觀看 Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan 1998 年 6 月 11 日的影片教授這個冥想:
「我們要對我們的健康和能量負責。我們必須容光煥發。呼吸,普拉那Pavan,是生命的源泉。我們透過這個練習能獲得多少普拉納,取決於我們多有意識地參與。」 ~ Yogi Bhajan
「你必須透過直覺瞭解現實。不是單靠知識。」 ~Yogi Bhajan
這是這個冥想的說明,也可以在透過 KRI 提供的 Praanaa Praanee Praanayam 書中找到。
手印:雙手握在一起,手指不要交叉在一起。透過重疊雙手的手指和拇指交叉,將手掌鎖握在一起。右手的手指握在左手的上方,左手的手指包裹著右手的外側。 握住的手放在胸部中心,心輪中心。
呼吸:透過口啜吸三次( 一秒鐘啜吸三次 = 吸氣共3秒鐘 ),每次吸入都非常有意識地收緊和放鬆兩隻手的抓握力。你正在手部產生脈動,這與啜吸呼吸的節拍吻合。 吐氣透過鼻子一次呼氣(一秒鐘)。 手在呼氣時仍然緊握著,但你不用擠壓它們。
結束:吸氣,屏住呼吸15-20秒,握緊。收緊你的整個身體;為中央平衡系統帶來能量,炮筒式吐氣。 吸氣,屏住呼吸15-20秒,把你的肩膀、胳膊、腳、坐姿、脊椎、整體變成一個堅實的鋼鐵狀態,炮筒式吐氣。 吸氣,屏住呼吸15-20秒,接著什麼都不做,只要屏住呼吸即可, 呼氣,放鬆。
本網站上包含的資訊來自古代瑜伽傳統。 本網站上的任何內容都不應被解釋為醫療建議。
Watch this video from June 11, 1998, where the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan teaches this meditation:
“We are responsible for our health and energy. We must be radiant. And breath, Pavan, is the source of life. How much prana we get through this exercise depends on how much we consciously participate.” ~Yogi Bhajan
“You must know by intuition the reality. Not by knowledge.” ~Yogi Bhajan
Here are the written instructions for this meditation, which can also be found in the manual Praanaa Praanee Praanayam, available through KRI.
Posture: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine, chin in, chest lifted.
Mudra: Clasp your hands together without interlacing your fingers. Lock your palms together by overlapping the fingers of each hand and crossing the thumbs. The fingers of the right hand are on top of the left hand and the fingers of the left hand wrap the outside of the right hand. Hold the hands at the center of the chest, the heart center.
Eyes: Close your eyes.
Breath: Inhale in three strokes through the mouth (1 second per stroke = 3 second inhale) and with each stroke tighten and relax the grip of the two hands very consciously. You are creating a pulse at the hands, which coincides with the stroke of the breath. Exhale through the nose in one stroke (1 second). The hands remain clasped on the exhalation, but you do not squeeze them.
Time: Continue for 15 minutes.
To Finish: Inhale, hold the breath for 15-20 seconds and make your grip very tight. Squeeze your entire body; bring energy to a central balance system. Cannon fire the breath out. Inhale, hold the breath for 15-20 seconds and bring your shoulders, your arms, your feet, your sitting, your spine, the whole thing into one solid iron-like state. Cannon fire the breath out. Inhale, hold the breath for 15-20 seconds and do nothing, just hold the breath with your will. Breathe out. Relax.
The information contained on this web site comes from ancient yogic traditions. Nothing on this web site should be construed as medical advice.
明月心滴翻譯 / 歡迎覺知分享