2013年5月12日 星期日

重新來過 -- 來自Dr. Siri Atma Singh的真誠分享 ( 再婚與靈魂伴侶 )

重頭來過  The Second Time Around

   Siri Atma Singh Khalsa, M.D.

婚姻是帶你走向神的馬車,這是Yogi Bhajan在1979年教導我,也是我現在所相信的。信任神,我並不是去追求一個老婆,而是鞏固我的靈性修練、為了婚姻準備好我自己,讓神照料剩下的事。婚後我發現我個人的靈性練習導致了我個人的快速變化,我們兩人以不同的步調成長,而我調整了我的步調來配合另一半,於是也證實了自我奉獻必然會帶來靈性成長。




我們對於活出並分享Yogi Bhajan的教導有同等的熱忱。我們的婚姻發展出療癒彼此傷痛及強化彼此力量的能力。我們都擅長於自我滋養,但我們更樂於滋養對方。比起用煩惱與喧囂來度過日常生活,給予和付出更為有趣。Siri Singh Sahib的教導是應用在我們自身的,在確保了我們有力量服務他人的同時,也能夠為彼此和自身服務。 

Yogi Bhajan曾經考驗我們,而那是很好的經驗。我們知道如何奉獻及分享,也知道何時去放鬆與玩耍。我們尊重彼此的優點與弱點。我們花時間一起享受並表達我們獨一無二的身份,而不是追尋彼此需求的滿足。 

我們共享的種種承諾建立起信任,不再熱衷於親密關係,進而是靈魂的融合。Siri Singh Sahib教導我承諾、信任與奉獻,這件事使我倍感祝福,這使我能夠與他融合,並且也和我的妻子Nam Kaur結合。成功的婚姻需要的工具和靈性道路相同,也許諾了相同的回報,亦即和另一個的靈魂融合為一,個別靈魂進入宇宙意識。 



MARRIAGE IS THE CARRIAGE THAT TAKES YOU TO GOD. This is what Yogi Bhajan taught me in 1979 and it is what I believe now. Trusting in God, I did not pursue a wife, but rather I consolidated my spiritual practice, prepared myself for marriage and let God take care of the rest. When I was married and found that my personal sadhana would lead to such rapid personal change that we would grow apart, I set my personal pace to match my spouse’s. Thus I verified that personal sacrifice always leads to spiritual growth.

Eventually I was forced to choose between performing my duty and preserving my marriage. Whichever choice I made the personal cost was going to be high. I chose what I felt was the highest good, but I lost a 20 year relationship, my children where forced through a divorce, and my dreams of a single cozy grandparents’ home was destroyed. Worse still, my trust in a partnership was destroyed. My distrust made constructing a new union difficult for my new partner, though constant love and nurturing eventually has healed this pain. 

I learned that no matter how good or bad a relationship may be, there is no substitute for time spent together. This being said, relationships are a lot easier when you both not only love but also respect each other. With my new partner we have both merged deeper in four years than our 20year prior marriages afforded. Why? We both already knew how to serve and sacrifice, when to lead or follow. We both know how to heal and strengthen each other. 
I learned that no matter how good or bad a relationship may be, there is no substitute for time spent together. This being said, relationships are a lot easier when you both not only love but also respect each other. With my new partner we have both merged deeper in four years than our 20year prior marriages afforded. Why? We both already knew how to serve and sacrifice, when to lead or follow. We both know how to heal and strengthen each other. 
We both want to live and share Yogi Bhajan’s teachings with equal intensity. Our marriage has evolved around healing our wounds and enhancing our strengths. We are both good selfnurturers, but we prefer to nurture each other instead. It is more fun to pass your daytoday in giving rather than hassling and hustling. The Siri Singh Sahib’s teachings are selfapplied to grant us the power to serve others as well as each other and ourselves, just as we are. 

Yogi Bhajan tested us both and that is nice. We know how to sacrifice and share and when to relax and play. We respect our strengths and our weakness. We spend our together time enjoying and expressing our unique identities not seeking satisfaction of our personal needs. 

Our shared commitments built trust, bore intimacy, and then a merging of souls. I feel blessed that the Siri Singh Sahib taught me to commit, trust, and sacrifice. This allowed me to merge with him and it allows me now to merge with my wife, Nam Kaur. A successful marriage requires the same tools as the spiritual path and promises the same rewards, merger of one soul with another, Atma into Parmatma. 

Marriage is not about what I have or what you have. It is not about what I am or what you are. Marriage is about what we can be by joining our polarity. When the goal of marriage is to obey the soul in purity and piety then union must occur, because there is only one Soul. If I merge into my soul or your soul or the highest Soul, it is all one Soul, one Creation. If I live for you and I serve your soul and I merge into your soul, I escape the pit of Spiritual Ego where I serve only my soul. 

Marriage is the personal and public declaration that I will serve this other soul unto Infinity. We will sink or swim together. That is the real spiritual test of marriage. It is not our earthly success or failure that pleases God, but our ability to commit and sacrifice. Marriage is thus a practice ground for merging with all souls. We commit to merge with one soul and whatever it takes, that is the sacrifice we make. The secret is to constantly nurture the highest aspect of our sexual polarity, our partner, because it takes two wings to fly.

Dr. Siri Atma Singh 和 Nam Kaur夫婦這次於台灣台北的行程   

[ 5/17 週五 19:00 - 21:00 ]《神聖關係》與《療癒的波浪》導讀座談會與簽書活動

[ 5/18 週六   9:00 - 12:00 ]  靈性伴侶工作坊

[ 5/18 週六 14:00 - 17:00 至 5/19 週日 9:00 - 17:00]  真實純粹的療癒工作坊

[ 5/20 週一 19:00 - 21:30 ] 台灣首次昆達唱誦婚禮,新人:Anantdev Kaur(Elena)老師 與Ward Van Waardenburg

