2015年2月13日 星期五

「需要你的祈禱」 Prayers Needed


Sat Nam 親愛的家人,

SS Gurubachan Singh Khalsa, 我們靈性的弟兄, 心輪廣大的導師, Yogi Bhajan 摯愛的兒子, 需要你的祈禱過去五週內他因為血小板超標不斷地往返醫院, 他最大的願望就是能夠繼續服務眾人, 以及分享他對 Guru Ram Das 和 Yogi Bhajan 的愛。 能為一個全心全意無私為大眾服務的人祈禱, 是每一個人的福報


MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa


Prayers Needed
SS Gurubachan Singh Khalsa, our dear spiritual brother, a great teacher of the heart, and a beloved son of the Siri Singh Sahib, needs your prayers. He has been in and out of the hospital for the past 5 weeks with concerns over his platelet levels. His greatest wish is to be able to continue to serve. and share his love of Guru Ram Das and the Siri Singh Sahib. To pray for a man like this, who’s given his heart to so many others, is a blessing for everyone. 
In the Humility of Service and Gratitude,
MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa
Chief of Protocol

