2017年6月14日 星期三

光環與清理業力的冥想 For the Arcline & to Clear the Karmas

MEDITATION — For the Arcline & to Clear the Karmas
(The Master’s Touch, p. 208.)

古時候的女人,在嫁給一個男人以後,她的能量體上會帶有這個男人的能量,這讓男人為了養家出外狩獵打仗時,婦女和小孩可以共同分享父親的存在感,這給她們成為一家人,共享能量的感覺,由女人來承擔起這所有的建構。女人上承七代下接七代業力, 從我們自己開始清洗我們的光環, 對祖先做出祈禱與祝福, 讓祖先自由, 後代光亮.
然而現在的社會,寶瓶時代電磁場衝擊, 人與人關係男女關係較為複雜,不想碰上也很容易碰上的,使得許多女人的能量體上留有一個到多個男人的印記,常常造成直覺模糊與意識某種混亂。一個男人對女人的影響至少七年的時光,對有些女人來說甚至是一輩子。


MEDITATION — For the Arcline & to Clear the Karmas
(The Master’s Touch, p. 208.)

姿勢:輕鬆坐姿, 或是在椅子上脊椎伸直坐好, 輕輕的脖子鎖.
Posture: Sit in easy pose or in a chair with a straight spine with a light neck lock (Jalandhar Bandh).

專注點: 眼睛閉上
Focus: The eyes are closed.
Mantra: Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru Wahe Jio (可使用Giani Ji版本). 從 “Wa-hay Guroo,” 到Wahe Jio是完整的一個回合, 雙手剷起往上潑灑越過肩膀耳後, 然後再回到一開始位置. 一回合以兩秒鐘左右合宜. 

Mantra: Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru Jio by Giani Ji. On each “Wa-hay Guroo,” as well as on the “Wa-hay Jeeo,” do one complete round — scooping up, throwing over your shoulders and come back to the starting position. (Approximately 2 seconds per “scoop.”)

手印: 首先放鬆手肘在下方兩側, 接著把前手臂往前伸直在身體前方, 手掌水平向上, 手掌微成杯狀, 放在膝蓋上. 
Mudra: Relax the elbows down by the sides and bring the forearms straight out in front of your body, palms flat and facing up. Have the palms slightly cupped, and place them a few inches above the knees.

移動:將手臂往上, 往頭後伸直, 盡可能地超越肩膀. 想像你正潑灑清水在你的光環上, 手腕輕輕地拍打(光環). 緩慢柔和優雅的移動, 跟隨著音樂的節拍.
Movement: Bring arms up, back behind head, stretching hands and arms as far back over shoulders as you can. Imagine you are scooping water and throwing it through your arcline, over your shoulders, with a flick of the wrists. The movement is slow and smooth and gracefully flows along with the lyrics and rhythm of the music.

Time: Continue for 31 minutes.

結束:吸氣, 然後延展你的手到頭後, 越後面越好, 接著止息10~15秒. 重複這個動作三次. 然後放鬆.
End: Inhale and stretch your hands back as far as possible, hands right behind your head. Posture for the inhale must be correct. Hold 10-15 seconds. Repeat 3 times total. Relax.

評註:這個冥想是光環的冥想, 並且清洗光環上的業力. 你會體驗到什麼叫做真正的Wahe Guru. (從黑暗到光明走出來無法形容的喜悅~)這是手的祈禱, 請記住, 通往無限的力量不在你之外, 他就在你之內. 當"我"和無限創造出影響力時, 你就會成為全然的神性. 要不然二元對立會把你拉離真實, 痛苦一直會是巨大的. 
Comments: This meditation is for the arcline and to clear the karma that has been stocked up in it. You’ll experience what Wahe Guru actually means (“the indescribable joy of going from the darkness to the light”). It’s just a hand of prayer. Remember, the power of Infinity is not outside of you — it is inside of you. When “I” and Infinity create impact, you’ll become totally divine. Otherwise, there’s a duality which keeps you away from reality, and the pain is humongous.

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