「 自古以來,人類就發現他們有數十億種念頭、數十億種感覺、數百萬種情緒、數千種慾望、數百種幻想、多種現實和不一樣的人格。 歸根結底,我們的心智和念頭支配著我們,讓我們陷入困境。 我們嘗試了一切可用的方法來擺脫這種壓力,因為它正在吞噬我們的內心。 白色譚崔瑜伽使你能夠突破那些潛意識障礙,這樣你就可以享受生活......這是通往個人自由和意識的道路,並將為你生活的每個領域帶來更多成功。」 ~ Yogi Bhajan
白色譚崔瑜伽可以讓你突破這些潛意識障礙,這樣你就可以過上更享受的生活。 在最短的時間內,你可以體驗到從你心中的許多負擔中解脫出來。 當你清晰地看待每一刻並採取行動時,你可以更深入地瞭解自己,你的生活可以改變。 你的思想、身體和靈魂可以合而為一。 這是通往個人自由和意識的道路,可以為你生活的每個領域帶來更多成功。
「 白色譚崔瑜伽的美妙之處在於它精微、崇高,並能讓你掌握生活。」~ Yogi Bhajan
Yogi Bhajan 在家鄉印度16歲時就成為昆達里尼瑜伽大師。 他於 1968 年來到西方。 1970 年成為馬哈壇催位置,即白壇催瑜伽大師的權力授予他。 白壇催瑜伽的實行,就像最神聖的東方智慧一樣,以前是一種以神秘和有選擇的方式從老師傳給學生的傳統。 1970 年,成為白壇催瑜伽大師馬哈壇催的權力,授予給 Yogi Bhajan 。 作為寶瓶時代的先驅,Yogi Bhajan 決定向任何想致力於白壇催瑜伽的人開放白壇催瑜伽的體驗。 1970 年,歷史上第一次,白色譚崔瑜伽在洛杉磯公開教授。
直到 1986年,Yogi Bhajan 周遊世界,每年為數千名學生舉辦多至30場白壇催工作坊。 1987 年,他利用他作為大師的獨特能力,結合現代技術,開始將白色譚崔瑜伽作為錄影帶系列呈現。 他說,當他不再有肉體時,這些影片將繼續產生同樣的效果。 事實證明,這是真的,事實上,自從他於 2004 年 10 月去世以來,數千名學生已經證實,他們的譚崔體驗,是他親臨現場教授的體驗其中之一。
SiriSimran是白壇催的執行長,也是 Sat Nam Rasayan 的首席訓練師。 在全球同修研討會上,SiriSimran 將分享她如何使用 Yogi Bhajan 教導中的這兩種方式所做的工作,為無數人服務、提升和療癒,並繼續為現在和未來無數人服務、提升和療癒。
SiriSimran 的簡歷
SiriSimran Khalsa 將她的一生奉獻給了昆達里尼瑜伽和 Sat Nam Rasayan。 在她只有7個月大的時候,她的母親 Guru Sharon 在他的一個班級裡,把她介紹給了Yogi Bhajan。
當 SiriSimran 年滿18歲時,她成為 Yogi Bhajan 的全職助理,與他一起環遊世界十多年,參加他教的每一節冥想課程,並獲得了昆達里尼瑜伽教練的認證。 這緊鑼密鼓與 Yogiji 在一起的歲月裡,對她瞭解昆達里尼瑜伽與知識的廣泛起了相當大的作用。且在這些年裡,她學到的經驗和課程,對她未來成長和發展有了舉足輕重的重要性。 當SiriSimran成為母親時,她暫停了旅行和工作,以撫養兒子並加深她的個人的練習。 撫養她的兒子是 SiriSimran 最喜悅的經歷。
透過冥想,SiriSimran 意識到她的職業道路在於學習 Sat Nam Rasayan。 20多年來,她一直有直接向 Sat Nam Rasayan 大師 Guru Dev 學習的這份機會作為禮物。 在那段時間裡,SiriSimran 成為了三級認證的 Sat Nam Rasayan 療癒師,可以教授這門療癒的藝術。 她是為數不多的授權教授這種療癒藝術的 Sat Nam Rasayan 認證療癒師之一。
2013年,SiriSimran 開始擔任白色譚崔瑜伽助理主持人,幾年後加入了白色譚崔董事會。 2023年1月,她成為白色譚崔瑜珈、人學和健康科學的執行長。
SiriSimran 住在洛杉磯,仍然對昆達里尼瑜伽和 Sat Nam Rasayan 充滿熱情,她珍視從兩位大師那裡獲得的知識和智慧。 SiriSimran 喜歡引導人們更加意識到他們感知中存在的精微之處,以及這些精微之處在療癒自己和他人方面是多麼強大。 她長期為本地和國際的客戶提供私人的服務。
White Tantric Yoga
“Since ancient times humans have found that they have zillions of thoughts, billions of feelings, millions of emotions, thousands of desires, hundreds of fantasies, and multi-realties, and personalities. Ultimately, our mind and thoughts rule and bog us down. We try every method available to get rid of this pressure because it is eating us up inside. White Tantric Yoga enables you to break through those subconscious blocks, so you can enjoy life…This is the path to personal freedom and awareness, and will bring more success to every area of your life.” ~ Yogi Bhajan
White Tantric Yoga enables you to break through these subconscious blocks, so you can have a more enjoyable life. In the shortest time, you can experience release from a lot of the burden you carry in your mind.
