2021年9月12日 星期日

Ashtapadee 1 ( Recited by H Singh Khalsa )



ik-oNkaar satgur parsaad. 

One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: 


aad gur-ay namah.

I bow to the Primal Guru. 


jugaad gur-ay namah. 

I bow to the Guru of the ages. 


satgur-ay namah. 

I bow to the True Guru. 


saree gurdayv-ay namah. ||1||

I bow to the Great, Divine Guru. ||1|| 



simra-o simar simar sukh paava-o. 

Meditate, meditate, meditate in remembrance of Him, and find peace. 


kal kalays tan maahi mitaava-o. 

Worry and anguish shall be dispelled from your body. 


simra-o jaas bisumbhar aykai. 

Remember in praise the One who pervades the whole Universe. 


naam japat agnat anaykai. 

His Name is chanted by countless people, in so many ways. 


bayd puraan simrit suDhaakh-yar. 

The Vedas, the Puraanas and the Simritees, the purest of utterances, 

吠陀經、往世書和 Simritees(通過回憶書寫的印度教經文),最純粹的話語,

keenay raam naam ik aakh-yar. 

were created from the One Word of the Name of the Lord. 


kinkaa ayk jis jee-a basaavai. 

That one, in whose soul the One Lord dwells 


taa kee mahimaa ganee na aavai. 

- the praises of his glory cannot be recounted. 

— 對祂,榮耀的讚美,無法數述。

kaaNkhee aykai daras tuhaaro. 

Those who yearn only for the blessing of Your Darshan 


naanak un sang mohi uDhaaro. ||1|| 

—Nanak: save me along with them! ||1|| 


sukhmanee sukh amrit parabh naam. 

Sukhmani: Peace of Mind, the Nectar of the Name of God. 

Sukhmani : 心靈的平靜,神之名的甘露。

bhagat janaa kai man bisraam. rahaa-o. 

The minds of the devotees abide in a joyful peace. ||Pause|| 


parabh kai simran garabh na basai. 

Remembering God, one does not have to enter into the womb again. 


parabh kai simran dookh jam nasai. 

Remembering God, the pain of death is dispelled. 


parabh kai simran kaal parharai. 

Remembering God, death is eliminated. 


parabh kai simran dusman tarai. 

Remembering God, one's enemies are repelled.


parabh simrat kachh bighan na laagai. 

Remembering God, no obstacles are met. 


parabh kai simran an-din jaagai. 

Remembering God, one remains awake and aware, night and day. 


parabh kai simran bha-o na bi-aapai. 

Remembering God, one is not touched by fear. 


parabh kai simran dukh na santaapai. 

Remembering God, one does not suffer sorrow. 


parabh kaa simran saaDh kai sang. 

The meditative remembrance of God is in the Company of the Holy. 


sarab niDhaan naanak har rang. ||2|| 

All treasures, O Nanak, are in the Love of the Lord. ||2|| 


parabh kai simran riDh siDh na-o niDh. 

In the remembrance of God are wealth, miraculous spiritual powers and the nine treasures. 

懷念神 — 就是財富、奇蹟的靈性力量和九珍寶。

parabh kai simran gi-aan Dhi-aan tat buDh. 

In the remembrance of God are knowledge, meditation and the essence of wisdom. 

懷念神 — 是知識、冥想和智慧的本質。

parabh kai simran jap tap poojaa.

In the remembrance of God are chanting, intense meditation and devotional worship. 

懷念神 — 是誦經、強大的冥想和虔誠的敬拜。

parabh kai simran binsai doojaa. 

In the remembrance of God, duality is removed. 

懷念神 — 消除了兩極。

parabh kai simran tirath isnaanee.

In the remembrance of God are purifying baths at sacred shrines of pilgrimage. 

懷念神 — 人們在朝聖的聖地,進行淨化浴。

parabh kai simran dargeh maanee. 

In the remembrance of God, one attains honor in the Court of the Lord. 

懷念神 — 人在神的法庭上,獲得榮耀。

parabh kai simran ho-ay so bhalaa. 

