2017年11月25日 星期六



作者 Writer:Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa
翻譯 Translators:Bachitar Singh
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Sat Nam! 我親愛的家人,





我繼續說:「如果在我參加第一次白譚崔時,能夠知道數年以後我會領悟到什麼,我必定會更加、更加地感恩。」「什麼意思?」她問。我說:「世上最困難的事情,是在你不想要改變的時候做出改變;而難上加難的事情是,在你甚至不知道你需要改變時做出改變。」「噢沒錯。」她脫口插話,隨即又陷入沈默。「我會知道這些是因為我看見譚崔瑜珈在這段意義不凡的日子裡,為我帶來了什麼效果。我的生活只有變得愈來愈好,能夠辨認出這一點我滿懷感激。如今我已經知道譚崔經驗是一份恩惠 ,同時通過紀律和妙不可言的祝福而來。「哇!」她說,「我以前從不知道,我等不及要再參加一次了。」



MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa

Sat Nam Dear Family,
I stopped by the White Tantric course at lunchtime yesterday. I was shocked, but in a good way. The hall was packed with mostly new students that I’ve never seen before. They came from near and far to do this White Tantric yoga. 

I began to talk with a couple from Minnesota. I asked what they expected from this course. They really had no answer. They didn’t know what to expect. Their only comment was that the course was easier than expected. I said, “Yes, this is an easy one and a good beginning. Come to Solstice and you’ll get what you expect.”

The conversation continued as they asked me what about my experience with White Tantric Yoga. They enthusiastically requested that I continue. “At first,” I said, “I wondered if all this was real. After all, at my first Tantric Course, I was barely a student. For me, just the yogic discipline was enough to proceed.
“But, every night after I did White Tantric, I’d have these different dreams. First of all I don’t dream a lot and remember none. These dreams I remembered. They were in color and males don’t normally dream in color. They were natural dreams with no agenda attached. But, I found them enjoyable. They let me know that something was happening even if I didn’t believe it at the time. These dreams were the blessings of my knowledge through experience, the Aquarian concept.”

I continued, “If I’d have known at the time of my first Tantric what I realized years later, I’d have been a lot been a lot more grateful.” “What do you mean,” she asked? I continued “The most difficult thing in the world to do is to change when you don’t want to. And, of course, even more difficult, is to change when you don’t even know you need to.” “Oh yea, she butted in automatically, and then she fell silent again. “I know this because I have seen the Tantric work on me in these remarkable ways. I am grateful to be able to recognize that my life has only gotten better and better. I now know the Tantric experience to be both a boon to discipline and magical blessing. It’s a double win and a way to exaggerate the spiritual experience.” “Wow” she said, “I had no idea. I can’t wait to get back to it.”

I learned an important lesson today. We need to interact with these new students. They deserve the opportunity.

In the Humility of Service and Gratitude,
MSS Hari Jiwan Singh

