die!” What does it matter? So what we are creating is something where a non-reality has become reality and reality has become non-reality and it is very painful to a lot of people.

Our approach is toward the earth rather than to the God. I don’t think we can be made to believe easily but my personal feeling is if we can be made to believe that we have come from ether to go to ether, and this earth is just a window, then just to look at it that way will be a much finer life than anything else. But nobody believes that this earth is temporary. Everybody thinks it is permanent. We will do what we can. As Thy will is, so it will be.”
-Yogi Bhajan, 8/12/81

Meditation on the process of dying and death itself is a life-affirming practice acknowledged in all wisdom traditions:

“Of all footprints, that of the elephant is supreme. Similarly, of all mindfulness meditations, that on death is supreme.”
–The Buddha.

“When it comes time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so when their time comes, they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home.”

–Mohican Chief Aupumut, 1725, Native American Quotations

What attitude do you have about death? Are you willing to practice – to put death at the center of your life – so that you can truly live?

Compiled from The Aquarian Teacher: Life Cycles and Life Styles. KRI International Teacher Training in Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. Level 2 Transformation Practitioner. Kundalini Research Institute. 2007.

本文選自 StudentsofYogiBhajan

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