2015年2月15日 星期日

「Yogi Bhajan 走上正道 」 Walk the Walk


作者 Writer:Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa

授權翻譯 Translators:明月蘇菲. 金剛貓

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Sat Nam 親愛的家人
我的心靈導師 Yogi Bhajan ,1960年代來到美國的眾多印度上師之一在那個時候有許多的瑜伽士印度大僧印度教徒佛教徒吠陀智者冥想家還有許多聖者或許, 這些當中最有名的就是 Maharishi Mahesh 瑜伽行者他教導所有追隨者超覺靜坐並且成為披頭四的老師值得一提的是披頭四當時幫助了很多年輕人進入西方的靈性世界。  

大多數這些新進來美國的靈性導師, 吸引了無數的學生。 是的即便是靈性, 都有它的市場越多的人潮就聚集越多的金錢地位和權力。 然而這些回饋也成為了這些靈性導師眾多的測試並不是所有人都能通過這些測試, 金錢是很大的測試地位也是一個測試權力更是, 還有一個未上榜的,我剛忘記提了就是性!

所以一個靈性導師不管他有什麼能力只要行之有年就會有更多的追隨者然而師生必然共同面對各種挑戰往往這些挑戰就是師生的共業這些共業可能偶而被昇華也有可能殃及於禍, 當一個靈性導師不是開玩笑的很多老師真的很多老師他們在承擔這些共業下失敗了這裡是美國性是最大的一個測試但是包括金錢權力等都是跟性一樣提供靈性導師非常大的挑戰

我常常與我們摯愛的老師 Yogi Bhajan 在一起旅行參加很多的教師研討會議, 這真是我的福報從西岸的聖地牙哥到東邊的賓州波科諾我們跨越了許多鄉鎮我們的老師總是成為領導者老師的老師以及最有自信的那個但是, 其它的老師並不接受。Yogi Bhajand 看的更遠他把接受這些挑戰當作另一種觀點他嘗試讓這些老師不需經過防衛就接受他的建議 ( 是的教導本身可能就像這樣的形式),這就是真理, 沒有疑問, 句點少數的老師接受了, 但是許多的老師不接受但是他們至少有機會,去作出覺知的選擇或是仍然只是批判。 

他在這些老師面前捍衛印度精神不管他有沒有主動出擊但是他主動站出來成為印度文化的守護者印度應是一個富有給予的靈性歷史的國家而不是一個被剝削者我們老師就是印度的精髓這不是一個非同小可的工作但這是他會站出來捍衛的其中一個這就是我們的老師他就是至高無上的圓滿的受到Guru Ram Das 祝福的人他就是這樣傳道予人類他和真實站在一起他所做的一切都是為了幫助眾生建立真實所需他是ㄧ個戰士真正的靈性戰士。      

他給這些老師通常都是一樣的訊息 “ 不要愚弄天道不值得那樣做盡自己的本分做自己的工作取之有道傳道解惑樂在其中就這樣做就好了不要搞砸了! “

美國是很天真無知的國家它不像千年古國充滿靈性文化美國只有幾百年的歷史。 我們這些老師每一個人不只代表我們自己, 我們也代表印度文化的內涵我們都是外交使節, 去和美國年輕的下一代展開對話。 我們賦予重任, 要嘛好好做要不然離開。 印度優美的寶貴傳承不應被個人利益所蹧蹋我們必須去做對的事, 而不是那些無聊的事。 所以不要被那些踐踏文化的遊戲給抓住了, 那麼, 所有的事情就都會是OK的。   

是的, 非常直接地就是要這樣做我們的老師執意而行他知道很多人會怨恨他。 但聽得進去的人就會追隨他這麼做。 經過多少年以來, 我已經親眼看到印度偉大的傳承就算有這些無聊的惡作劇, 印度還是保留它美德的名聲。 我們的老師總是盡他自己的本分ㄝ 無礙於西方政治經濟與財力的影響, 他總是默默耕耘, 一點也不傲慢, 盡其最大的努力, 他總是跟隨 Guru Ram Das的旨意。 這就是我所見的一切。    

