Yogi Bhajan於1973年11月20日在美國加利福尼亞州洛杉磯的講座摘錄。
我們有一種序列型的模式,這是一種無意識的行為。倘若你開著車,你看看 — 有時候你的腳在油門上,另一隻腳是放鬆的。你前面的車若踩剎車,而你不需要另外去做什麼,你的腳會自動踩剎車。這是一個自動的動作。無論你有沒有一直去盯著它,都沒有關係。
腳有眼睛嗎? 或者是否有一台機器與他們綁在一起,可以從腳下看到剎車燈? 不,我們的敏感性由潛意識決定的,潛意識平常已經被訓練過的。有些人在駕駛方面簡直訓練有素,每當有黃燈時,他們就會想搶黃燈,這是他們的習慣,這是一種潛意識的習慣。 如果速限是七十英里,他們就會每小時走八十英里,因為他們喜歡搶黃燈和紅燈。
在大多數靈性書籍中,你會發現一種叫做自然警覺性的東西,這種自然警覺性是一種潛意識行為模式,甚至在你開啟一序列結果之前就給你一個警告。我們也稱之為自然的直覺性。 什麼是直覺? 直覺是一種預先冥想性的警示,是對您想要選擇開啟任何序列的預先冥想性的警覺。
現在應該發生兩件事。例如,要麼我真的應該去搶劫銀行,要麼我應該擺脫這種慾望。 否則,就沒有其它路了。對於瑜伽士來說,這很容易。他會坐下來,去刺痛搶劫銀行的慾望吧:好吧,那哪家銀行呢? 為什麼? 誰會參加? 他將在冥想中搶劫整個銀行。但瑜伽士會隨著呼吸與唱誦種子曼陀羅(Bij Mantra)接著把這個慾望一起砍掉。
在冥想中,每次吸氣和呼氣,你的Bij咒語都會行進。讓思想脫離自由吧 — 到那時,無論你身上出現了什麼,都會永遠離開你,它無法和你在一起。 瑜伽士的一呼一吸之間,Sa Ta Na Ma。 他會穿越它,然後讓它離開。
生活有兩種方法:要麼你知道如何控制你的慾望本能和慾望的模式,要麼你必須滿足你的慾望。 現在你無法滿足所有的慾望,你知道的。 那麼你會怎麼做? 你唯一能做的就是學習如何檢查生活模式。 對於你想消除的任何想法,有兩種積極的方法。 要麼你直接表現出來,要麼你把它放在你的冥想中 — 不管它多麼負面。 如果它在你的潛意識中,它就永遠不會鬆手,因為它會成為那裡的一個障礙。 它會不斷再次發生、它會困擾你。 我們稱它們為令人難以忘懷的想法。 令人難忘的想法永遠都可以在冥想中被燃燒。
有一次,有人去找Guru Gobind Singh,他說:「主啊,我遇到了很多麻煩。 這件事讓我久久難以忘懷。」
古魯回說:「好吧,每個人都知道反覆唱誦真實的名字 — 在反覆唱誦Japa中冥想 — 因為Japa 創造了塔帕Tapa,塔帕Tapa 淨化了一切。 作為一個錫克,為什麼這些東西會困擾著你呢?」
因為當你封鎖某物時,封鎖得越多,它反而就越強大顯化。所以這基本上非常危險的。 但是,當你在做反覆唱誦Japa的燃燒Tapa時 — Japa意味著當你吟誦、冥想時 — 思想已經開始進來,讓它們進來,但讓你的曼陀羅Mantra 繼續行進下去,你將永遠擺脫那種負面的想法,這就是最積極的方法。
Yogi Bhajan:不,首先你必須將自己中性化。如果你先想要一些莊稼,你必須耕種土地。
Yogi Bhajan:透過冥想。首先燒掉你的壞習慣模式,然後你必須替換它,然後你就有選擇權。
Excerpts from a lecture given by Yogi Bhajan on November 20, 1973 in Los Angeles, CA, USA.