In the remembrance of God, one becomes good. 

懷念神 — 人變得善良。

parabh kai simran sufal falaa.

In the remembrance of God, one flowers in fruition. 

懷念神 — 就能開花結果。

say simrahi jin aap simraa-ay. 

They alone remember Him in meditation, whom He inspires to meditate.


naanak taa kai laaga-o paa-ay. ||3|| 

Nanak grasps the feet of those humble beings. ||3|| 

那納克,握住那足 — 謙卑的存在。

parabh kaa simran sabh tay oochaa. 

The remembrance of God is the highest and most exalted of all. 

記住神 — 是最高、眾所最崇高的。

parabh kai simran uDhray moochaa. 

In the remembrance of God, many are saved. 

記住神 — 許多人得救了。

parabh kai simran tarisnaa bujhai. 

In the remembrance of God, thirst is quenched. 

記住神 — 口渴已解。

parabh kai simran sabh kichh sujhai. 

In the remembrance of God, all things are known. 

記住神 — 就能瞭知所有事情。

parabh kai simran naahee jam taraasaa.

In the remembrance of God, there is no fear of death. 

記住神 — 沒有對死亡的恐懼。

parabh kai simran pooran aasaa.

In the remembrance of God, hopes are fulfilled. 

記住神 — 希望得以實現。

parabh kai simran man kee mal jaa-ay. 

In the remembrance of God, the filth of the mind is removed. 

記住神 — 心靈的污穢被除去。

amrit naam rid maahi samaa-ay. 

The Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord, is absorbed into the heart. 

華香之名 Naam,上主之名,全吸收到心中。

parabh jee baseh saaDh kee rasnaa. 

God abides upon the tongues of His Saints. 

神居住在,祂的聖徒 — 舌尖話語振動中。

naanak jan kaa daasan dasnaa. ||4|| 

Nanak is the servant of the slave of His slaves. ||4|| 

那納克,是祂奴隸的奴隸 — 的僕人。

parabh ka-o simrahi say Dhanvantay. 

Those who remember God are wealthy. 

那些記得神的人 — 是富有的。

parabh ka-o simrahi say pativantay. 

Those who remember God are honorable. 

那些記得神的人 — 是品德高尚的。

parabh ka-o simrahi say jan parvaan. 

Those who remember God are approved. 

那些記得神的人 — 是被認可的。

parabh ka-o simrahi say purakh parDhaan. 

Those who remember God are the most distinguished persons. 

那些記得神的人 — 是最最傑出的人們。

parabh ka-o simrahi se baymuhtaajay. 

Those who remember God are not lacking. 

那些記得神的人 — 不會匱乏。

parabh ka-o simrahi se sarab kay raajay. 

Those who remember God are the rulers of all. 

那些記得神的人 — 是所有人的統治者。

parabh ka-o simrahi say sukhvaasee. 

Those who remember God dwell in peace. 


parabh ka-o simrahi sadaa abhinaasee.

Those who remember God are immortal and eternal.


simran tay laagay jin aap da-i-aalaa. 

They alone hold to the remembrance of Him, unto whom He Himself shows His Mercy. 

堅守記住神,祂親自向他們 — 展現祂的慈悲。

naanak jan kee mangai ravaalaa. ||5|| 

Nanak begs for the dust of their feet. ||5|| 

那納克乞求 — 他們足上的塵埃。

parabh ka-o simrahi say par-upkaaree. 

Those who remember God generously help others. 

那些記得神的人 — 慷慨地幫助他人。

parabh ka-o simrahi tin sad balihaaree. 

Those who remember God - to them, I am forever a sacrifice. 

那些記得神的人 — 對他們,我是永遠的奉獻者。

parabh ka-o simrahi say mukh suhaavay. 

Those who remember God - their faces are beautiful. 

那些記得神的人 — 他們的臉龐如此美麗。

parabh ka-o simrahi tin sookh bihaavai. 

Those who remember God abide in peace. 

那些記得神的人 — 安居在和平中。

parabh ka-o simrahi tin aatam jeetaa. 

Those who remember God conquer their souls. 

