2024年2月7日 星期三

大師的更多預測和觀察(太陽耀斑 Solar Flare)


來自馬薩諸塞州 Yogi Bhajan 的講座摘錄

作者:Terry Michelle Kurtz

馬薩諸塞州Yogi Bhajan演講,2000年2月21日,加利福尼亞州洛杉磯

以下預測摘自Yogi Bhajan 關於太陽耀斑主題的講座。 

「太陽耀斑 — 當它們後退時 — 是安全的,但當它們被推向地球時,這就像地球必須承受的轟炸。」

「 這不是一個謎,這也不是想像力 — 它很快就會降臨到我們身上,太陽的耀斑會擾亂地球的磁場。你會發現你的頭髮開始有不同的反應」

「你會陷入思考中。 太陽耀斑的熱量會消除很多東西。這將在未來18個月內發生,人類將發現很難找到方向。」

「正在發生的事情是大氣層的緩慢、穩定的變化。你的耐受力會很低。無論你是不是瑜伽士,你都會發瘋。 這樣的情況也發生在136年前過。」 

「金星和火星受到影響,所以可能會有很多誤解。不要選擇這些爭鬥 — 因為它們毫無用處,它們會浪費你的人體能量,它們會讓你的思想變得不純潔,它們會給你帶來很多痛苦。 很痛苦。」 

「這會改變你。 不要對人們的行為感到驚訝。不要懷疑你的朋友,不要懷疑你的敵人。不要相信你的病人,不要相信你的醫生。不要仰賴明天。 句點。」

Yogi Bhajan 演講,1995年12月31日,新墨西哥州埃斯帕諾拉

「在過去的2000年裡,我們經歷了脈衝的過程。整個人類相當於55億,而且看起來會增加 ...... 絕症疾病已經佔據或可能佔據整個社會的三分之一...... 那是一個破碎的時間輪,人們會離開,因為他們一開始就做得不對。」 

「現在開始,像你今天一樣看待生活,1996年對那些沒有靈性紀律的人來說不是快樂的一年。注意我說的話。我帶著非常清晰的意識說。我什麼都不想說...... 對於沒有精神紀律的人和那些有靈性紀律的人來說,它將沒有立足之地,他們將按百分比獲得獎勵。事實就在我們眼前,1996年,你的靈性紀律的百分比將成為你的人身安全和保障。 因此,如果我們明年再次活著交談,我們將拭目以待。 我不知道你會發生什麼事......」 

「你不必擔心我在說什麼,而是在告訴你會發生什麼。 這一切都超出了你的能力範圍。 現在是時候了...... 任何活著的人,思考、行動的人,如果在限制裡打轉,將受有限窒息致死.....」 

「大夥兒們,個人冥想只不過是原則上的日常複利。您拖欠付款,將受到處罰。 你無法逃脫它。」


Yogi Bhajan 的昆達里尼講座


「跟隨那些現在不尋求的人,世世代代幾代人將一直在追尋,去獲得自由。 這是神的寫下的命途,我不能改變它,因為我還沒有寫它。我又是誰呢,可以去改變偉大存在的話語? 我只是一個謙卑的臨在。」


「時間很短;有很多事情要做;我們的準備不充分。 我知道瘋狂會抓住我們。 我知道人類將被瘋狂的下巴所吞噬,我知道我是一個失敗者......很快剎車將被用作油門踏板;用於切蔬菜的刀子將犯罪。瘋狂不需要工具,瘋狂就是一種工具。 我真是個失敗者!我知道昆達里尼瑜伽的知識,存在的科學,我做了什麼?只有這幾千人是不夠的。 那麼,除了祈禱,我還剩下什麼。」


「有時你可能會看到我看起來很擔心。當我看到你們所有人時,我確實很擔心,因為我重視你們。你已經投資了840萬個存在來獲得這個人體,然後在你被允許進入這個人體之前,你被淨化在藍色以太的第三層意識中,是由光年來計算的。 天知道你在那裡已經待了多少年。然後,終於,你得到了這個人體。」 



「月亮是一個以太的、活生生能量圈的有機環境。月球上有生命。他們存在。他們有自己的政府,他們也工作。但你看不到他們,也感覺不到他們。有一天,你會發展出一種感官系統,然後你會感覺到他們,你會和他們溝通,他們也會和你溝通。 你會說『啊,我們二十年前來到這裡,從來沒有這些傢伙!』」

