我們一位親愛的讀者要求我寫如下 Yogi Bhajan講的話。 我通常寫關於我和Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan 一起生活的故事。但是,這是一個如此美哉的教導,我忍不住深入思考它,並與所有希望進一步讀到的人來分享它。
「 命途是神賜予你的,命運也是神賦予你的,都是來考驗你的。 在我們說話的時候,命運對我說了一件美妙的事情。 她說:「 瑜伽士啊,數一數神的幾個基本步驟。」 我說:『 Saram pad,karam pad,shakti pad,sahej pad,sat pad。』她說:『 我是shakti pad的主人。 那個王國屬於我,所以不要來挑戰我。』
從那時期起,我一直在努力學習並再次成為一名學生,容忍命運,那種打分數的時間,一邊坐著看論文和回答生活中所讀取到的所有內容。我實際上已經愛上了命運。 它讓你在最短的時間內與你所有的業力對抗。」
~Siri Singh Sahib,Yogi Bhajan,1987年6月28日
我們之所以聆聽Siri Singh Sahib 說話,是因為他總從提升的經驗中來說話。 他的學生擁有Siri Guru Granth Sahib和老師的榜樣來為需要的經歷撐腰。 所以,當他說話時,我們就傾聽。 在以上敘述中,有必要瞭解靈性的五個階段,以便理解他的意思。 讓我簡要介紹一下。
Saram Pad是意識到和熱情的階段,生活有目的,生活會越來越好。可以有一種系統和生活型態來讓人們可以遵循,實現人生目標。
Karam Pad是這個過程所需的工作。它可能看起來無止境,也可能不是無止境的,因為它是一個考驗。
Shakti Pad是當有志者已然相信自己是力量、創造者、神時。但他們失去了臣服的禮物。
Sahej Pad是當有志者進入神聖存在的精微領域時。生活流動就是神成為你生命的作為者,而且你瞭知。不再擔心了。這就像夢想成真。只要你跟上,解脫是有保證的。
Sat Pad是當有志者和神成為一體的時候。沒有小我。三摩地被賦予了。 融合已經完整了。
一些靈性的有志之徒從未走出第二階段,Karam Pad,或者就此而言,只是不停進入它。 Karam Pad是服務測試的工作階段,直到服務成為一種習慣。 正如我們所看到的,Shakti Pad是夢想的殺手。 許多人達到了Shakti Pad級別,只是對挑戰放棄抵抗,通常甚至沒有意識到這只是另一個考驗。即使老師告訴他們,許多人仍無法聽到或不會聽到。他們相信他們可以控制自己的生活。好吧,這裡的秘密是記住你不能照顧好自己;你需要向更高的我臣服。沒有小我的自我是目標。
Siri Singh Sahib在他的陳述中說,正是在Shakti Pad,我們迷失了命途,回到了命運。 很少有人突破這個層次。 在上面的陳述中,命運說:「 她是Shakti Pad的主人,不要挑戰她。」好吧,大師接受了這個挑戰。 他是為數不多的被祝福的人之一,他擊敗了這位被稱為命運的Shakti Pad大師。 在這份陳述中,他告訴我們他是如何做到的。便是他又再次成為一名學生了。他透過學習和直覺瞭解到,戰勝挑戰的方法是不挑戰命運。寧願避免命運;繞過命運;永遠不要想主宰命運。
寬容是不挑戰命運的答案;不僅寬容他人,而且要寬容自己。 他知道自己的想法,並容忍那些挑戰他命途的想法。寬容意味著中性,所以他不必完全按照自己的想法行事。 結果,他超越了Shakti Pad,沒有挑戰命運,而是繞過了她。 他真是個聰明人。他只是繼續前進、他沒有回頭、他沒有評判、他沒有認可什麼;他沒有對自己的需求做出總總反應;他只是繼續為他的古魯上師服務。
他愛上了命運,因為他真正克服了。他面對命運並不害怕,因為命運提醒他只是為他的古魯上師服務。命運使他與他的業力對抗。他被迫面對他不知道存在的東西。他對挑戰充滿信心和感激。但命運是一個很好的對手。她有一個秘密武器。 避免不愉快的問題是人類的天性,命運有一個倉庫,對有志者來說充滿了客套,命運為挑戰提供了許多替代方案,這些替代方案大多欺騙有志者也來走走輕鬆容易的道路。但他沒有屈服,他只是繼續作出服務。
大師熱愛命運,因為它在履行職責時消除了他的業力,並沒有因為走輕鬆的道路而屈服於命運。他走了很少人走的路,這就是解脫之路。 他熱愛命運,因為他作為一個好學生,學會了透過為Guru Ram Das服務,並真正享受這個過程,命運帶來的挑戰不僅可以克服,而且可以提升。透過這個過程,大師能夠進入Sahej Pad。 從Sahej Pad到Sat Pad的過渡是另一個故事。 感謝神,我們有幸擁有一位生活在神旨意中的老師。一位老師,正如上述中所提及,他教導我們,即他的學生,如何去愛Shakti Pad。
一些瑜伽學校教導說,Shakti Pad是一件好事。 當然,他們是對的。 正如我們上面所看到的,Shakti Pad應該是通往更多祝福的門戶。我們的老師提醒他的學生,提出警示,除非你開始克服你的業力,否則一切都不是美好的。 一切不是什麼拿出玫瑰和棒棒糖就有效這樣來的容易。 我們的大師教我們首先要注意什麼。 對我來說,我知道對許多其它人來說,這種意識在靈性成長中是無價的。 這就是土星老師所做的事。 保持調頻。
MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa
Sat Nam Dear Family,
One of our dear readers has requested that I write about the following Yogi Bhajan quote. I usually write stories about my life with the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan. But, this is such a wonderful teaching, I can’t resist thinking about it in depth and sharing it with all who wish to read further.