We have a pattern of sequences which is an unconscious act. You drive a car. You watch—sometimes your foot is on the accelerator, the other foot is relaxed. The car in front of you puts the brakes on and your foot—automatically without you doing anything—goes on the brake. It’s an automatic action. There is nothing whether you aim it or you don’t aim it. Why?
Do the feet have eyes? Or is there a machine fixed with them that the brake lights can be seen by the feet? No, sensitivity is taken by the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind has been trained. Some people are so well trained in driving that whenever there is a yellow light they will like to push through it. It’s their habit, it’s a subconscious habit. Automatically if they are going seventy they will go eighty miles an hour because they love to cross through the yellow and red lights.
Your subconscious personality persuades you to many actions by sixty percent. Your conscious activity is forty percent only. Out of this, twenty-five percent is biases, prejudices, and pre-meditation. And fifteen percent is the conscious mind.
In most spiritual books you will find a thing existing called alert nature. Alert nature is a subconscious behavior pattern which gives you a warning before you even pick up the sequence for a consequence. We also call it intuitive nature. What is intuition? Intuition is a pre-meditated warning, a pre-meditated awareness of any sequence you want to choose.
Your inner happiness lies in your mental training. In your mental training, your inner happiness lies in harnessing the percent of your subconscious mind.
Your actions must be guaranteed by you because whatever the sequence, you are going to lead yourself to the consequences. You must understand it is you who are at fault. We live in patterns. Intellect must give you thought wave. Thought wave must get into emotions. With the intellect there is a thought pattern; thought pattern has an emotion pattern; emotion pattern has a desire pattern; desire pattern has an action pattern; and action pattern has an object. Between intellect and object this goes on and on continuously unchecked.
Now two things should happen. For example, either I should really go and rob a bank or I should get rid of this desire. Otherwise, there is no way out. For a yogi it is very easy. He will sit down and he will stab the desire to rob the bank: all right, which bank? Why? Who is going to participate? He will rob that whole bank in meditation. But he is cutting it down right along with it, because with the breath he is chanting the Bij mantra.
In meditation, with each inhale and exhale your Bij mantra runs. And let the thought go free—at that time whatever will come in you, will forever leave you. It can’t be with you. The yogi’s breath is there in and out, Sa Ta Na Ma. He will go through it, and let it go.
You will be the cleanest personality and you will be the happiest being. Put any desire into this test. You cannot re-desire it at all. You may try your level best.
There are two methods of life: either you know how to control your instinct of desire and the pattern of your desire, or you must fulfill your desire. Now you can’t fulfill all desires, you know that. So what you will do? The only thing you can do is to learn how to check the patterns of life.
For any thought you want to eliminate, there are two positive ways of doing it. Either you manifest it or you put it in your meditation—no matter how negative it is. It will never let go if it’s in your subconscious mind, because it will become a block there. It will reoccur, it will haunt you. We call them haunting thoughts. The haunting thoughts can be burned in meditation forever.
Once somebody went to Guru Gobind Singh and he said, “Lord, I am very much in trouble. This thing haunts me.”
He said, “Well, everybody knows to jap the nam—meditation of the japa—because japa creates tapa, and tapa purifies everything. Why, as a Sikh, does something haunt you?”
He said, “Somewhere I met somebody and he said, “When you do the japa, and you do the tapa, at that time you should think nothing.”
Guru said, “Well, you must have gone to some hermit, man.”
Because when you block something, the more you block, the more powerful it will become. So it is basically very dangerous. But when you are doing the tapa of japa—japa means when you are chanting, meditating—and thoughts have started coming in, let them come in, but let your mantra go on. You will be relieved of that negative thought forever. That’s the most positive way of doing it.
First you make habits and then habits make you. It’s a very old saying.
Student: I’ve heard that to improve a bad habit you must replace it with a good habit.
Yogi Bhajan: No, first of all you must neutralize yourself. If you want some crops first you have to till the ground.
Student: So then how do you establish to do that?
Yogi Bhajan: Through meditation. First burn your bad habit pattern, and then you have to substitute it, then you have the choice.
本文選自 StudentsofYogiBhajan
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