我們為您提供了不同的練習功法。他們可以為你工作。你為什麼要鍛鍊呢? 當身體繼續生長時,隨著年歲,它都會變得更加僵硬。你平時以自我特別的模式活動、你以自己特別的方式活動你的手、活動你的腿,基本上這並不會鍛鍊到很多肌肉,那些沒有時常做各種活動的肌肉會變得虛弱、骨骼的區域也會變形。當你的骨骼開始變形時,你的神經系統開始感覺到壓力,接著它開始擾亂血液循環,然後組織更新重建變得詭異。再過一陣子,你就垮掉了,你開始遇到大麻煩了。 1975 年7月18日
如果人們想改變,他們想建立他們的免疫系統,他們應該這樣做。 瑜伽茶的原始配方是為了幫助人們的肝臟、脾臟和免疫系統。 這就是我們開始瑜伽茶的源由。 1999 年 8 月 16 日
有時候,你甚至無法控制你體內的糖分水平。 請記住,當你在新陳代謝中加入糖時,你正在以非常直接的方式擾亂你的新陳代謝。 適當的糖量是可以理解的,但你真正投入的糖量,只有神才能拯救你。 每當你放入大量的糖時,你只能遵循抑鬱症定律。當你患上抑鬱症時,你就會失去很多朋友。 因此,開通自我的能量是非常公平的。 開通自我的能量最好方法之一是做普拉那呼吸法。
當你沒有正確引導能量時,你一定會很沮喪。 不要過度延展自己,失去平衡。 我見過這種沮喪的人:好吧,我們晚上開個派對吧。11點,派對將結束了。我們去看電影吧。然後,看完電影後,回家吧。好的,親愛的,給我一杯咖啡。接著他們第二天傍晚4:30起床。他們不知道他們自己在做什麼。這被稱為蕭條期。 那樣的人就算花四天都不會把他的場面整理好。身體需要72小時才能讓身體重新進入相同的工作過程。只是一個晚上的行動就會影響這一切。
這裡只有一個問題:你不相信自己的力量。你和神之間沒有區別。算上你的祝福,為自己感到驕傲。讓你的孩子、朋友和鄰居為你感到驕傲。讓你的碰觸成為大師的碰觸。為寶瓶時代服務。堅持住,神會讓你跟上。相信它,不要再看不起自己了。感受內在的神。 在你之外沒有神。 2000年6月23日
We have given you different sets of exercises. They can work for you. Why do you have to exercise? When the body grows, each year of its existence, it becomes more rigid. You move in special patterns. You move your hands in a special way, your legs in a special way; and that does not exercise a lot of muscles. The muscles which do not get any type of exercise get weak and that area of your skeleton gets out of shape. The moment your skeleton gets out of shape, the nervous system starts feeling the pressure. It starts messing up the circulation, then reconstruction of the tissues gets weird. After a while you fall apart and you are in trouble.
If people want to change and they want to build their immune system, they should. The Yogi Tea original formula was to give people help with their liver, spleen and immune system. That’s how we started Yogi Tea.
The glands are the guardian of our health and our immune system
There are times when you cannot even control the sugar level in your body. Remember that when you put sugar in your metabolism, you are upsetting your metabolism in a very direct way. X amount of sugar is understandable, but the amount of sugar you put in, only God can save you. And whenever you put x amount of sugar, you must follow the law of depression. When you get that kind of depression, you lose a lot of friends. Therefore, it is very fair to channel your energy. One of the best ways to channel the energy is to do the pranayama.
When you do not channel the energy properly, then you must get depressed. Don’t [over]extend yourself and get out of balance. I have seen people who get depressed in this way: Alright, let us have a party in the evening. At 11 o’clock, the party will be over. Let us go to a movie. Then, after the movie, come home. Alright honey, give me a cup of coffee. They up the next day at 4:30 in the evening. They do not know what to do. This is called Phase Depression. That person will not get his scene together for almost four days. It takes the body 72 hours to get the body back into the same working process. Just one night of action.
There is only one problem: You do not trust your powers. There is no difference between you and God. Count your blessings. Be proud of yourself. Make your children, friends and neighbors proud of you. Let your touch be the Master’s Touch. Serve the Age of Aquarius. Keep up and God will keep you up. Trust it. Stop looking down at yourself. Feel God within. There is no God outside of you.
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