When you see and act on each moment with clarity, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your life can change. Your mind, body and soul can act together as one. This is the path to personal freedom and awareness and can bring more success to every area of your life.
“The Beauty of White Tantra Yoga is that it is subtle, it is exalting and it works to gives you the Mastery of Life.” ~ Yogi Bhajan
Yogi Bhajan became Master of Kundalini Yoga at the age of 16 in his native India. He came to the West in 1968. The authority to be the Mahan Tantric, Master of White Tantric Yoga, was bestowed on him in 1970.
The practice of White Tantric Yoga, as with most sacred Eastern wisdom, had previously been a tradition passed on from teacher to student in a mystical and selective way. In 1970, the authority to be the Mahan Tantric, Master of White Tantric Yoga, was bestowed on Yogi Bhajan. As a pioneer of the Aquarian Age, Yogi Bhajan decided to open the experience of White Tantric Yoga to anyone who wanted to commit to the discipline. In 1970, for the first time in history, White Tantric Yoga was taught publicly, in Los Angeles.
Until 1986, Yogi Bhajan traveled throughout the world presenting as many as thirty workshops each year to thousands of students. In 1987, using his unique abilities as Master, together with modern technology, he began to present White Tantric Yoga as a video-taped series. He said the videos would continue to have the same effect when he was no longer in his physical body. This has proven true, and in fact since his passing from his physical body in October 2004, thousands of students have confirmed that their Tantric experience is one of being in his presence.
Global Symposium Presenter: SiriSimran
SiriSimran is both the CEO of White Tantric Yoga and a Lead Trainer of Sat Nam Rasayan. At the Global Sangat Symposium, SiriSimran will share how the work she does using these two modalities from the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan have served, uplifted and healed countless people and continue to serve, uplift and heal countless more now and into the future.
SiriSimran’s Bio
SiriSimran Khalsa has devoted her life to Kundalini Yoga and Sat Nam Rasayan. She was introduced to Yogi Bhajan at one of his classes by Guru Sharon, her mother, when she was just 7 months old.
When SiriSimran turned 18, she became Yogi Bhajan’s full-time assistant, travelling the world with him for over a decade, attending every meditation class he taught and becoming certified as a Kundalini Yoga instructor. These intense years together were instrumental for her knowledge and understanding of Kundalini Yoga. The experiences and lessons she learned during these years were pivotal in her growth and development as a teacher.
When SiriSimran became a mother, she suspended her travel and work to raise her son and deepen her personal practice. Raising her son was SiriSimran’s most joyful experience.
Through meditation, SiriSimran became aware that her professional path forward lay in studying Sat Nam Rasayan. She had the gift of learning directly from Guru Dev, the master of Sat Nam Rasayan, for over 20 years. During that time, SiriSimran became a level III certified Sat Nam Rasayan healer and traveling teacher. She is one of only a few certified Sat Nam Rasayan healers authorized to teach this healing art.
In 2013, SiriSimran began serving as a White Tantric Yoga Facilitator and joined the White Tantric Board of Directors a few years later. In January 2023, she became the CEO of White Tantric Yoga, Humanology and Health Sciences.
Based in Los Angeles, SiriSimran remains passionate about both Kundalini Yoga and Sat Nam Rasayan and she treasures the knowledge and wisdom gained from both masters. SiriSimran loves guiding people to become more aware of the subtleties that exist in their perception and how powerful these subtleties can be in healing oneself and others. She has a long-standing private practice that serves local and international clients.
本文選自 StudentsofYogiBhajan
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