2014年3月15日 星期六

「Yogi Bhajan與星象學和寶石學的面面觀 」Yogi Bhajan, Astrology and Gemology to Methodology


作者 Writer:Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa

翻譯 Translators:明月蘇菲. 金剛貓

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<Yogi Bhajan, 星象學和寶石學的面面觀>

Sat Nam, 親愛的家人們

星象學和寶石學因為具有非常精微的層面,不管你相不相信,它都是非常具有力量的。然而,星相與相連的寶石確實具有它所屬的功效。我告訴各位這個故事,絕不是我主觀的意識,而是發自客觀的責任心,經由 Yogi Bhajan 對我偉大的幫助,與各位分享我經驗到寶石能量對我的受益。






我不是說在某些特殊情況下他不會選擇特殊的石頭,但是他從來不讓這樣的想法限制住他,如果他配戴了正面能量的寶石,包括仁慈、厚道這些正面能量,他就讓自己用這樣的方式去感受神給他的禮物。但是,這個感受的方式,也代表以 Guru Ram Das 之名,他沒有不可克服的事,最終都能獲得勝利,所以為什麼擔憂呢?就戴上吧! 他總是已經準備好了,事先籌劃好了,無懼的、充滿勝利的。這就是為什麼他是真的大師,我們的大師。

事實上,大師並不會每天刻意選擇他要配戴的珠寶,這個工作落在每天執勤的秘書身上。是的,有時候特殊情況他會自己選擇珠寶,但是大部分時候,他讓神隨機選擇。這就是他喜歡的方式,這是 Guru Ram Das 的時代,除了Guru Ram Das 還是 Guru Ram Das。

我以前會為不同的場合和人物配戴不同的寶石。現在,我不在乎我戴些什麼,我讓我的直覺和我的 Guru 決定。我已經讓我自己從世俗的星相學價值觀中解脫出來,所以星相對我來講已經只是個娛樂,無論我有多少已知的知識,我的生命只有向前看。我撿到什麼就戴什麼,同時我感恩上天給我這個機會,加速我的業力解脫。


Sat Nam Dear Family,
Astrology and gemology are powerful forces whether you believe in it or not. because they work on the subtle level. Nevertheless, the stars and related gemstones will have their effect. I tell this story with no expression of self-aggrandizement, rather, out of a duty to share with you how I have experienced the benefits of gemology through the magnificent help of the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan.
I was blessed to have purchased jewels and gems in great numbers, colors, sizes, qualities, and dimensions. Each stone a person wears has a relationship with the stars. Together, the effects of gems and the natal chart can be exponential. Each stone has a unique effect on an individual’s chart in either a positive or negative way, or somewhere in-between.  Negative influences are seen as bad as they make life worse, while positive influences are good. But, that’s not how the Master saw it.  
I’m getting ahead of myself. The Master and I purchased all sorts of gems, jewelry, and watches. Watches were my passion and the Master allowed me to explore deeply into watch collecting. For him, it was always about jewelry. He loved jewelry. I, along with many others, bought jewelry for him. He kept some and he gave many pieces away. He was a non-discriminating jewelry person. He never saw a piece he didn’t like. And, that was just fine with me.
My mother was a jewelry aficionado. I learned to appreciate jewelry at a young age. The Master just expanded my horizons in allowing me much than I would have allowed myself. I loved our Master and this type of thinking was something I appreciated rather than had to overcome about him. Also, I knew it was all about what he wanted, not me. So, the more our thinking was similar, luckily, the less there was to overcome. The thing is, he’s such a great lover. He loved to give me what I enjoyed as well. So, he learned to appreciate watches like never before, and I dove into jewelry. It was a delightful excursion for both of us.
Eventually, I began to study the mystical properties of gems. It’s a fascinating science and art. I began to wonder why the Master mixed and matched gems in a manner in which I had learned could work against him.  Astrology defined this. Yes, there are certain basic effects of each stone, but depending upon your signs and where planets are currently located within your chart, a good astrologer can go deeper and be able to advise how certain gems will influence you personally and subtly. 
Almost every astrologer will tend to lead you in the direction of where certain gems promote a good result. It’s profitable, convenient, and hopeful. Hope is the sexiest thing on the planet. And, I might add, that’s what almost everyone wants. This can be a very good thing for beginning or intermediate practitioners, but not the Master. He wasn’t looking for the easy way out. He enjoyed wearing gems which may have had a malevolent effect upon him. He wouldn’t allow himself to be subject to the stars or gems. He lived in this model. This is the model of a yogi and/or a Sikh. He was both, so look out. He enjoyed overcoming more and more challenges that certain gems afforded.
I’m not saying that he didn’t wear certain stones for certain occasions, he did. But, he was never limited by this way of thinking. If he happened to wear gems which had a benevolent effect, he felt it a respite to be enjoyed as God’s gift along the way. But, his way meant that there was nothing he couldn’t overcome on the way to victory in the name of Guru Ram Das. So, why worry. Bring it on. He was always ready, prepared, fearless, and victorious. That’s why he’s a true Master, our Master.
In fact, the Master didn’t even pick his jewelry for the day. That job fell to the secretary who was currently on duty. Yes, sometimes he requested certain pieces for certain occassions, but, typically, his jewelry was random and at God’s discretion. And, that’s just the way he liked it. He was subject to nothing except Guru Ram Das, period.
I used to wear gemstones in sets or stones with complimentary relationships. Now, I don’t care what I wear. I leave that up to my intuition and my Guru. I have been freed from the mundane value of being subject to the stars. Now, the stars are just entertainment and a “heads up” on what may be in store. Whatever I get when picking my jewelry, I’ll deal with and I thank God for the opportunity of accelerating the karmic test in order to free myself from, yet, another trap.
The reward is a more and more enjoyable carefree life. One in which life is a constant prayer in devotion to He who makes sure that every challenge undertaken is conquered effortlessly. Who wouldn’t be in awe of such a person who bestowed this gift upon me? He then brought me to my Guru, “the man” who gives me more than I could have ever given myself. Stay tuned,
In the Humility of Service and Gratitude,
MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa 
Chief of Protocol 

