Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa 是國際綜合教育機構的創辦人,其分部有藥草學、阿育吠陀學、在美國訓練專業草藥師的專科課程。
他是瑜珈之王(阿育吠陀)、副學士(A.D.)、D.N.-C、R.H,在全方位醫學有超過 50 年經驗,也是在北美地區一流的自然療法專家。Khalsa 是美國西方草藥師協會的榮譽主席、國際阿育吠陀醫學協會榮譽所長,是個令人尊敬的老師、作家和講師。
他經過國際授證可教授草藥學、瑜珈、身體工程,包含阿育吠陀按摩及 spa 技巧。Khalsa 是在美國第一個經過國際認證昆達里尼瑜珈的指導員。他同時用有最高等級認證的瑜珈老師,是第一個達到 500 小時認證的人。
經過 200 場國際研討會之後,Khalsa 認為應該在家展示給一般大眾,或對專業人士進行特殊的專業訓練。他同時也是冥想和身體工程的資深老師,提供諮商、帶領群體並在在身心健康系統中工作超過 45 年,並教授超過 4000 堂課程。
身為作家發布了超過 3000 篇健康文章,KP Khalsa 撰寫或編輯了 30 本不同健康議題的書籍,主要作品包含了按摩、阿育吠陀、中醫、生理學。他最近的新著「阿育吠陀藥草的運用」,和 Michael Tierra 一起共同撰寫,以一個淺顯易懂且可行的方式將阿育吠陀運用在生活中。他同時也是在自然療法領域中主流和專業出版品的隨筆作家,他也是「讓我們活下去」、「藥草季刊」、「偉大生活」的特約編輯。
Khalsa 是美國麻省大學的藥學教授、華盛頓巴斯蒂爾醫學大學阿育吠陀科學學程創辦教職員、自然醫學國際學院植物藥草部的教職員,也就是他訓練自然醫學學生、教授阿育吠陀的地方。
30年來 Khalsa 擔任瑜珈茶的資深科學研究員及主要藥草配方,一個阿育吠陀藥草茶公司。他同時也服務於和平自然產品,以及他在金廟創立了廣泛阿育吠陀身體護理產品,包含 Soothing Touch 阿育吠陀按摩產品產線。
KP Khalsa 持續的研究和他全球性廣泛的藥草知識,讓他在許多藥草工業生意上特別有價值,會稱他為具有權威性的顧問。他曾經當諮詢顧問超過 100 家公司並研發出產品,Khalsa 也創造出400種以上獨門配方作為商業應用,現今他和公司緊密合作,提供給各國健康專家高品質藥草產品。
Khalsa 對於自然療法技術發展感興趣是起因於,從小在奧樂岡州長大。他自己本人有著罕見且嚴重的疾病,以及許多嚴重的病情。在他年輕時,廣泛地研究世界各地有關身心健康療法並且成功地治癒。他特別專注在阿育吠陀藥物,和瑜珈、冥想及其他意識研究具有療癒性的價值。
現今 KP Khalsa 整體療癒的手法是非常兼容並蓄,他著重於藥草理論,瑜珈的醫療與療癒力價值、阿育吠陀按摩、冥想與其他整體療癒方式。他現居尤金,位於俄勒岡的城市,與他家人同住。
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Khalsa is the founder of the International Integrative Education Institute. Its divisions, The Herbalists College and the Ayurveda College, offer post-secondary curricula to train professional herbalists around the U.S.
Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa, Yogaraj (Ayurveda), A.D., D.N.-C, R.H., has over 50 years of experience in holistic medicine, and is one of the foremost natural healing experts in North America. Khalsa is President Emeritus of the American Herbalists Guild, director emeritus of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association, and is a respected teacher, writer and lecturer.
Khalsa is a state certified dietitian-nutritionist, a nationally registered herbalist, and a nationally certified massage therapist. He offers health consultations by phone with clients around the world.
He is nationally credentialed to teach herbalism, yoga and bodywork, including Ayurvedic massage and spa techniques. Khalsa is one of the first nationally certified instructors of Kundalini yoga in the United States. He also holds the highest qualification level of registered yoga teacher, 500 level, and was one of the first to achieve this credential.
Having presented at over 200 national conferences, Khalsa feels at home presenting to the general public or to professionals in specialized training programs. He is also a long-time teacher of meditation and bodywork and has counseled people, led groups and worked with mental health systems for over 45 years and taught over 4,000 class sessions.
As the author of over 3,000 published health articles, K.P. Khalsa has written or edited 30 books on a variety of health topics, including major works on massage, Ayurveda, Chinese medicine and physiology. His recent book, The Way of Ayurvedic Herbs, co-authored with Michael Tierra, brings Ayurveda to life in an understandable and practical way. He is also a frequent contributor to mainstream and professional publications in the natural healing field, and is a contributing editor to Let’s Live, The Herb Quarterly, and Great Life.
Khalsa is a professor at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy, a founding faculty member in the Ayurvedic Sciences program at Bastyr University, and a faculty member in the Botanical Medicine Department at the National College of Natural Medicine, where he trains naturopathic medical students, and teaches Ayurveda.
For 30 years Khalsa served as Senior Research Scientist and Chief Medical Formulator for Yogi Tea, an Ayurvedic medicinal tea company. He also served at Peace natural products, and at Golden Temple, where he created an extensive line of Ayurvedic body care products, including the Soothing Touch Ayurvedic massage product line.
K.P. Khalsa’s ongoing research and his vast knowledge of herbs from around the globe make him especially valuable to many herb industry businesses that call on him as an authoritative consultant. To date he has consulted for, and developed products with, more than 100 companies. Khalsa has also created over 400 of his own formulations for commercial applications, and today works closely with companies that supply high quality herbal products to health professionals across the country.
Khalsa’s interest in natural healing techniques developed because, as a child growing up in Oregon, he had a rare, serious disorder, and several serious illnesses. As a young adult, he studied a wide spectrum of physical and mental healthcare therapies from all over the world and was successfully healed. He focused especially on Ayurvedic medicine and on the therapeutic value of yoga, meditation, and other studies of consciousness.
Today K.P. Khalsa’s approach to holistic healing is very eclectic. His work is focused on herbalism, the medical and therapeutic value of Yoga, Ayurvedic massage, meditation and other holistic therapies. He lives with his family in Eugene, Oregon.
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本文選自 StudentsofYogiBhajan
Sat Charan Kaur 翻譯 / 明月心滴校稿 / 歡迎覺知轉載分享