2015年8月9日 星期日

「Yogi Bhajan, 自我開除的領導統御」The Pink Slip of Leadership


作者 Writer:Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa
授權翻譯 Translators:明月蘇菲. 金剛貓
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Sat Nam 親愛的家人
在一個炎熱乾燥的六月天下午, Yogi Bhajan 坐在 Espanola 牧場裡的木椅上, 這麼說著 “領導統御第一件事就是要把自己展現出來”那時有個修道院的領袖從一群道友裡過來, 他最近被道友逼得一肚子火. 接著他來找 Yogi Bhajan 澄清一些事情. 他本來是要來尋求老師支持的, 結果反變成被 Yogi Bhajan 教訓了. “不能因為我要幫你, 我就改變原有的規則”老師繼續說著 “很多人都想要照着這遊戲規則去做, 但都沒辦法執行. 也許它可以完成, 但我不敢保證. 領導統御可能需要花很長的時間, 在這段時間裡你的領導展現不出來就無法延續下去, 特別是在這個正道修持裡.

這個修道院長看起來受到驚嚇了. 他試著想要全部都聽進去. 我敢打賭在此時他不斷地在想這些年裡的各種情況, 我們老師這句話到底是什麼意思?這跟我的信仰有衝突嗎?這是我要的嗎?我不遵從這遊戲規則可以嗎?他不能期望我做好所有的事, 我已經做太多了. 他說的”展現出來秀出來!”到底是怎麼回事?只因為我沒有好好做平日個人的靈性修持練習(Sadhana), 還是因為我沒有每個星期日都去錫克廟? 這不代表我就不能領導啊. 他面無表情地在那兒, 一堆的問題衝盪著他的意識. 事實上只有幾秒鐘的時間, 卻好像過了好幾分鐘的時間.

最後這個修道院院長終於把自己拉了回來, “那我該怎麼辦?”我們摯愛的老師立刻打斷他的話“你問我嗎?”“經過這麼多年, 你來問我, 而不是問你自己?如果我給你答案, 你就不會成為領導者. 我已經在訓練你成為一個領導者, 所以去搞懂你應該去做什麼事, 然後就去做. “  再一次這個學生感受到精神快崩潰了. 然後他一定得思考 “現在, 他不只是想讓我去做我不想做的, 還要我自己當自己的老師”

我可以看見他的臉充滿迷惑. 他至少頓了足足五秒才回到現實. 是的! 他還沒有完全醒過來, 他還在頭昏腦脹中. 他已經達到極限了. 我也看得出來他無法進入一個良好狀態中. 好幾月之後, 我們才瞭解到, 這個學生, 那種達到極限無法超越的震驚, 才稍微恢復過來. 

這個領導者在過去走偏了, 現在該是用例子說明的時候了. 他被告知他不可以自訂遊戲規則, 當他做錯的時候也無人支持他. 現在遊戲規則是由 Yogi Bhajan 定的, 他們必須去遵守. 這樣他們才能成為一個真正的領導者. 他應該要遵從最佳領導原則. 在我們這裡, 這個準則就是我們的老師以及他的教導.

我們老師訂定的準則就是:展現出來! 老師知道那是什麼意思, 我也知道老師在講什麼, 而這個同學也知道老師的意思是什麼. 然而, 我必須很抱歉地說, 這個學生把自己的行為合理化了, 而不是去確實遵從老師的要求. 在那之後他很快就離開了.

我瞭解這種戰敗的滋味, 這種我不能接受的狀態!我們已經有上天給的靈性修練 Sadhana 作為禮物和祝福, 我們有機會成為超越我們想像更偉大的. 如果我們想著有些事情太沈重無法移動, 或是需要去做的事情太麻煩無法執行. 這都表示我們沒有從日常靈性修練Sadghana裡去獲得益處. Sadhana把不可能變成可能. 這讓我們去克服個體的限制批判.

