2015年1月21日 星期三

Yogi Bhajan 瑜伽大師的話語 -- 養育孩子篇

“A child is born to you to help him face his karma in this life. A child is not your ego; not a pet dog in the house; not a substitute for love. A child has nothing to do with that. A child is born to you so that you can prepare him to face time unto Infinity. “[from The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan—the Power of the Spoken Word]
「孩子為你而誕生,就是要由你來幫助他面對這一世的業力。小孩不是你的小我,也不是家裡的寵物,更不是愛的替代品,這些都不是他們來到這個世界上要做的事。孩子的誕生,是讓你能預備一切跟他一起面對,從此時直到永恆的宇宙。」--來自Yogi Bhajan的教導,話語的力量。

“Every child is born as karma to parents, but also every child is born as karma to himself or herself. There is a double action and mostly people forget this. One is the karma to parents, the other is the karma to the self. In between, a person has to develop, grow and become free.”–Yogi Bhajan, Women’s Camp, 1977
每個小孩的誕生不僅代表了來自於父母親的業力,也代表了小孩自己本身的業力。這是先天與後天雙重的,但大部份人都忘了。一方面來自於父母親的業力,另一方面則來自小孩自己的業力。在這之中震盪, 一個人必須發展起來成長茁壯而後解脫自由。」–Yogi Bhajan, 1977年女人營


“You have no right to tell the child what to do. The child has the right to know what is good and what is bad. If you teach the child good and bad, the child will never leave you. There’s no better student. You have never accepted a child as a God-given student. You accept the child as your possession. That’s your mistake.” -Yogi Bhajan, 7/4/96
In the 3HO way of life, our children are given to us as a gift and a spiritual trust. Parents have an incredibly important job. They are the first teachers. Whether a child grows up confident and strong, or mentally and emotionally handicapped, depends on those first teachers.

Primarily, children learn by example. They are super sensitive beings.Yogi Bhajan described children as, “Full-fledged people with high potency antennae which record every vibration within their vicinity completely and very deeply.” (7/20/76)

「基本上,孩子藉由周圍的榜樣來學習,他們是超級敏感的存有。Yogi Bhajan 描述小孩是“帶有高度潛力的天線,深深記載著周圍每份振動,是個完全成熟的大人。」(7/20/76)

「你沒有權利告訴小孩要怎麼做,小孩就是有權利單純知道什麼是好什麼是壞。如果你只教導小孩好與壞,小孩永遠不會離開你。你從不認為小孩是神給你的學生,事實上再也不會有像小孩一樣更好的學生了,你只接受小孩是你擁有的東西, 那就真的是問題所在。」 -Yogi Bhajan, 7/4/96

“We use our children for security. Then our children use us for security, and life is a mess. Give children their own security: Truth and God. It doesn’t matter if you have lied to yourself, or you have lied in your life, or that your parents lied to you. Just, for God’s sake, speak the truth for the sake of your children, so that they can understand that there is a truth—that is Sat Nam. Give them the true identity of themselves and you will have angels on the Earth.”-Yogi Bhajan, 8/5-6/75

「我們利用擁有小孩讓我們具有安全感,然後小孩也只會用同樣的方式獲得安全感,如果是這樣那生活就是一團糟。給予小孩從自己出發的安全感吧:就是真實與神這兩樣。不論你是不是已經在對自己撒謊、對你的生活不誠實、或你的父母曾經對你說謊,看在神的份上,只對你的小孩說真實的話,他們才能夠理解有個真實的存在,那就是Sat Nam。賦予他們自我的真實身份,你將擁有人間的天使。」 -Yogi Bhajan, 8/5-6/75

When we lie to them, they know it. When we contradict ourselves, they know it. When we fake something, they know it. A child learns through the imprint. We can only imprint them with something that we practice and live, ourselves.

The key to child raising, the way Yogi Bhajan described, is to give a child values. It is not the job of a parent to tell the child what to do. Rather it is the job of a parent to teach the child the difference between right and wrong, and to give the child trust in his or her own identity.
Yogi Bhajan描述教養小孩的關鍵,是賦予他們自我價值的觀念。告訴小孩要怎麼做不是父母親的事,父母親真正的工作是要教導小孩對與錯之間的不同,讓小孩完全信任來自於自我的判斷辨識。

文章來源:昆達里尼瑜伽的大家庭 3HO http://www.3ho.org/3ho-lifestyle/child-raising

