摘自Yogi Bhajan和GuruCharan Singh的《心智:它的投射和多個方面》一書,該書也分享在2007年版Yogi Bhajan的《寶瓶教師》第121頁。
由於心智頭腦反應速度很快,超出了時間和空間的範疇,它對你提供的行動配套來支援想法,遠超於其真正可以行動的。 結果是,思考的不是你自己。而是你的頭腦在思考,而不是你本身。它充滿著你想要的和不需要的、有意和無意的想法。並非所有的想法都支援真正的你。 你是意識本身,而不是所有的這些想法。你實際上是透過靈魂而攜帶著的那個。
如果頭腦停止,它就無法運作。這不是局部區域性現象。 就像海洋一樣,你可以感受到從遠處產生的波浪,所以在頭腦中,你有來自整個宇宙和其它每個人的想法和感覺。你最迷戀和執著的地方及人通常充斥著你的思想流。 隨著你變得更加中性和不執著,這些想法和感覺的空間就會擴大。
頭腦尋求兩極性,並傾向於對事物進行分類,分為正面和負面,分為好與壞。 它尋求極性和對比。
就像水存在於從蒸汽到液體再到冰的微妙程度。就這樣,你可以把心智想像成蒸汽,把感覺想像成水,把神經元和連線想像成冰。心智是一種結構、一種過程和一種能量,讓你的意識在這樣的創造中運作和表現。 你可以觀察它,你可以改變它。 你可以用粗糙層面像食物這樣的東西、強大的東西像呼吸,以及微妙的東西像思維,來影響它。它有自己的流、結構和新陳代謝。
頭腦本身不會停止。 這就是需要冥想、曼陀羅Mantra和呼吸控制等特殊技術的地方。 用頭腦試圖說服頭腦本身保持靜止,就像試圖透過吹氣來阻止颶風。 有太多事情還搆不著。
另一個困難是,你用你的頭腦來觀察你的頭腦。 想像一下,兩面鏡子以輕微的角度對視。 如果你把一支蠟燭放在中間,照照鏡子,你可以看到數百支蠟燭,這是反射的反射。 心智只能反射出自己,那是在影象中創造影象,在思想中創造思想。
我們需要能夠影響頭腦,而不會被無限的自我參照所困擾。 要做到這一點,我們需要瞭解心智頭腦的結構,識別思想的起源,並有意識地確定哪些思想與我們真正的自我一致。 如果心智頭腦的81個面相可以被控制,如此心智頭腦才能清楚地感知每個思維想法,那麼心智頭腦就可以與靈魂的意圖保持一致。 結果是有效性、內在和外在的和平,以及覺醒的直覺。
This is excerpted from the book “The Mind: It’s Projections and Multiple Facets by Yogi Bhajan and GuruCharan Singh, which is also shared on page 121 of the 2007 edition of The Aquarian Teacher by Yogi Bhajan.
1) The mind is largely automatic.
Since the mind is fast and beyond the categories of time and space, it supports your actions with many more thoughts than you could ever act on. The result of this is that it is not you who thinks. Your mind thinks, not you. It floods you with thoughts, both wanted and unwanted, intended and unintended. Not all thoughts support the you which is you. You are awareness itself and not all these thoughts. You are actually carried through the soul.
2) The mind is ever moving.
If the mind stops, it cannot function. It is not a local phenomenon. Just like the ocean, you can feel waves that were generated from far away so in the mind, you have thoughts and feelings from the entire universe and every other person. The places and people you are most attuned to and attached to are what usually fill your stream of thoughts. As you become more neutral and non-attached, the scope of these thoughts and feelings widen.
3) The mind functions best in contrasts.
The mind seeks polarities and tends to classify things in pairs, in positive and negative, in good and bad. It seeks polarities and contrasts.
4) The mind is just as material as the body, only it is subtler.
Water exists in degrees of subtlety from vapor to liquid to ice. Just so, you can think of the mind as the vapor, feelings as water and the neurons and connections as ice. The mind is a structure, a process and an energy that lets your awareness operated and manifest in this creation. You can observe it, and you can change it. You can affect it with gross things like food, powerful things like breath, and subtle things like thought. It has its own flow, structure and metabolism.
The mind itself does not stop. This is where special techniques like meditation, mantra and breath control are needed. Using the mind to try to convince the mind to be still is like trying to stop a hurricane by blowing at it. There is too much going on.
A further difficulty is that you use your mind to observe your mind. Just imagine two mirrors facing each other at a slight angle. If you put a candle in between and look into the mirror, you can see hundreds of candles, reflections upon reflections. The mind can reflect back on itself and create images within images, thoughts within thoughts.
We need to be able to affect the mind without getting caught in an infinite self-reference. To do that, we need to understand the structure of the mind, recognize the origin of thought, and consciously determine which thoughts are consistent with our true self. If the 81 facets of the mind can be controlled so that the mind perceives each thought clearly, then the mind can align with the intention of the soul. The result is effectiveness, inner and outer peace, and awakened intuition.
本文選自 StudentsofYogiBhajan
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