2024年12月19日 星期四

平衡腦與心朝向無限( Balancing Mind & Heart unto Infinity )

這個冥想平衡了心輪中心的頻率和品質。 心輪中心開放慈悲和謙遜的潛力。 人類現在正在經歷全球邁向寶瓶座時代的過渡期。 我們正準備對宇宙力量的服務擁有主權。 這需要宇宙意識。 發展宇宙意識有兩種方式:透過艱辛努力和時間付出,或透過曼陀羅。 曼陀羅是更簡單的方法,但困難在於曼陀羅可開啟心輪中心,頭腦卻很難跟隨心的頻率。 正是透過發自內心的理解,頭腦才能意識到無限在我們之內的概念。

手印:輕鬆坐勢,脊背伸直。 把手放在胸前,讓拇指塞進腋窩。 拇指壓在肋骨上。 將每隻手的手掌和手指靠在胸前。 放鬆兩側的肘部。 

呼吸和曼陀羅:皺起嘴唇,用口哨透過嘴巴深吸氣。 在內心共振聲音 So ,聽聽吸入的口哨聲。 當你傾聽呼吸時,透過鼻子完全呼氣,在內心共振聲音Hung的聲音。 


So Hung的意思是:「 無限,我就是祢。」 


Siri Singh Sahib、Yogi Bhajan 關於心輪中心的金句:

所有存在好的方面都是透過慈悲心,這就是心輪中心。 這就是美、是尊嚴、是人類的狂喜。~ 1973年10月11日

透過心輪中心所判斷的所有行為,其結果就是寬恕。 ~ 1973年10月11日

地球上最偉大的課程是謙遜,它開啟了心扉。 你不能用大炮的力量來開啟你的心扉。 但只要說幾句謙遜的蜜語,它就能永遠開啟。 ~1983年4月13日

主啊,喚醒靈魂、開啟心輪、給予卓越。 讓我善待那些對我不友善的人,讓我去愛那些恨我的人, 讓我為那些背叛我的人服務,讓我為那些拒絕我的人祈禱。 但請祢永遠和我在一起,永遠、永遠,直到無限。 ~ 1985年3月13日

This meditation balances the frequency and quality of the Heart Center. The Heart Center opens the potential for compassion and humility.

Humanity is now going through a global transition into the Aquarian Age. We are preparing to have sovereignty over the service of the Universal force. This requires Universal Consciousness.

There are two ways of developing Universal Consciousness: through hardship and time or through mantra. Mantra is the easier way, but the difficulty is that mantra opens the Heart Center and the mind has difficulty following the heart’s frequency.

It is through the understanding that comes from the heart that the mind can realize the concept that Infinity is within us.

Mudra: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. Bring the hands on to the chest so that the thumbs are tucked into the armpits. The thumbs press against the ribs. Rest the palms and fingers of each hand against the chest. Relax the elbows down by the sides.

Breath & Mantra: Pucker the lips and inhale deeply through the mouth with a whistle. Listen to the whistle sound of the inhalation as you mentally vibrate the sound So. Completely exhale through the nose as you listen to the breath and mentally vibrate the sound Hung.

Time: Continue for11 minutes.

So Hung means, “Infinity, I am Thou.”

Eyes: 1/10th  open.

Quotes by the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan about the Heart Center:

All good facets of the being are through compassion, and that is the heart center. It is the beauty, it is the dignity, it is the ecstasy of the human being. ~October 11, 1973

For all actions judged through the heart center, the result is forgiveness.  ~October 11, 1973

The greatest lesson on Earth is humility which opens the heart. You cannot open your heart by the power of the cannon. But with a few humble sweet words it can open forever. ~April 13, 1983

Lord, awaken the soul, open the heart, give the excellence. Let me be kind to those who have been unkind to me. Let me love those who have hated me. Let me serve those who have betrayed me. Let me pray for those who have denied me. But be with me ever, ever, ever, unto Infinity. ~March 13, 1985

                                    本文選自 STUDENTSOFYOGIBHAJAN

                                        明月心滴翻譯 / 歡迎覺知轉載分享 


