當你祝福病人時,你乞求全能者,但實際上你並沒有乞求任何東西,因為從你的臨在之內,能量湧入了對方。 正是從一種慈悲的狀態、慈悲的冥想中,神的療癒過程在臨在之中流淌。1974/10/7
讚嘆大師Guru Ram Das,療癒這世界。治癒是祂的問題,而你的問題是把祂給安插進去。你沒什麼可擔心的。 如果祂不作出療癒,祂的名字就會被破壞 — 這對你來說看起來像是什麼? 大多數時候你不知道該做什麼,對嗎? 很多時候,我不知道該怎麼辦。 所以,我就把祂給安插進去了。1997/4/25
幾年前,我們曾說過:「 讚嘆Guru Ram Das,療癒這個世界。」當時看起來像是個笑話。 用什麼來治癒呢? 現在,你自己的心靈可以以另一個人格上流動和發光的時代已經到來,在交叉交流中,你可以透過在一個人身邊走動就能治癒他。 為此,我們必須有一個心智上的清晰度,我們必須有一個心智上的投射。2001/2/4
在你觸碰任何人之前,你必須確保你儘可能純潔。 如果你不淨化自己所有的內在二元性,負面可能會透過心靈的流動取得上風。-9/16/99
無論你是醫生、整脊師還是其他類型的療癒師,生活都有挑戰,你必須無假我。 為此,你必須在成為療癒師的那一刻是沒有假我的。1999/9/16
你生活中的任何粗暴都會在你的腺體系統中產生反彈,而腺體是你健康和幸福的守護者。 問題不在於你有多粗獷。 問題是,你能自己進行冥想清理自己嗎? 十或十五天後不洗澡的人會發臭,十五或二十天後不冥想的人挺暴力的。1985 / 7 / 20
When you are blessing the sick, you beg of the Almighty, but actually you are not begging for anything, because from inside your being, energy is pouring into the other person. It is from a state of compassion, of compassionate meditation, that the healing activity of God, within the being, flows.-10/7/74
Nobody is not a non-healer. God has provided an entire healing system within you. You heal yourself. Herbs heal, God cures and doctors diagnose.
‘Hail Guru Ram Das and heal the world.’ It is His problem to heal. Your problem is to insert Him into it. You have nothing to worry about. If he doesn’t heal, His Name will be spoiled—what’s it to you? Most of the time you do not know what to do, true? There are so many times I don’t know what to do. So, I insert Him into it.-7/20/85
A few years ago we said, ‘Hail Guru Ram Das and heal the world.’ It looked like a joke at that time. Heal with what? Now the Age has come when your own psyche can be in flow and beam on the other personality, and in the cross-exchange you can heal a person just by walking by his side. For this we have to have a mental clarity, and we have to have a mental projection. -4/25/97
All you have to do is send a message or somehow establish communication between the mind and body of the sick person. The mind should be in peace, so that the body can do the job. That’s all the cure is. The body cures itself. Medicine allows it to get into that space where healing can take place.-2/4/01
Before you touch anybody you have to make sure that you are as pure as possible. If you don’t purify yourself of all the inner duality, negativity can prevail through the flow of the psyche.-10/7/74
Whether you are a medical doctor or a chiropractor or another type of healer, life has a challenge that you have to be egoless. You have to just become, without self, a healer at that moment, for that purpose.
As a healer, the first thing to tell every patient is to breathe deeply. Shallow breathing means no endurance, no patience.-9/16/99
Any roughness in your life creates a reaction in your glandular system and the glands are the guardians of your health and your happiness. The problem is not how rough you are. The problem is, can you meditate and clean yourself out. One who doesn’t take a bath after ten or fifteen days stinks, and one who doesn’t meditate after fifteen or twenty days goes berserk.-7/20/85
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