2015年2月13日 星期五

「Yogi Bhajan, 反思, 提昇, 觀點 A Retrospective, Elevative, Perspective」


作者 Writer:Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa

翻譯 Translators:明月蘇菲. 金剛貓歡迎

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Sat Nam 親愛的家人
一九九二年七月的一天, Yogi Bhajan和我正前往 Santa Fe 準備去看一場電影, 在途中, 他告訴我  “ 如果你坐在一個飛離地面三萬五千英呎高空的噴射機上遠看生命 “ 他繼續說著  ”若你能將觀點反其道而行, 就可能將危機變成轉機而且不會有那麼多的痛苦。 “ 乍看之下, 似乎合情合理, 好像就是找一個合適的觀點來看事情, 但是我們怎知道這就是合適的觀點呢?我的意思是, 這是你知道實際就是如此, 還是去擴張了你的意識去想辦法瞭解? 讓我給你一個例子。 

讓我們來說有個森林大火, 從這個觀點來說事情挺糟的動物可能會死亡或被取代, 濃煙污染環境, 樹林被毀, 房子燒壞, 我可以繼續說很多。 毋庸置疑以這個觀點, 就是悲慘的

現在我們從另一方面來說地下植被被取代, 土壤更新, 過度生長的樹獲得控制。 森林透光面積重新變大照耀純化土地更多綠色的生機會重新再長出來

所以用一時的眼光來看, 好像我們只在地面看東西一般大火就是悲劇和浩劫, 但用超過 20 年或更長的眼光來看, 就好像我們從三萬五千英呎的高空看, 大火就促進了整個生態環境再造

對於靈性追求者如登天之難, 如果我們使用三萬五千英呎的正面觀點來看事情, 他就會活在永遠的快樂中, 當然, 可能有時會感到痛苦, 但是在痛苦背後就是提昇, 所以最後痛苦能夠被理解, 然後減輕疼痛

這第一要緊事要瞭解的是, 逆向思考往往創意而生。 沒有往下, 就不會再往上。 沒有邪惡就沒有善良。 這就是說生活只是相對的觀點

除此之外, 下墜, 悲傷和邪惡如果沒有了向上, 快樂和良善就沒有意義了。 從三萬五千呎的高空來看地球上的生命, 若以提昇的位置來觀看, 他們都是痛苦的。 就如同佛陀說的 “ 眾生皆苦, 如果你得到不想要的, 你感覺受苦, 如果你沒有得到自己想要的, 也覺得受苦, 甚至你得到你想要的, 你還是受苦, 因為就算這個欲望得到了, 時空一變, 你又不想要了。 “ 所以佛陀的四聖諦就是從這三萬五千英呎高度來解釋這個觀點。   

從三萬五千英呎高提昇的觀點來論述, 是一帖解藥, 錫克教、 佛教、 猶太教、 基督教, 所有偉大的宗教, 偉大的生活型態和教導都是從這樣提昇的觀點出發。 竅門就是要足夠瞭解教導的真實核心, 你才有足夠意識在各種情況迎刃而解。 所有痛苦就會離開分解, 靈性追求者必須從這個高度看事情, 然後從這裡出發, 經歷所有的過程

大多數世界上的人靠著財富、 榮耀、權力, 麻醉品總總不管你如何命名它, 用這些來擴展生命的經驗少數的人擴展覺知靠著信念, 信念是最偉大的。 昆達里尼瑜伽就是核心, 它是覺醒的瑜伽它提昇了意識讓你從地球高空的觀點看事務。 錫克與昆達在一起, 這些覺察就變成提昇的各種觀點。 信念就被經驗出來, 生命的精微就被知曉。 整個生命有越來越多的安全感駐足。   

與宇宙相連的信念中, 它提供了高度去經驗生命。 你的觀點只是一個副產品, 全憑你有多少信念。 大多數人常卡在地平面, 但只要你在各處都能使用地球高空的角度。 你就能經驗出更深層的生命, 好消息是, 不管如何, 你的生命會從這個地方開始, 越來越好。 (下回繼續)
MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa

Yogi Bhajan, Affective Collective Connective Perspective

Sat Nam Dear Family,
“View life from an altitude of 35,000 feet up as if from a jet plane,” the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan, said this to me one Saturday afternoon in July, 1992 as we were driving into Santa Fe to go to a movie. “Usually, what appears one way can be viewed in the opposite direction, a perspective which will then save a lot of pain and can even create great opportunity,” he continued. At first glance, this seems self-explanatory. View things in their proper perspective. But how does one know the proper perspective? I mean, is it a matter of understanding facts or an expanded consciousness. Let me give you an example.
Let’s say that there’s a forest fire. From one perspective this appears very bad; animals were killed or displaced, smoke polluted the environment, trees were lost, some houses were destroyed, I could go on. Needless to say, it appears to be a great tragedy.
Now, on the other hand: inhibiting undergrowth was removed, the soil was regenerated, an overgrowth of trees was pruned, the sunshine was once again allowed to purify the earth, a greener more supportive forest would eventually emerge.
So, it appears that our view of the forest fire from 35K feet up is kept in perspective when viewed from above allowing our time log of the experience to be expanded. When seen from the time of the fire, it was a great tragedy; when viewed from twenty years out, the fire appears to have been a great boon to the environment.
As hard as if may be, if a spiritual aspirant continues to see the positive 35,000 foot view in all situations, his/her life will dwell in continuous happiness.Yes, there is time to feel pain, but behind the pain is this elevated view so even the pain is understood and thus mitigated.
The first thing which should be recognized is that opposites create perspective: without down there is no up; without sad there is no happy; without evil there is no good. So, this is what is meant by the expression that life is a relative perspective. Otherwise, down, sad, evil have no meaning without up, happy, and good. From 35K up, all life on earth is suffering when compared with an elevated position? As the Buddha said, “All life is suffering; if you get what you don’t want you suffer; if you don’t get what you want you suffer; even if you get what you want, you still suffer because it’s in time and space and your desire will leave when you get it.” Naturally, the Buddha saw life form 35K up and explained this perspective in his four great noble truths.
An elevated perspective from 35K up is the antidote. Sikh Dharma, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, all the great religions, lifestyles, and teachings provide a view form this altitude. The trick is to understand enough of the truth in the teachings and have the consciousness to apply it to all situations. Then, all suffering departs. The spiritual aspirant must see from this altitude to begin this process.
Most of the world looks for this expanded life experience in the myriad of ways this world offers; wealth, glory, fame, power, liquor, you name it. A few look for this expanded awareness through faith, faith in something greater. Kundalini yoga is our ace in the hole. It’s the yoga of awareness. This yoga elevates the consciousness to see from above the earth. When combined with Sikh Dharma, awareness becomes an elevated perspective. Faith is experienced. The subtlety of life is known. Life becomes more and more secure.
Faith in the Infinite provides the altitude to experience life from another perspective. Your perspective is a byproduct of how high your faith will allow you to go up. Most are stuck on at ground level, but just a view from anywhere above this earth provides another deeper experience of life. And, here’s the best news, it only gets better from there. Stay tuned

In the Humility of Service and Gratitude,
MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa
Chief of Protocol

