2015年7月13日 星期一

「Yogi Bhajan, 認知承認 」The Cognition of Recognition


作者 Writer:Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa
授權翻譯 Translators:明月蘇菲. 金剛貓
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Sat Nam 親愛的家人,

對 Sir Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan 來說認知與承認一個人總是不容易的事又不確定的遊戲。可能某天他希望大家都很理解認知他,可是另外一天他又很不好意思他所告知別人的一切一開始你還摸不清但是之後連續看個幾年就會越來越清楚了。 

事實上他必須面對當時的整個環境他說的話、他發出的命令,是以恭敬謙卑來面對環境的然而他也有權和需要去被大家承認這當然可能是不當的解釋也不是真正的理由另外一方面無疑地他當然也樂於為眾人所注目但那當然也不是真正的理由所以, 我還是保持原來看法在任何環境下,他所說出來的話都還是以對人謙卑的態度為憑

這樣的結果是他對於環境的應對進退,說出來的話他的命令, 對我們大家的影響比對他個人的影響來得多當時我們都在學習謙卑這件事它必須在靈性的道路上我必須跟上這一切我有好幾次走歪了但是我仍然堅持繼續學習恭敬謙卑將會帶來大愛這個不是我們西方電視或電影文化裡所看到的那種愛也不是宗教所談到的那種但請不要誤會我也不反對這種愛這種愛稱為” 學生(錫克)之愛”,這是一種Guru 與服侍者的愛它是包含所有的大愛它是超越時空的奇蹟的精密的引航時空改變的大愛它是一種沒有任何懷疑的大愛這種愛是共生雙贏保護的力量感恩的大愛它就是一種來自於感恩的服務它是真愛

恭敬謙卑建立於互相信任的基礎, Guru需要什麼,學生就要去做什麼這就是信任的根源這是最棒的一部份,Guru 如此地信任並且愛著他的學生他答應學生所希望的一切是的學生也必須要有他這邊的學習高度他不能離譜太多否則這信任就會被打破這是一個迴圈,在這樣的情況下,Guru與學生的關係就會被圓滿你怎能不去愛與服從一個什麼都給你的老師呢?信任與謙卑是必須在靈性道路上的這是一個Guru與學生之間關係的保證否則他的奇蹟將會退票。 

受到理解與認知這件事就成為一種來自於Guru的祝福於是, 我們就能在Guru的確認下,經驗一切這就是一種融入的晉升之路這有什麼不對呢?當然沒有然後認知承認與理解就成為我們融入Guru的通行證因此我們就能融入神裡所以它就變成必須的越多的認知就有越多的喜樂成為那音流Mantra,這就是那下令做的Guru。

然而我們老師 Yogi Bhajan 卻時常下令說不要去認知呢?好吧!下次討論.

MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa

Sat Nam Dear Family,

Recognition was always an iffy game with the Sir Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan. One day he would want to be recognized by everyone, then another day and he’d act almost shy about any acknowledgement. At first it was heard to figure out. But then, after watching him for several years, it became clear.

What he actually commanded was that his environment be reverent. It could be misinterpreted as his need for recognition and he had that right, but that wasn’t the reason. No doubt he enjoyed the attention, but that wasn’t the reason either. So, I remained reverent along with others.

It turns out that his command was more for us than it was for him. We were learning reverence. It is a must on the spiritual path and I was determined to match up. I’ve slipped up many times, but I’m still “keeping up.” Reverence brings love. Not the kind of love we have been taught so much in our Western TV and movie culture and also not agape love which religions of the West profess. And please don’t get me wrong, I’m not against either, but there is another.

The other love is called, “Sikh Love.” It’s the love between the Guru and his servant. It’s an all-encompassing love. It’s a love beyond time and space which magically, meticulously conducts time and space. It’s a love which removes all doubt. It’s a love of symbiosis, protection and gratitude. It’s a love of service through appreciation. It’s true love.

This reverence is based on a relationship of trust. The student does what the Guru wants. This is where this trust springs. And, here’s the absolutely best part, the Guru trusts and loves his student so much that He grants him whatever he wishes.Yes, the student has some latitude, but he better not take too much leeway or this trust may be broken. So, the circle is complete. How can you not love and serve that which grants you whatever you want? Trust and reverence are must on a spiritual path. It guarantees that the relationship between the Guru and his student is never broken and, thus, His magic will never be withdrawn. 

Recognition becomes a blessing from our Guru and, thus, is experienced through the acknowledgement of the Guru. And, as such, it’s seen as a passing grade on the way to merger. What’s wrong with that? Nothing, that’s what! Recognition becomes our report card towards merger with our Guru, and, thus, merger with God. So, it becomes necessary that “the more the recognition the merrier,” become a mantra. It’s Guru who commands it!
Then, why did our teacher sometimes command “no recognition?” Well, that’s for next time. Stay tuned,

In the Humility of Service and Gratitude,
MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa
Chief of Protocol

