2014年7月14日 星期一

「My Story 我的故事」Yogi Bhajan的詩


我是不可觸及的, 靈魂的無限深層覺知
我已經回來, 一次又一次

一個時代接著另一個時代, Guru 對我顯示着真實的話語


但因著Guru Ram Das的慈悲, 帶領我進入祂愛的臂彎中
讓和我曾經說的和作的, 真實的Guru 對我展現了祂自己

喔! Guru Ram Das! 在祢的恩典下我練習了帝王瑜伽

我的Guru讓我複誦着Sat Nam, 旁遮普Shabd
在祂仁慈裡, 我被祝福在無限的知識裡

Shabd 是一個禮物, 它慢慢的浸潤盈滿在我深處
Shabd 是我的喜悅! 是我的祝福! Shabd是我最親密的朋友

喔!我的女兒啊! 在這條道上行走, 讓你的心因沒有懷疑而自由!
你必須來到這裡, 只要往前走

所以啊, 我的女兒, 不要活在俗世的狀態中.
Guru的解脫之道屬於Guru, Guru 就活生生在這個道上



My Story 

I am the unreachable, infinitely deep consciousness of the Soul,
And I have been returning, over and over

Traveling on this Path since ancient times
Time after time, the Infinite Guru revealed the True World to me

I have never born or raised
I was never trained or educated
No one ever showed me the Path to God

But by his Mercy, Guru Ram Das took me lovingly in his arms,
And hugged me to his bosom.
Everything I’ve ever said or done, the True Guru himself has shown me!

Oh! Guru Ram Das! By your Grace have I practiced Raj Yoga,
And meditated on the Gurmantra

My Guru made me repeat Sat Nam, the Punj Shabd,
And by his kindness, I was blessed with knowledge of the Infinite

This is the gift of the Shabd: That the Shabd became instilled deep within me
The Shabd is my delight! The shabd is my Bliss! The Shabd is my closet friend.

Walk on this Path, Oh, my daughter! And let your heart be free from doubt!
What can you possibly gain from the knowledge of worldly people?
You should spread the Guru’s teaching instead,
For this world of pleasure and pain is not the real world….
You have come here, only to go

So, my daughter, live not in the ways of the world.
The Panth belongs to the Guru and the Guru belongs to the Panth
Remember God with every breath!
For your true Guru, who established this Panth,
Is alive in every limb and fiber of your being!

Practice Raj Yoga by the Guru’s Grace…
For the time of the Khalsa

Has come!

本篇為Yogi Bhajan所作, Chandra Kirin Kaur 翻譯~

