2018年6月1日 星期五

Yogi Bhajan, How to Sail Through Betrayal 「如何在背叛中航行」


作者 Writer:Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa
翻譯 Translators:明月蘇菲,金剛貓
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Sat Nam 親愛的家人,



我們摯愛的老師 Yogi Bhajan,已經用提昇的方式來處理所有挑戰。他是非常少數其中一個,不會背叛任何人的老師。我曾經挑戰過他好幾次。我實在覺得非常糟糕,當時我到底是誰啊!怎麼可以去挑戰我的老師?我到底是在做什麼樣的一個學生呢?我為什麼要對他做這麼多糟糕的事,但沒有帶給他快樂呢?但是我的慾望搞砸了好多事,包括我的老師想要做的事。

所以,為何我們這些學生要挑戰老師呢?我來告訴你為什麼,因為我們就是不完美。我們始終想要我們的慾望被實現,不管我們瞭不瞭解事情是怎樣的。所以我測試了 Yogi Bhajan 的慈悲心。但是我現在覺得這是必經過程,不必覺得非常難過。看起來很糟,但是其實沒那麼糟。我會告訴你為什麼?因為我們的老師喜歡有機會展現他的恩典、慈悲和永不背叛的特質。他常說,他身體所記錄的所有傷痕,都留下了心靈的記號。在這裡,這些傷痕就是他從不聲張的背叛。然而,他喜歡嗎?當然他不喜歡,但是表面上看起來是他都可以接受。他不喜歡,因為學生總是想要的比神給的更多,學生總是希望所有一切被滿足。但另外一方面來說,他又喜歡這個過程,因為看到這些,就反映出學生的現有靈性程度,也給予他另一個機會去展現什麼叫做慈悲。這是神喜歡的,所以 Yogi Bhajan 喜歡,因為這樣做,可以取悅他的 Guru

讓我們來說說看永不背叛,我如果對這個特質下標籤,就是大慈悲。他最終的慈悲表現出他永不放棄任何一個人的天性。如果你傷害他,他就是保持擇善堅持。他總是認為每一個人都可以展現他最好的一面。我不管你背叛了他幾次,但他總是都在那兒給,和真誠的為你的能量提升而工作。那是他此生的工作,他做到淋漓盡致。如果你受不了,你就會離開他,但他永遠不會離開你。Guru 說,利益眾生。他真實的活在這句話裡。


MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa

Yogi Bhajan, How to Sail Through Betrayal
Sat Nam Dear Family,
How can you tell who to believe. I mean, everyone has opinions. Priests, rabbis, gianis, all spiritual teachers have been held in high esteem as far as who to believed is concerned. We’ve been helped many times, and we’ve been betrayed many also. How do we make a correct decision and increase the help, while decreasing the betrayal?
Almost all teachers have a point of betrayal. It may be very subtle. In fact, it can be so subtle that the teacher may not even know of their betrayal. And, even if they do, they learn to cover it up so it doesn’t affect emotions, mental state or consciousness. This is the biggest form of betrayal as the teacher betrays him/herself.
So, you could say with few exceptions, all teachers have a point of betrayal. Thankfully, many students never get to that point, so the teachings being followed aren’t compromised. And what seems to be a constant on a spiritual path, a student will consciously or not, test the teacher so the teacher has to prove he is trustworthy and will not betray the student.
Our beloved teacher had an elevated way of handling all challenges. He was one of those rare teachers who wouldn’t betray anyone. I did challenge him on several occasions. At the time I felt really badly about it. Who am I to challenge my teacher? What kind of student am I? Why do I want to bring anything but joy into his life? But, my wants trumped everything else including my teachers will.
So, why do we challenge our teacher? I’ll tell you why. Because we’re not perfect. We still want what we want whether we realize it or not. So, I tested his compassion. I now see how this was necessary and there was no need to feel so badly about it. As bad as it appeared, it wasn’t. I’ll tell you why. Because our teacher loved the opportunities to display his grace, his compassion, his eternal lack of betrayal.
He always said, “My body is covered with scars, no place is left without psychic marks.” By that he meant, he was covered with the scars of betrayal. Did he like it? No, but it comes with the turf. He didn’t like it because it meant that the student needed more than God, he/she needed their own will satisfied. On the other hand, he liked it because it showed him where the student was currently at spiritually, and it gave him another opportunity to show his compassion. And, that’s Godlike, so he liked it because it was pleasing to his Guru.
Rather than a lack of betrayal, I should label it as a great presence of compassion. His ultimate compassion was demonstrated by his nature of never giving up on anyone. If you hurt him, he kept up. He always wanted the best out of everyone. It didn’t matter how many times you had betrayed him, he still projected, gave, sincerely worked for your elevation. That was his job and he did it to a tee. If you couldn’t take it, you left him, he wouldn’t leave you. The Guru says, ‘wish well to all.’ He lived by these words.
That was his way of never betraying anyone. I was blessed to see it in action often. This is how his promise to us was delivered. This is how his teachings delve deeply into the cosmos. It’s an image which is hard to live to. But, it’s an image of the greatest thing - compassion. This is the standard of our teacher and this is the protocol of this dharma. This is his legacy. This is his protocol. This is his gift. This is our blessing. We mustn’t let it go. Stay tuned,

In the Humility of Service and Gratitude,
MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa
Chief of Protocol
Sangat Representative

