「 在你的人生之中最偉大的工具就是去聆聽,為什麼呢?如果你聆聽,你就會具敏感性地聆聽。然後你會非常震驚於你有多快能夠變得非常直覺。如果你有直覺知道接下來的因與果、你的行動可能造成的後果,如果你能看見,直覺地去感受,這就是你的防護機制。」Yogi Bhajan, September 12, 1979 瀏覽更多有關 Yogi Bhajan 直覺的金句
這個 kriya 透過直覺和敏感性培養你對未知開放的能力。用一分鐘呼吸法完成的第一個練習,連結心輪中心、光圈和您的投射。冥想時感受你的磁場和光環。建立一個開放、敏感和無限的領域。 在練習2中,第六脈輪被高音頻口哨聲引發刺激進入到行動中。聲音是放鬆並開放的,手印強化了中性。第三個練習是槓桿支點練習。 您在固定的手印中(如天線),和身體其他部位放鬆的細胞間建立了極性。 你高興地迎接並接受來自已知和未知的資訊和直覺。 這是一個極好的 kriya,可以為強有力的祈禱做準備、培養直覺。
1. 坐在輕鬆坐姿中,脊柱伸直。 左手肘彎曲,手掌水平朝向地面,位於心輪中心前方。 右臂以 60 度角向前方伸展。 閉上眼睛,慢慢地、真誠地呼吸。(運作到每分鐘只呼吸一次。) 感受你周圍的神聖存在,11分鐘。
最後,保持姿勢,深吸氣、屏住呼吸 10 秒鐘,束緊身體的所有肌肉,然後呼氣。 再重複 2 次。 放鬆,轉動肩膀、伸展手臂和肋骨。
2. 將手臂伸直到胸前,手掌碰觸在一起,拇指相互交疊。 閉上眼睛,吹口哨一首你選擇的歌。7 分鐘。 (這種姿勢會影響副甲狀腺,您可能會感覺到頸部的壓力。)
3. 在眼睛的高度作出蓮花式。放鬆整個身體,但要牢牢地握住手的位置。 閉上眼睛3分鐘。(當身體以受限的姿勢的一部分成為天線,做出這個交織在一起的動作時,那麼身體的其餘部分就能放鬆去接收)。
“The greatest tool you have in your life is to listen. Why? If you listen, you will listen sensitively. And you will be shocked how fast you will become intuitive. If you have intuition to know what will cause what effect—what will be the effect of your action—if you can see that, intuitively feel it, that is your defense mechanism.” ~ Yogi Bhajan, September 12, 1979 Read more quotes by Yogi Bhajan on intuition here.
This kriya develops your ability to open to the Unknown through intuition and sensitivity. The first exercise done with the One Minute Breath links the Heart Center, the Arcline and your projection. Feel your magnetic field and Aura as you meditate. Establish an open, sensitive and unlimited field.
In exercise 2 the Sixth Chakra is stimulated into action with the sound of the high-pitched whistle. The sound relaxes and opens. The hand lock enhances neutrality. The third exercise is the fulcrum. You create a polarity between the fixed hand position, like antennae, and the relaxed cells of the rest of the body. You welcome and receive the information and intuition from the known and Unknown. It is an excellent kriya to prepare for powerful prayer and to develop intuition.
1. Sit in Easy Pose with the spine straight. The left elbow is bent, palm flat facing the floor, in front of the Heart Center. The right arm is extended out to the front at a 60-degree angle. Close the eyes and breathe slowly and honestly. (Work up to breathing only one breath per minute.) Feel the Divine Presence around you. 11 minutes.
To end, stay in the position, inhale deep, hold the breath 10 seconds as you tighten all the muscles of the body. Exhale. Repeat 2 more times. Relax, roll your shoulders, stretch your arms and rib cage.
2. Extend the arms straight out in front of the chest with the palms touching and the thumbs locked over each other. Close the eyes and whistle a song of your choice. 7 minutes. (This posture affects the parathyroid and you may feel a pressure in your neck.)
3. Put the hands in Lotus Mudra at eye level. Relax the entire body but hold the hand position firmly. Close the eyes for 3 minutes. (This is an intertwined action when one part of the body in a confined posture becomes the antenna and the rest of the body is relaxed to receive.)
To end, inhale and clasp the hands in front of the Heart Center and press as hard as you can. Exhale and repeat 2 more times. Then relax, talk, and ground yourself for a few moments.
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