2015年5月24日 星期日

「Yogi Bhajan, The Good Health of Wealth」 財富的健康觀


作者 Writer:Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa
授權翻譯 Translators:明月蘇菲. 金剛貓
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Sat Nam, 親愛的家人
我從沒想過我會找到一個靈性導師他的教導與我的做法如此的一致畢竟一個老師的責任就是去教導那些學生不同的思維我不是指我們教的東西是一模一樣的但是在某些事情來說是非常相似的這種情況讓我的靈性旅途變得容易些事實上現在我瞭解了那是因為睿智如老師的他與學生非常的聯結所以很多人也有相同的感受現在讓我給你一個Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan的例子分享這個讓我感覺到非常欣慰.  



他知道作為Guru Ram Das的代表他必須服務Guru Ram Das的旨意他也知道服務Guru Ram Das旨意的時候若服務是真實的勝利就是必然的他知道沒有被擊敗這樣的事情他知道他的Guru是國王中的國王而一個真實的君王是表現出尊貴典範的.  

他知道不管我們需要什麼這些都是他的Guru決定的我們只是要適當地展現出來他知道他的Guru, 他的王只會藉由一個真實的老師所展現而這位老師的目標就是不斷地去服務Guru, 好還要更好他知道在我們的生活型態中財富是Guru降臨恩典給我們的某種證明他知道他有很大的責任去將財富與恩典一致他擁抱豐盛他教導豐盛他本身就是豐盛現在你知道我為何可以如此幸運地服務他個人嗎?    

其實就是去做錢該做的事同時錢也不是我們該害怕的東西是的我們一開始使用錢的理由可能是不一樣的但相同的是因為愛他的愛是從對神完全純潔的奉獻而來, Guru與我的就是那些錢可以做的事非常感恩的是我的老師的責任就是教導我如何去更擴展地使用金錢經由我的老師我知道如何去適當地使用金錢並且感謝財富讓個人的使用也使用在好的目標上我已經在半途之中但是還有剩下一半的路途是最困難學的但我仍是如此的幸運讓他成為我的老師是的生命已是這樣美好!   

MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa

Yogi Bhajan, The Good Health of Wealth

Sat Nam Dear Family,

I never thought that I’d find a spiritual teacher who thought like I did. After all, a teacher’s duty is to teach a different way of thinking than the student. I don’t mean by any means that I thought just like him, but in some things, we thought alike. That made my spiritual journey easier. Actually, I now realize that the brilliance of our teacher was that he connected so well with his students, that many had this feeling of being so at home in his teachings! Now let me give you an example of  where I saw how The Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan, and I shared some comforting ideas.  

Many thought that our beloved teacher was too focused on wealth. Some even left because of this view and if you didn’t understand him, yes, that view was available. Nevertheless, he was smarter than the rest of us - that’s why he was the teacher. He understood wealth beyond our experience. He knew where it came from and how to use it properly. As he often said, it’s difficult to be spiritual if you don’t know where your next meal is coming from. True, it’s no blessing to be poor and that’s not what Sikh Dharma is about.

He knew that wealth is a social tool and also a political tool. Wealth is neither good nor bad, it’s how it’s used which determines the difference, and God is the only judge. Underneath spirit and prayer, he knew that this world is run by money and, like it or not, wealth makes a large impact. He knew that since we were pioneers and challenged the status quo, material wealth could make this challenge easier. He knew that it was a blessing to have the assets necessary to defend what is necessary. He knew that to maintain and continue this dharma, money was necessary - it keeps the wheels turning.

He knew that in representing Guru Ram Das, he must serve only His will. He knew that in serving His will, victory was assured when that service was true. He knew that there was no such thing as defeat. He knew that his Guru is the King of Kings and that a true King must be represented royally.

He knew that it was up to his Guru to provide whatever was needed for us to represent him properly. He knew that his Guru, his King, would only want to be represented through a true teacher whose only goal was to serve him better and better. He knew that in our lifestyle, wealth was another verification that Guru’s grace was upon us. He knew that this was a great responsibility for which he was willing and capable to match up. He embraced prosperity. He taught prosperity. He was prosperity. Now do you see why I was so lucky to serve him personally?

Money is what money does. And, money was something we both were not afraid of. Yes, initially, the reason we used money was different, but the love was the same.  His love came from his pure devotion to God and Guru and mine was for what money could do. Thankfully, our teacher’s job was to teach me how to use money more expansively. Through him I learned how to properly use and appreciate wealth, using it for good purposes and that meant personal use as well.  I was already half way there, but it was the last half which was the most difficult to learn. How lucky was I to have him as my teacher. Yes, life has been good. Stay tuned

In the Humility of Service and Gratitude,
MSS Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa
Chief of Protocol

