2018年6月9日 星期六

「愚蠢這件事」Yogi Bhajan, the Fluidity of Stupidity


作者 Writer:Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa
翻譯 Translators:明月蘇菲,金剛貓
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Sat Nam 親愛的家人,
我來告訴你人類是如何的愚蠢而不自知....現在我們從某方面來開始討論。我懷疑你們之中有多少人感覺被我的挑戰冒犯以及不自知。好吧!我請求你不為境轉,我就是屬於這一類的導師。這方面我是從我尊敬的老師 Yogi Bhajan 身上學到的,雖然他總是有一個非常嚴謹的紀律,如同他自己就是學生角色般的遵從,他也這樣分享給他交流過的學生。

然而,當你在瑜珈課或是錫克廟聽到Yogi Bhajan的演說時,他的說話總是充滿挑戰人性的層面。但他從來只是陳述,不對別人做出反擊。他就是用這種方式跟學生說話的,這樣學生就會順著他的話語,在內心舉一反三的發酵。但是學生們對於這種挑戰性話語,自己的容忍底線在那裡,這又是另外一回事了。而且,你的舉一反三到什麼樣的程度,也是造就你有多麼獨特成長的機會。,就是那個你可以容忍到哪裡的程度,你的個人獨特就更加與眾不同。所以,Yogiji 認為,學生如果不可能犧牲自己平日的舒適圈節奏,他就是很容易被挑戰的話語激怒而失控。

再順便跟你說,不管學生被激怒一次或是上千次,他們只是看到表面,就覺得實在太過份了。“ 有一天我會知道真相的,但我現在還不知道。我現在要先離開。我會使用所有繞過去的技巧去處理這件事。我什麼都不做,可以嗎?好吧,也許下輩子再說。” 等等.... 這些都是即便是一個好學生,都會問他們自己的問題,這是過程的一部分,一邊可能被激怒又一邊繼續走下去。




MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa

Yogi Bhajan, the Fluidity of Stupidity
Sat Nam Dear Family,
I’ll tell you how stupid we humans are… Now, that’s some way to begin a letter. I wonder how many of you I’ve already challenged to the point of offensiveness and lost already? Well, I am asking you to get over it, that’s the kind of teacher I am. I learned this from my teacher, Yogi Bhajan, the Siri Singh Sahib, although he had the discipline to pull back to the level of the student or students he was speaking with.
Nevertheless, when you hear him speak at yoga classes or in Gurdwara, he was very challenging. He pulled no punches. He spoke to students in that way so that they know what’s expected. What’s tolerated is another story. But, what’s expected is what makes us special. And, I might add, our tolerance also is what makes us special. So, he felt that if some students were freaked out by it, well he wasn’t willing to sacrifice the protocol for convenience.
By the way, even the students who have stayed have freaked out a time or a thousand. It comes with the turf. ‘It’s too much. I’ll get there. I’m not there yet. I’ll just tune out for now. I’ll use all my deflecting ability to how deal with this. I don’t have to do it all, do I? Well, maybe next life.” These are the questions even good students ask themselves. It’s part of the process, that is if they don’t freak out along the way.
So, being stupid turns out to be O.K. We’re all subject to discretionary teaching, and we’re the judge of what we want to do. That makes us even stupider. To be able to surrender stupidity is the blessings of the universe. And, it doesn’t take any ability. In fact, ability can be a deterrent as it deflects concentration.
So, the stupider we are, the better chance we have of overcoming our stupidity. We know what it takes, it takes surrendering to those teachings our beloved teacher spoke about at these occasions. It takes doing what we don’t want. It takes sacrifice. It takes discipline. It takes will. And for all of us it also takes God’s help. Being on the path of lessening our stupidity is what separates us. It’s what makes us real.
If you want to avoid the pain of sacrifice, the discipline of discipline, the misunderstanding of will, we know the way. It’s called chanting God’s Sacred Name. We’re so stupid that when it hasn’t worked to our satisfaction, we deny it; we delay it; or, we avoid it. What a mistake that is. All it does is keep inertia flowing. It doesn’t change anything. It doesn’t even reset how your existence flows - nothing changes.
At least if you keep up, you changed your existence so that it trends in the right way. And, who knows when stupidity will begin to lessen. Look for it and you’ll find it. It’s in the grace of His Name. Keep-up and I guarantee you’ll be blessed. Be so stupid that all you want is to remember His Name. While working, while playing, while anything, His Name is with you. Practice that kind of mutli-tasking and see the miracle. The miracle of being wise instead of stupid. It’s a fantastic journey. I say journey because stupidity never ends, and, luckily, neither does becoming more wise. Only God is perfect, so in His eyes, we’re all always stupid. Remember His Name until you merge with He and become never stupid again. Stay tuned,

In the Humility of Service and Gratitude,
MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa
Chief of Protocol
Sangat Representative