不幸的是, 這個學生已經好一陣子沒有規律練習了, 他本身就表現出來這個情況了. 他個人的限制馬上受到挑戰,  立刻很直接地反應出來. 他有機會成為一個領導者, 但是需要保持不間斷的個人紀律練習. 每個人都有權利成為自己的領導者, 從個人練習開始, 去看見奇蹟.  日常靈性修練是非常重要的, 我實在不能解釋再多. 讓我再加一句, 我們的老師 Siri Singh Sahib Ji 從來沒有間斷教導我們有關靈性修練 Sadhana, 以及為何要去做 Sadhana. 他在洛杉磯的修道院每兩週教一次, 在Espanola修道院裡教了 35 年. 他每次教課後, 當天清晨 3:30 教室裡都擠滿了人! 去認為他現在還在教你吧, 他在指點你. 去作個人靈性修練 Sadhana 吧!  下次繼續討論.

MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa

Yogi Bhajan, The Pink Slip of Leadership

Sat Nam Dear Family,
“Leadership is first about showing up,” The Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan, was sitting in his chair at the ranch Estate in Espanola on a hot, dry June afternoon. An ashram leader had come from one of our larger sangats (congregations). This student had been under a lot of fire from his sangat members recently. He came to see the Siri Singh Sahib for, purportedly, clarification. It turned out that he wanted was to be supported more than disciplined. “I can’t change that law just because I’d like to help you,” our teacher continued. “Many have tried to work around this rule, I don’t know of anyone who’s not been subject to this law. Maybe it can be done, but I wouldn’t bet on it. It may take a long time, but leadership which doesn’t show up cannot last, especially in this dharma.”

The ashram leader looked in shock. He was just trying to take it all in. After seeing this scenario playout over the years I could have bet that he was thinking, ‘what did our teacher mean by this? Does this conflict with my beliefs? Is this what I want? Can I justify not following this? He can’t expect me to do everything, I already do a lot! What does he mean by ‘showing up,’ just because I don’t do sadhana (spiritual disciplines) or go to every Sunday Gurdwaras doesn’t mean that I can’t lead.’ He sat motionless as these questions most probably popped into his awareness. It must have been only a few seconds, but it seemed like minutes.

The ashram leader finally pulled himself together, “What else should I do?” “You ask me?” our beloved teacher interjected, “After all these years, you ask me and not yourself? If I answer you, you can’t be a leader. I’m training you to be a leader, so figure out what else you should do and do it.” Again, this student fell somewhat catatonic. He must surely have then thought, ‘Now he not only wants me to do what I don’t want, he is asking me to be my own teacher.’

I could see the look of confusion on his face. This time it took a full five seconds until this student was able to bring his focus back to reality. He did, but he didn’t come back all the way, he was still dazed. He had reached his limit. I could see that there was something out of kilter. We didn’t realize what it was until months later. But, when we did, it all came together - this student had reached his limit and wasn’t going to go beyond it.

This leader had been given a lot of leeway in the past, but it was now time to lead by example. He was being told that he no longer could set the rules himself like he had done in the past when had often been supported even when he was wrong. Now, the rules were to be set by the Siri Singh Sahib and they needed to be followed. That’s what’s expected of a true leader. He/she follows the lead of the best of whatever he leads. In our case, it’s our teacher and his teachings.

The rule our teacher was setting was: show up! He knew what that meant, I knew what he meant, and this student knew what he meant. Nevertheless, I’m sorry to say, this student rationalized his way out of the obedience requested of him. He left shortly thereafter.

I understand this defeat; I don’t accept it! We’ve been given sadhana as a gift, as a blessing, as an opportunity to become greater than we ever imagined. If we think something is too big to be tackled or some action to tiring to undertake, then we haven’t taken advantage of sadhana. Sadhana makes the impossible, possible. It allows us to overcome our own limited judgment.

Unfortunately, this student hadn’t been doing sadhana for some time, and it showed. His limit was challenged and he gave into it right straight away. He had a chance to be a leader, but it took continuous self-discipline. We can all become leaders in our own right. Start with Sadhana and see the miracles. Sadhana is so important that I can’t even begin to explain. And let me add, the Siri Singh Sahib Ji never stopped teaching us about sadhana and why to do it! He taught twice a week at the L.A. Ashram and at the Espanola Ashram for 35 years. Every day after he taught, the Sadhana room was packed at 3:30AM! Consider he is still teaching and take the hint: DO Sadhana! Stay tuned,

In the Humility of Service and Gratitude,
MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa
Chief of Protocol