「現在你說火星上沒有生命? 火星人口稠密......人口過剩。生產速度和感性是如此之重,眾生 — 它們成長得如此之快,以至於他們不得不在所有其他星球上開戰。」 

「木星上有生命。 有一個階級制度。 他們的能量和我們的能量在星體中相互交換,而且高效。」 


「將面臨巨大的局面。 1978年11月11日將確定時間。 你會意識到,從那天起,人們會害怕地經歷瘋狂。 對於那些沒有系統化的系統來應對自己的人來說,他們無能為力。」


「在未來25到30年裡,大多數人將完全反常...... 他們將破壞自己,以至於他們無法在大腦的兩個半球之間建立平衡。四十年後,我們的整個醫學科學將取決於這一點:他是在大腦的伽馬波長、西塔、阿爾法波長,還是貝塔波長上,以及哪一個是我們大腦的主要波長。 然後,我們可以決定如何重新安排此人的立即性恢復。我們可以立即理解此人的能力,我們也可以立即理解此人的意識。”

真理之珠,1972年 「能量圈或磁場」講座 

「那些睡在南北方向的人,他們的電磁場和地球的磁場是一體的。他們失去了主動性,變成了零。他們的磁場和地球磁場是一體的,因此,它們無法承受地球磁場的壓力。他們的神經會變得虛弱。 這就是為什麼你應該睡東西走向。」 

「那些調頻他的人會調頻祂作為回報,這個聯結是被稱為昆達里尼瑜伽的意識瑜伽。 那些實行這個的人將獲得解放。」

「與Yogi Bhajan的約會」講座《真理之珠》1972年

「從今天起90年後,即將到來的孩子會有一種大腦,在松果體此點的周圍有一種特殊發育。他們將擁有這些小小的細胞,這些細胞會被具知識的人稱為振動中心,透過這些細胞,一般人將不需要面對面,就能透過這些細胞同時進行遠距離心靈交流,而且所有心理過程不同頻率的正向反向效果兼具。這將與未來偉大的人類要拿來說話和溝通的意識振動水平有關。 我現在正在發表宣告。 你可以把它記下來。」

注:Terry MIchelle Kurtz1952-2021)在密蘇裡州韋伯斯特格羅夫斯的韋伯斯特大學獲得學士學位,並在亞利桑那州普雷斯科特的普雷斯科特學院獲得心理學碩士學位。 她在鳳凰城的兒童保護服務部門工作,並為那些受邪教傷害的人辯護。 Kurtz女士也是一名瑜伽老師,也是被稱為「Kartar Khalsa」的3HO的前成員。

More Predictions and Observations from "The Master"