那些記得神的人 — 駕馭了他們的靈魂。

parabh ka-o simrahi tin nirmal reetaa. 

Those who remember God have a pure and spotless lifestyle. 

那些記得神的人 — 有純潔無瑕的生活型態。

parabh ka-o simrahi tin anad ghanayray. 

Those who remember God experience all sorts of joys. 

那些記得神的人 — 體驗到各種喜樂。

parabh ka-o simrahi baseh har nayray. 

Those who remember God abide near the Lord. 

那些記得神的人 — 安居在上主旁。

sant kirpaa tay an-din jaag. 

By the Grace of the Saints, one remains awake and aware, night and day. 


naanak simran poorai bhaag. ||6|| 

O Nanak, this meditative remembrance comes only by perfect destiny. ||6|| 

噢!那納克,這種冥想性地記住神 — 只來自於完美的天意。

parabh kai simran kaaraj pooray. 

Remembering God, one's works are accomplished. 

記得神 — 人的工作就完成了。

parabh kai simran kabahu na jhooray. 

Remembering God, one never grieves. 

記得神 — 永不悲傷。

parabh kai simran har gun baanee. 

Remembering God, one speaks the Glorious Praises of the Lord. 

記得神 — 就開口說出,上主榮耀的讚頌。

parabh kai simran sahj samaanee. 

Remembering God, one is absorbed into the state of intuitive ease. 

記得神 — 就會沉浸在,直覺的輕鬆狀態。

parabh kai simran nihchal aasan. 

Remembering God, one attains the unchanging position. 

記得神 — 就獲得不變的地位。

parabh kai simran kamal bigaasan. 

Remembering God, the heart-lotus blossoms forth. 

記得神 — 心蓮綻放。

parabh kai simran anhad jhunkaar. 

Remembering God, the unstruck melody vibrates. 

記得神 — 脫離執著的,旋律振動。

sukh parabh simran kaa ant na paar. 

The peace of the meditative remembrance of God has no end or limitation. 

冥想記得神 — 那和平,無止境、無限制。

simrahi say jan jin ka-o parabh ma-i-aa. 

They alone remember Him, upon whom God bestows His Grace. 

唯獨記得祂 — 神賜予他們恩典。

naanak tin jan sarnee pa-i-aa. ||7|| 

Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of those humble beings. ||7|| 

那納克,尋找謙卑之眾 — 的庇護所。

har simran kar bhagat pargataa-ay. 

Remembering the Lord, His devotees are famous and radiant. 

記得主 — 祂的追隨者,為人所知、且光芒四射。

har simran lag bayd upaa-ay. 

Remembering the Lord, the Vedas were composed. 

記得主 — 吠陀經就組成好了。

har simran bha-ay siDh jatee daatay. 

Remembering the Lord, we become Siddhas, celibates and givers. 

記得主 — 我們成為悉達、獨身者、給予者。

har simran neech chahu kunt jaatay. 

Remembering the Lord, the lowly become known in all four directions.

記得主 — 雖原居低處,也能遍佈四方、為人所知。

har simran Dhaaree sabh Dharnaa. 

For the remembrance of the Lord, the whole world was established. 

為了記得主 — 整個世界被建立了。

simar simar har kaaran karnaa. 

Remember, remember in meditation the Lord, the Creator, the Cause of causes. 


har simran kee-o sagal akaaraa. 

For the remembrance of the Lord, He created the whole creation. 

為了記住主 — 祂創造了整個受造萬物。

har simran meh aap nirankaaraa.

In the remembrance of the Lord, He Himself is Formless. 

記住上主 — 祂自己,是無形的。

kar kirpaa jis aap bujhaa-i-aa. 

By His Grace, He Himself bestows understanding.  

藉著祂的恩典 — 祂親自賜予理解力。

naanak gurmukh har simran tin paa-i-aa. ||8||1|| 

O Nanak, the Gurmukh attains the remembrance of the Lord. ||8||1|| 

噢!那納克,古魯穆克 ( 跟著古魯上師的人 ) ,獲得了,永記得主。

