2013年6月2日 星期日

寶瓶時代的婚禮慶典 An Aquarian Wedding Ceremony

Elena 與Ward
一同頂禮後再繞著Guru Ram Das像一圈來封存誓詞~

2013 年五月份正逢Dr. Siri Atma Singh Khalsa 與 Nam Kaur Khalsa 夫婦前來台灣之際於台灣昆達里尼瑜伽教師協會舉辦了 Elena 與 Ward 的瑜珈婚禮邀請台灣瑜珈的Sangats前來觀禮祝福成為昆達里尼瑜珈教師協會盛世Elena是台灣昆達里尼瑜伽的教師Ward是來自於荷蘭的昆達里尼瑜伽練習者婚禮採簡單的瑜珈婚禮儀式非常感人溫馨在這裡分享寶瓶時代的婚禮慶典 :

An Aquarian Wedding Ceremony 寶瓶時代的婚禮慶典

Yogi Bhajan曾說「受到祝福的是那些前來分享這對新人的祈禱、來為他們生命的道路送出祝福的人。新婚生活的藝術與開始是一個美好的經驗,這些年他們將因婚禮中美妙片刻的回憶、在他們的愛、浪漫、患難與共之中而重獲新生。”

Yogi Bhajan said, “Blessed are those who come to share the prayer of the young couple to send them with blessings on the path of life. The art and the start of their new life is an auspicious experience. They will be renewed by the memory of the beautiful moments of the wedding, in their love, romance, and togetherness through the years.”

  • 所有事物都來自於神,所有事物也將全部回歸於神。生命的目的、練習瑜珈的目的,進而是婚姻,即最高級的瑜珈,其目的是去和另一個人類伴侶合作與遊戲,以達到神聖的結合。「所有瑜珈之最便是婚姻生活:深刻地了解女人,深刻地了解男人,深刻地了解人類關係、和諧、共處、自我與伴侶關係的安適感。”—YB

  • 婚姻始於對無限的承諾,為了在靈性道路上前進和成長,支持、鼓勵,和啟發彼此,直到最高的卓越。

  • 現今有一個全新的開始,婚姻提供了全新的開始;許多業力將消融在承諾的光中,在婚姻中轉化為更高的意識。一同建立起連貫的靈性練習,於是你擁有一個更高意識的試金石來讓你們繼續結合在一起,來提醒你真實的自我、你們的婚姻和生命的意義。

  • 隨時隨地感受無限的神的臨在,在每個粒子之中,在每個聲音之中,在每口呼吸之中。正是在這種全然的覺知狀態,使得一個人可以在有限的形體中體驗到無限。這是真實的瑜珈,這是生命之目的,以及婚姻之目的。去感謝每一口呼吸,那是生命中神的禮物,在對方之中看見神。在所有事物中認知到神性,是維持中性、不被動反應的心智的關鍵。當你的小我突然爆發,情緒浮出表面,這時要記住一件事:你們每個人都是神聖的靈魂!

  • 成為光明的燈塔, 一個能夠指引並鼓舞其他人達到幸福的團隊。在人類的形式中,可經由靈性的婚姻體驗到完整的神性結合。當你愈愛神,你就愈能看見、並去愛彼此之中的神。在這樣的狀態中,你覺知到自己是無限的汪洋中的一滴水:不分彼此但同時是獨一無二的,品嚐著完整平衡的喜悅。

  • 在此刻、向著未來並直到無限,許下這個承諾:你會為了彼此而生活,不只是和對方一起生活,在生活中完全地專注於你們將共同達到最高的使命。去明白你的每個行動與投射都對未來有其效應。覺知地活著。決不說出一個難聽的字眼,那是不能說出的。決不做出你會後悔的事。仁慈地活著。在你的家中樹立起和諧溝通、共同尊重,以及對神的愛的典範。

     (中文翻譯:Bachitar Singh)


Yogi Bhajan gave us guidelines that can be used to create a wedding ceremony based on yogic values. The following are ideas adapted from a wedding ceremony conducted by Shakti Parwha Kaur:

Everything comes from God, and everything shall return to God. The purpose of life, the purpose of yoga, thus the purpose of marriage, which is the highest yoga, is to work and play with a human partner to achieve this Divine Union. “The one yoga of all is married life: a deep understanding of a woman, a deep understanding of a man, a deep understanding of human relationship, coordination, togetherness, coziness of the self, and the relationship.” –YB

Marriage starts with a commitment unto Infinity to walk and grow together on a spiritual path, supporting, encouraging, and inspiring each other to your highest excellence.

Feel the presence of the Infinite God everywhere, in every particle, in every sound, with every breath. It is in this state of complete awareness of the moment that one can have the experience of the Infinite while in finite form. This is true yoga. It is the purpose of life, and the purpose of marriage. Be grateful for each breath you receive, it is God’s gift of life. See God in each other. 

remember; each of you is a divine soul!

This commitment is made now, for the future, and unto Infinity, that you will live for each other, not just with each other, and live with the complete focus that together you shall both attain your highest destiny. Know that your every act and projection has its effect upon the future. Live consciously. Never utter a harsh word, it cannot be unspoken. Never act in a way that you will regret. Live in kindness. Set an example in your home of harmonious communication, mutual respect, and love of God.

Become a beacon of light, a team who can guide and encourage others to happiness. In this human form, a complete Divine Union can be experienced 
through a spiritual marriage. The more you love God, the more you will be able 
to see and love the God in each other. In this state, you have the awareness that 
you are a drop of water in the vast Ocean of the Infinite: indistinguishable yet unique, tasting the joy of complete balance.


Nam Kaur Khalsa 回美後將這個非常具紀念意義婚禮分享給總部Sangats這是台灣的第一個昆達里尼瑜珈婚禮,舉辦在台灣昆達里尼瑜珈教師協會受祝福的是在當週有三對前來上神聖關係(Divine Relationship)工作坊的夫婦也在同時間結婚了,這真是無限的祝福

新郎新娘與主持婚禮的瑜伽士夫婦 Siri Atma Singh與Nam Kaur 


Satwant 老師前來祝賀, 師生情誼溫馨
荷蘭婆婆到場祝賀, 場面十分感人