一般人所看見老師的教導裡, 這些故事都不會出現老師的所作所為一般人總是看不見的, 他永遠活在Guru的旨意裡, 他永遠活在真實裡, 這就是我為什麼這麼摯愛老師的原因。 (下回繼續)

MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa

Yogi Bhajan, Walk the Walk

Sat Nam Dear Family,
The Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan, was one of many Indian spiritual teachers who came to America in the 1960’s. There were yogis and swamis, Hindus and Buddhists, rishis and sadhus, and more. Probably, the most famous of these was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. He taught Transcendental Meditation to people of all persuasions and became teacher of the famous band the Beatles. As a side note, the Beatles helped turn many young people on to Eastern spirituality.

Most of these newly arrived teachers attempted to appeal to as large an audience as possible. Yes, even spirituality has marketing issues! The larger the audience, the more money, status and power is gathered. However these rewards also became their tests as teachers. Not all of them passed. Money is a great test; status is a greater one; and power, well it’s off the charts. Oh, and I left out sex.

So, a teacher of any ability whatsoever, if he/she kept up long enough, could attract students . However with this also came great challenges as a teacher carries the karma of his/her students. They had to rise to the occasion or they might crash. Being a spiritual teacher is no joke. Many, and I mean many, of these teachers crashed under this heavy load. Here in America it was the test of sex that did most of them in, but all these tests provided challenges as well.

I was blessed to accompany our beloved teacher on numerous journeys to locations were many other teachers also gathered for conferences. From San Diego to the Poconos, we spanned the country attending these events. One thing was always evident: Our teacher was always the leader, the teacher, and the most confident. Now, that was usually not acceptable to other teachers. But, he saw a bigger picture; one that they wouldn’t see unless he took the risk of challenging them to see another perspective. He challenged them to follow his advice without the need to defend themselves (yes, teaches can be just like us) because it was right, period. A few did, many didn’t, but they all had to at least make a conscious choice and maybe an adjustment.

He forced this upon them as the protector of his beloved India. It didn’t matter whether or not he was authorized...he was self-appointed. He appointed himself as protector of the image of India as a country of a rich, giving, spiritual history, not as an exploiter. Our teacher took it upon himself to exalt the best of India. This wasn’t a small job. And, this was just one of the many jobs to which he was self-appointed. This is who your teacher was. He was sovereign, self-contained, and blessed by Guru Ram Das personally. This is what he delivered to humanity. He was a man who stood for the truth and was willing to do what was necessary to build that in others. He was a warrior, a true spiritual warrior.

His message to all these teachers was always the same. “Don’t fool with Mother Nature, it’s not worth it. Leave well enough alone. Do your job. Earn your money. Teach your great teachings, have your fun. Just, please, don’t exploit. Americans are innocent. They weren’t raised in a country rich in millennia old traditions steeped in spirituality. America is only a few centuries old. Each of us represents more than ourselves. We represent India; a whole great nation; a deep history. We are the true diplomatic core of India speaking to the youth, the next generation of Americans. We hold the responsibility of representing our country and we must do that or leave. India won’t tolerate her beautiful legacy being besmirched for any personal gain. We must represent ‘doing right,' not nonsense. So, don’t be caught in the exploitation game and everything will be O.K.”

Direct, yes. Truthful, devastatingly so! But, he had his shot and he took it. He knew that many would resent him. All that mattered was that those who could hear him would do so. Over the years I’ve watched what has happened to India’s great legacy. With all the mischief done, India has kept her virtuous reputation. So, our teacher , as always, did his job. and more than his job. Quietly, unassumingly, at great personal cost, both financially and politically, he followed Guru Ram Das’ will. I saw it.

Stories like this one are not part of his teachings. This is how he acted privately when no one was watching. This is how he lived his Guru’s will. This how he lived the truth. This is way I loved him so much. Stay tuned

In the Humility of Service and Gratitude,
MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa
Chief of Protocol

