2014年3月14日 星期五

一個讀者的問題 Question


作者 Writer:Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa

翻譯 Translators:明月蘇菲. 金剛貓

歡迎轉載分享~ 請註明出處 

< 一個讀者的問題 >

昨天, 我收到以下的問題, 我想我應該把我的回答與你分享.


當政客到你家或別人家時, 為什麼你總是分享政治拜訪的相片呢?

Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan)在世的時候,  他創立了眾人之事(政治)組織的自然原始架構. 他教導我們政治的顯現可以, 也能對以下起作用 (1) 用靈性的精神素養來影響政治 (2) 政治的角色應遵循我們修行的法門自然之道 (3) 把我們修行法門的教育整合深入至國家和全世界. 這是一件對於我們來說, 非常值得做的事.

Siri Singh Sahib (Yogi Bhajan) 離開他的肉體時, 在我們的組織內有了很大的變化. 我對外送出這些照片, 是要指出, 對我們所住的Espanola, Yogi Bhajan以他精神建立的這塊地方, 仍然持續進行大師的傳承, 繼往開來. 我希望世界上我們的社群能知道, 身為錫克教的總教長, 我正延續法門. 這是我的祈禱, 大師的傳承仍然持續進行 , 或許這能給予他人信心和安全感.

我知道, 有很多收到這個分享信的人, 他們可能是新加入的, 並不瞭解大師所建立的修道法門. 所以這是我的祈禱, 這些信件和圖片可以喚醒或是教育其他人, Yogi Bhajan大師真正希望我們繼續傳承的是些什麼, 以及如何來做.

謝謝你的問題, 這給予我機會去解釋這個部分. 

Yesterday, I received the following question. I thought I’d share it and my answer with you.

May I kindly ask you a question?
Why do you often share pictures with politicians visiting your home or some other home activities?

When the Siri Singh Sahib was alive he created this organization’s political nature. He taught us that a political presence can and does work to 1) influence politics in a spiritual manner, 2) positions our Dharma as a player, and 3) Integrates our Dharmic education into the fabric of the nation and the world. It’s been very worthwhile for us.
Since the Siri Singh Sahib left his body, there have been many changes within our organization. I send these pictures out as an indication that we here in Espanola continue with the Master’s legacy tradition in the manner he established. I want to let our worldwide community know that, as Chief of Protocol, I continue the protocol. It is my prayer that it may give others confidence and security that the Master’s legacy continues. 
I know that there are many on this list who are new and may not know of the protocol the Master established. It is my prayer that these emails and pictures may remind or educate others as to how and what the Master wanted us to continue.
Thanks for your question. It gives me a chance to explain.

In the Humility of Service and Gratitude,
MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa
Chief of Protocol