The reason we listen to the Siri Singh Sahib is because he speaks from an elevated experience. His students have the Siri Guru Granth Sahib and his example to back up his experience. So, when he speaks, we listen. In the statement above, it’s necessary to understand the five stages of spirituality in order to understand what he means. Let me go through them briefly.
Saram Pad is the stage of awareness and enthusiasm that life has a purpose and life will get better and better. There is a system and lifestyle one can follow to fulfill life’s purpose.
Karam Pad is the work that this process requires. It may or may not seem endless as it is a test.
Shakti Pad is when the aspirant believes that they are the power, the creator, the God. They have lost the gift of surrender.
Sahej Pad is when the aspirant travels into the subtle realm of divine existence. Life just flows as God is the Doer of your life and you know it. There is no more worry. It’s like a dream come true. Liberation is assured so long as you Keep Up.
Sat Pad is when the aspirant and God become One. There is no ego. Samadhi is bestowed. The merger is complete.
Some spiritual aspirants never make it out of phase two, the Karam Pad phase, or, for that matter, into it. Karam Pad is the work level were service is tested until serving becomes a habit.
As we can see, Shakti Pad is the killer of dreams. Many make it to the Shakti Pad level only to succumb to its challenges, usually without even realizing that it’s just another test. Even if a Teacher tells them, many can’t or won’t hear. They believe that they can control their life. Well, the secret here is to remember that you can’t take care of yourself; you need to surrender to a higher self. A self without ego is the goal.
The Siri Singh Sahib says in his statement that it’s at Shakti Pad that we lose our destiny and revert to our fate. Very few break through this level. In the statement above, fate said that “she is the master of Shakti Pad, don’t challenge her.” Well, the Master accepted this challenge. He was one of the few blessed ones who defeated this master of Shakti Pad called fate. In this statement, he tells us how he did it. He became a student again. He learned through his study and intuition that the way to defeat the challenge was by not challenging fate. Rather avoid fate; bypass fate; never touch fate.
Tolerance was the answer to not challenging fate; tolerance not only to others, but tolerance to himself. He was aware of his thoughts and tolerant to those thoughts which challenged his destiny. Tolerance means neutrality, so he didn’t have to act on his thoughts. As a result, he elevated beyond Shakti Pad by not challenging fate, but bypassing her. He’s a real smart guy. He just kept going. He didn’t look back. He didn’t judge; he didn’t acknowledge; he didn’t react to his needs; he just kept going in serving his Guru.
He fell in love with fate because he’s overcome it. He had no fear in facing fate because there’s elevation in having fate remind him to just serve his Guru. Fate brought him in confrontation with his karma. He was forced to face that which he didn’t know existed. He was confident and grateful for the challenge. But fate is a good opponent. She has a secret weapon. It’s human nature to avoid unpleasant issues. Fate has a warehouse full of pleasantries for the aspirant. She offers many alternatives to the challenges. Most of these alternatives dupe the aspirant too take the easy road. He didn’t succumb, he just kept going and serving.
The Master loved fate because it eliminated his karma when he did his duty and didn’t succumb to it by taking the easy road. He took the road less traveled. This is the way to liberation. He loved fate because he learned, as a good student, that by just serving Guru Ram Das, and really enjoying the process, the challenges that fate presented could not only be overcome but could be elevating as well. By this process the Master was able to move into Sahej Pad. The transition from Sahej Pad to Sat Pad is a whole other story for another time. Thank God we’ve been blessed to have a Teacher who lives in God’s Will, a Teacher who, as in the statement above, teaches us, his students, how to love Shakti Pad.
Some schools of yoga teach that Shakti Pad is a good thing. And, of course, they’re right. As we’ve seen above, Shakti Pad should be a gateway to more and more blessings. Our Teacher gives his students a heads up, a warning that all isn’t beautiful until you begin to overcome your karma. Everything isn’t roses, lollipops, and roses right away. Our Master teaches us what to look out for first. For me, and I know for many others, this awareness has been invaluable in spiritual growth. This is what a Saturn Teacher does. Stay tuned,
In the Humility of Service and Gratitude,
MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa
本文選自 StudentsofYogiBhjan