Excerpted from Lectures by Yogi Bhajan

By Terry Michelle Kurtz, MA
Yogi Bhajan Speaks
"Sun flares-when they go backwards-are safe, but when they are pushed toward the Earth, it's like a bombardment which the Earth has to withstand."
"It is not a mystery, it's not imagination-it will come upon us soon, the flare of the sun is going to disturb the magnetic field of the Earth. You will find your hair starting to react differently&"
"You will get stuck in thought. The heat form the sun flares is going to wipe out a lot of things. This will happen in the next 18 months&Humans will find it difficult to find the way."
"Venus and Mars are going to be affected, so there can be misunderstandings. Don't pick these fights-they are useless, they waste your human body energy, they will make your mind impure and they will give you a lot of pain. A lot of pain."
"We have from the past exactly 2000 years going through the process of impulse. The whole humanity is equal to 5.5 billion and it looks like it is going to increase...the terminal diseases have already gripped or are likely to grip one third of the total society...That’s a crushing wheel of time in which people will leave because they did not make it right to begin with."
"Now looking at life as you look at it today, 1996 is not a happy year for those who do not have spiritual discipline. Watch my words. I am saying it with very clear consciousness. I don’t want to say anything...It will have no place for people who have no spiritual discipline, and those who have spiritual discipline, they shall be rewarded as per percentage. Fact is right before our eyes, the percentage of your spiritual discipline will be your personal security and guarantee in 1996. So if we live to talk again next year, we’ll see. I do not know what will happen to you..."
"It is not that you have to worry about what I am saying, I’m telling you what is going to be. It is all beyond you. It is the time now...Anybody who lives, thinks, acts, the limited shall be limitedly suffocated to death..."
"Personal mediation, folks, is nothing but daily compound interest on the principle. You default in payment, there will be penalties. You can’t escape it."
Kundalini Lectures by Yogi Bhajan.
May 5, 1976
"The generations to follow those who do not seek now will seek and shall be free. This is the written destiny of God. I cannot change it, because I have not written it. Who am I to change the words of the great being? I am just a humble being."
May 24, 1976
"The time is short; there is a lot to be done; our preparation is not adequate. I know that insanity is going to catch us. I know that humanity is going to be chewed up by the jaws of insanity and I know that I am a failure...soon brakes will be used as gas pedals; knives used to chop vegetables will commit a crime. Insanity doesn’t need a tool. Insanity is a tool. What a failure I am! I know the knowledge of Kundalini Yoga, the science of being, and what have I done? A couple thousand people is not enough. So what is left for me but to pray."
"Sometimes you may see me look worried. When I see all of you, I do worry because I value you. You have invested 8.4 million existence’s to get this human body And then before you were allowed to be in this human body, you were purified in the third layer of consciousness of blue ether, which runs by light years. God knows how many years you were there. Then, finally, you got this human body." January 27, 1977
"I was talking to a doctor today...and I said to him, "We are not going to cure people in the future because of medicine. Actually, a person is going to look at a person, and with mental frequency, he is gonna’ cure him."
"The moon is an ethereal, auric living organic situation. There is life on the moon. They exist. They have their government and they work. But you can’t see them or feel them. One day, you will develop a sensory system and then you will feel them, and you will communicate with them, and they will communicate with you. You will say "Ahh, we came here twenty years ago and never these guys!"
" There are beings on Jupiter. There is a hierarchy. Their energy and our energy interexchange in the astral body and it is highly effective." September 19, 1977
"There is going to be a huge situation to face. November 11, 1978 is going to set the time. You will realize, people from that day on, fearfully experiencing the insanity. For those of you who do not have a systematic system to cope with themselves, there will be nothing on earth they can do."
"The majority of the people coming in the next 25 to 30 years will be totally perverted...They will undermine themselves to the extent that they will not be in a position to create balance between the two hemispheres of the brain. Forty years from now our entire medical science is going to depend on this: Is he on a gamma, on a theta, alpha, or beta wavelength of the brain, and, which is the predominant wavelength. We can then determine how to reorder the immediate recovery of the person. We can immediately understand the capacity of the person and we can also understand the consciousness of the person."
"Those who sleep North-South, their electric magnetic field and the magnetic field of the earth are one. They loose their initiative, they become zero. Their magnetic field and the earth’s magnetic field are one, thus, they can not hold the pressure of the earth’s field. Their nerves become weak. That is why you should sleep East-West."
"Those who tune into him are tuned into HIM in return and this union is the Yoga of Awareness called Kundalini Yoga. Those who practice this will stand liberated."
"The coming children in 90 years from today will have a brain with a special development around the point of the pineal gland. They will have small cells which shall be known by the knowledgeable people as vibratory centers through which ordinary men shall communicate at long distance at the same time without physical, with their psyches and shall have effect and the reverse effect of all the knowledge of the mental process at different frequencies to relate to that great human vibratory level on which the future consciousness man shall talk and communicate. I am making a statement. You can mark it down."


February 21, 2000 Los Angeles California 

The following predictions are excerpts from a lecture by Yogi Bhajan on the subject of sun flares.

"What is happening is a slow, steady change in the atmosphere. Your endurance will be very low. Whether you are a yogi or not, you'll go berserk. It happened 136 years ago."

"It will change you. Don't be surprised at peoples behavior&Don't doubt your friends, don't doubt your enemies. Don't trust your patients, don't trust your doctors&Do not depend on tomorrow. Period."

December 31, 1995 Espanola, NM

"So, 1996 is not a bad year for spiritual people. But those who cheat shall retreat into their lower self and they shall suffer and this planet earth has nothing to offer."

June 6, 1976

" Now you say there is no life on Mars? Mars is populated...it is over-populated. The rate of production and sensuality is so heavy, and the beings--they grow so fast that they have to go and make war on all the other planets."

November 30, 1977

Beads of Truth, 1972, "The Aura or Magnetic Field" lecture.

"A Date with Yogi Bhajan" lecture Beads of Truth 1972

Note: Terry MIchelle Kurtz (1952-2021), received her undergraduate degree from Webster University in Webster Groves, Missouri and her Masters in Psychology from Prescott College in Prescott, Arizona. She worked with child protective services in Phoenix and was an advocate for those victimized by cults. Ms. Kurtz was also a yoga teacher and a former member of 3HO known as "Kartar Khalsa."

本文選自爭議性宗教教育機構 Terry MIchelle Kurtz Kartar Khalsa 的發表


Yogi Bhajan 所教授的太陽耀斑冥想

