2024年9月23日 星期一

強化你的光芒:成為光 (Strengthening Your Radiance: Be the Light)

射手姿可能是具有挑戰性的,每一邊執行 11 分鐘的射手式是建立光芒四射身體的簡單方法。 在這裡我們可以檢視如何做好射手式的說明。


「 當你瞭解自己是誰和是什麼的時候,你的光芒就會投射到宇宙的光芒中,你周圍的一切都變得有創意、充滿機遇。」 ~ Siri Singh Sahib Ji 

光芒是我們的閃耀 — 我們內在之光。 這就是吸引機會和豐盛進入我們生活的原因、這也是保護我們免受恐懼和仇恨的原因。我們光芒能量體(Radiant body)是我們的保護;但它同時也是我們的投射,見證我們的皇家勇氣、我們的優雅和我們為他人服務的意願。 隨著我們接近寶瓶時代,我們現在承受的壓力只會越來越大。 這些日子和時代需要強大的神經系統、清晰的光圈和光量的能量圈;這些元素,和著一起充滿活力的Prana普拉那能量體,有助於我們光芒能量體的健康和力量。 如果我們的光芒能量體虛弱,我們就會變得容易受到偏執狂熱和妄想,無法為他人或我們自己的命途服務。

光芒是我們的投射。 我們透過「 Sat Nam 」這個詞來確認我們是誰。 我們透過呼吸體驗我們是誰。 我們透過我們的光芒傳遞我們是誰。 Yogi Bhajan 經常說,我們的臨在應該就是一種療癒。 你能想像你的光芒從對面的房間就可以提升某人嗎?一個你甚至從未見過或可能從未見過的人? 這就是寶瓶時代對我們的要求。 作為領導者、教師、治療師和瑜伽士,我們的臨在就是我們的光芒;如果我們的臨在不能實現,那就沒有什麼能實現。 成為那光,照亮世界的每一個黑暗角落。 「 如果你是人類,而你的存在不起作用,那麼所有的財富和所有知識也不會起作用。 一旦你培養了個人紀律,你的心理就會開始散發出一種自信、信任和優雅的感覺,這創造了愛。 你的光芒應該如此強烈,即使一個可恨的人看到你,你的光芒也應該完全中和對方的心理,這樣他們只能體驗到愛和友誼。」 ~ Siri Singh Sahib Ji,1995 年 11 月 27 日

上述摘錄來自《徹底改變》第1卷,可透過 KRI 獲得。 Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa的《昆達里尼姿勢和詩歌》中關於射手式的摘錄。

在物理層面上,我們有很多理由做射手式。 它有助於發展股四頭肌和腸道的力量。 腿和膝蓋正在得到加強。以獲得出色的身體耐力和力量,同時,值得注意的是,有一種內在的感覺姿勢正在發生,這種姿勢的力量與腳與地面的純粹物理連線相當。 

射手式有時被稱為英雄式,它可發展第3個脈輪、意志力和勇氣。 此外,據說對過度睡眠的需求消失了! 



將右腳向前,使雙腳相距2-3英尺。 右腳趾朝前,而左腳呈45度角,腳跟向後,腳趾向前。 當右膝彎曲時,左腿保持筆直和強壯,直到大腿幾乎與地面平行(不要讓膝蓋超過腳趾);收起尾骨。 

將雙手的手指捲曲在手掌上,拇指向後拉。 就像拉弓箭一樣,將右臂抬起,向前伸展,與地面平行,越過右膝蓋。 左臂在肘部彎曲,向後拉,直到拳頭在左肩上。 

保持頸鎖。 下巴收進去,胸部挺出來。 感受胸部的拉伸。 





Strengthening Your Radiance: Be the Light

Archer Pose can be challenging, but 11 minutes of archer pose on each side of the body is a simple way to build up the Radiant Body.  View instructions for how to Archer Pose here.

“When you understand who and what you are, your radiance projects into the universal radiance and everything around you becomes creative and full of opportunity.” ~ Siri Singh Sahib Ji

Radiance is our shine—our inner light. It’s what attracts opportunity and prosperity into our lives. It’s what protects us from fear and hatred. Our Radiant Body is our protection; but it is also our projection, a witness to our royal courage, our grace, and our willingness to be of service to others.

As we approach the Aquarian Age, the pressure we are experiencing now will only increase. These days and times demand a strong nervous system, a clear arcline and a radiant aura; these elements, along with a vibrant Pranic Body, contribute to the health and strength of our Radiant Body. If our Radiant Body is weak, we become susceptible to paranoia and delusions, and unable to serve others or our own destiny.

Radiance is our projection. We affirm who we are through the word—Sat Nam. We experience who we are through the breath. We deliver who we are through our radiance. Yogi Bhajan often said our presence should be a healing. Can you imagine your radiance uplifting someone from across a room, someone you’ve never even met or may never meet? This is what is asked of us in the Aquarian Age. As leaders, teachers, healers, and yogis, our presence is our radiance; and if our presence cannot deliver, nothing will.

Be the light and illumine every dark corner of the world.

“If you are human and your presence doesn’t work, all the wealth and all the knowledge will not work either. Once you develop a personal discipline, your psyche starts emitting a sense of confidence, trust, and grace, and that creates love. Your radiance should be so strong, that even if a hateful person sees you, it should totally neutralize the other person’s psyche so that they experience nothing but love and friendship.” ~Siri Singh Sahib Ji, November 27, 1995

The above excerpts are from Transformation vol. 1, available through KRI.

Excerpt about Archer Pose from Kundalini Postures and Poetry, by Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa

On the physical plane, we have lots of reasons for doing Archer Pose. It helps develop strength in the quadriceps and the intestines. The legs and knees are being strengthened. Outstanding physical stamina and strength are gained, while, remarkably, at the same time, there is an inner posture of feelings taking place that is equal in power to the pure physical connection of feet to the ground.

Sometimes called the Hero Posture, Archer Pose develops the 3rd Chakra, strength of will, and courage. Plus, it is said that the need for excessive sleep disappears!

Archer Pose can be challenging, but 11 minutes of archer pose on each side is a simple way to build up the Radiant Body and develop the Navel Center.

Chivalry and fearlessness, inherent in this noble warrior stance,

Physical stamina and strength in feet, thighs, and arms enhanced.

Archer also puts pressure on the thigh bone,

Balancing calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium.

本文選自 StudentsofYogiBhajan

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