「 你靠呼吸而活。你可以從你的生命氣息中得到一切。現在請對著你的呼吸說話、和它談談、用它祈禱。這就是一種生命的關係:你和你的呼吸。
~ Yogi Bhajan,來自Praana Praanee Praanayam,透過 KRI 提供
如何練習:以冥想姿勢坐著。 吸氣20秒,止息20秒,吐氣20秒。
首先,讓自己保持非常舒適。戴上披肩,如果你溫暖了,就可以不費力地脫掉。 保持非常安靜。 做好準備後,花3分鐘放鬆並加深呼吸(或嘗試3分鐘的火呼吸,或者如果您真的很緊張,請嘗試3分鐘的Sat Kriya)。 緩慢而穩定地吸氣,擴張你的下腹部、你的胃部,上升到肺部,然後一直到胸部。 填滿上胸部後(20秒後)鎖住呼吸,保持止息(20秒)。然後吐氣,慢慢地、輕輕地、穩定地呼氣。在20秒後,輕輕地反轉為吸氣,然後再次開始。
不要與你的呼吸搏鬥。 放鬆。 這裡有兩種方法:允許自己去完成它。 開始時吸氣10秒,保持10秒,呼氣10秒(必要時甚至5秒)。 花一兩天時間,然後增加到15、15、15,然後增加到20、20、20。 從20、20、20開始。 如果您發現自己在與呼吸作搏鬥,請完成呼吸,然後開始一分鐘的只是深呼吸。 一分鐘後,再次開始,吸氣20秒,保持20秒,呼氣20秒
- Dramatic calming of anxiety, fear and worry
- Openness to feeling one’s presence and the presence of spirit
- Optimized cooperation between the brain hemispheres
- Intuition develops
- The whole brain works, especially the old brain and the frontal hemispheres
To Practice: Sit in a meditation posture. Inhale for 20 seconds, hold for 20 seconds, exhale for 20 seconds.
One Minute Breath Tips:
To start, make yourself very comfortable. Have a shawl on that you can remove without exertion if you get warm. Be very still.
Once you are set, take 3 minutes to relax and deepen your breath (or try 3 minutes of Breath of Fire, or if you are really tense try 3 minutes of Sat Kriya).
Inhale slowly and steadily, filling your lower abdomen, your stomach area, going up to your lungs and then all the way up the chest.
Lock the breath once you fill your upper chest (after 20 seconds).
Hold (20 seconds).
Then exhale, slowly gently and steadily.
At the end of 20 seconds gently reverse to an inhale and begin again.
Having trouble working your way into it?
Don’t fight your breath. Be relaxed. Here are two approaches:
1. Give yourself permission to work up to it. Start inhaling for 10 seconds, holding for 10 seconds, exhaling for 10 seconds (or even 5 seconds if necessary). Take a day or two and then increase to 15, 15, 15, and then to 20, 20, 20.
2. Start with 20, 20, 20. If you find yourself struggling against your breath, complete the breath and then begin one minute of deep breathing. After a minute, start again, inhaling for 20 seconds, holding for 20 seconds, exhaling for 20 seconds