2014年11月28日 星期五

「Yogi Bhajan, 難以想像的愛 Undreamed of Love 」


作者 Writer:Hari Jiwan Singh Khalsa

翻譯 Translators:明月蘇菲. 金剛貓歡迎

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Yogi Bhajan, 難以想像的愛

Sat Nam 親愛的家人,

“ 對大多數人而言, 愛是有距離的, 就是這麼回事! 你讓誰進入了你的心房? 進入了多少呢?以及你對這段關係的評判有多正確?對我來說, 身為一個靈性的導師, 我的心是為大家敞開的. 我不會評斷任何人的價值觀. 我的心是為任何想要深入的人所敞開, 但關係的深度不是由我來決定的. “   有時候 Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan 就是會這樣說一些事情.

像這樣美妙的片刻, 讓我學習到非常多的事情. 1990年中, 我們在一個絢日當空的禮拜天離開洛杉磯的錫克廟, 我們才剛在錫克廟裡有個非常不尋常的體驗. 他以前的好幾個學生, 來廟裡演奏和吟唱, 我後來瞭解到其中有一個學生因癌症而病入膏肓, 來日不多, 那時他想要在廟裡多唱一次詩歌.  這片刻的情景是如此美麗的臨在, 當時廟裡的節目緊湊, 我很專心地注意到我們敬愛的老師, 他是以如何的態度來處理這樣的情景.

我的辦公室剛好在錫克廟的右邊, 事實上我們共用一面牆. 我的老師總是在禮拜天錫克廟的活動結束後, 花了許多時間待在我的辦公室. 每到供餐時間, 他會坐在辦公室尾端的沙發上, 很多學生會聚集在他周圍的椅子和地毯上. 就在這一天, 剛好結束禮拜, 他提早來到我的辦公室.

甚至有時候他常常花很長的時間為他今天要講的話畫出藍圖, 他這樣的做法給我很大的影響. 說老實話, 不管這些以前的學生如何惡意中傷他, 他還是老師. 他仍然對所有人敞開, 大家還是最終會回來找他. 這就是成為一個真實的老師的必經路程. 然後, 有ㄧ些學生對Yogi Bhajan 這些人性上的真誠感到尊敬, 但當然有些學生不這麼覺得.   

每天與老師相處在一起, 我注意到他總是有很多不同的作法. 有時很忠實, 有時卻很有保護色彩, 然後又有時擁有很特別的愛的表現, 這些都可以在一天當中同時發生.   
他以前的學生來拜訪他時, 他會去確認他自己對學生的愛沒有誤解. 他總是敞開的讓學生談他們想談的. 讓我再加一句, 他就是這樣對待我們的.

他永遠是真實的, 不被任何突發事件影響. 這偉大的禮物就是讓我們瞭解他中性的覺知力. 我們很多坐在這裡的學生, 很多人都有很強烈的情緒, 想要去懲罰那些汙蔑老師的人, 但老師展現了他的慈悲和提升力量, 讓我們瞭解到, 那個想要處罰別人的人不是真實的我們. 我們應對所有人敞開, 尤其特別是那些越撕裂你的人. 我引用他以上的話, 就是展現他做任何事情背後的意義. 他別無選擇, 身為老師他完全地敞開給出所有的愛, 而任何限制都是學生自己才能決定的. 我看見這些現象是非常有趣的. 我替那些過去的學生感到遺憾, 他們完全不知道他們在幹麻, 但是, 這是他們的業障. 老師永遠都在, 但是學生的業障就是業障, 所以幫助這些學生消業確是無邊無際的事.  

上面Yogi Bhajan講的這些, 所表現出來的 “你讓誰進入你的心房?”這個答案可能是任何人或是每一個人. 但這並不代表其他人可以汙辱你, 而神的恩典, 就是成為老師的真實路途會保護你. 而對於我們的老師Yogi Bhajan, 就是他與Guru Ram Das的關係確保了這個保護力量. 

 “ 我需要給出多少我的心? “ 這是沒有限制的. 其他人的愛都是有限制的. 這是很有趣的, 你總是那個其他人. 你的限制越少, 你擁有更偉大的愛. 這不是指地球的愛或神的愛, 這都是一樣的事. 學生對於信任的深淺, 取決於對愛的寬廣.  

老師的愛必須是無限的, 老師與學生的關係是取決於學生對老師的信任. “你對於人際關係的評判是多正確?”一般人認為他們正沈浸在愛裡, 事實上他們對愛一點都不瞭解. 大多數人今天說我愛你, 但隔年就說我要跟你離婚. 或者有人說我愛上帝, 但是卻說我還在受苦受難, 所以我不能信任上帝. 或說我愛我的老師, 但我的老師不會知道所有的事啦. 這都不是愛. 這只是妥協. 任何妥協在靈性的真實實踐上都不可能成功. 所以, 學生們有限的愛一定要超越到無限. 惟有臣服才能完成超越.    

我們的老師永遠活在他的自我挑戰裡, 他才能這樣教導我們. 感恩神. 下集再會.

Yogi Bhajan, Undreamed of Love

Sat Nam Dear Family,“For most, love is a matter of distance. That’s it! Who do you let in to your heart? How much? And, how correctly do you judge this relationship? For me as a spiritual teacher, my heart is open to whoever wants it. I can’t judge anyone’s worthiness. My heart is open to the depth of another; it’s not up to me.” Sometimes the Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan, would say things, seemingly out of the blue like this.
These were beautiful moments, moments when I learned a lot. We had just left our Gurdwara (Sikh temple service) in L.A. on a sunny Sunday in the mid 1990’s. We had had an unusual experience at Gurdwara. Several of his ex-students had come by to play and sing in Gurdwara. I came to learn later that one of these students was dying of cancer, only had a short time to live and wanted to sing at the L.A. Gurdwara one more time.

As beautiful as this situation appeared, and it was beautiful, there was another agenda attached. So, I concentrated on how and why our beloved teacher dealt with this situation in the manner he did.
My office was located right beside the Gurdwara. We actually shared the same wall. Our teacher would spend a lot of time in my office after many Sunday Gurdwaras. He would sit on the couch at the end of the office as students would gather around filling up the chairs and carpet while langar (meal) was being served. On this day, right after bowing, he went next door to the office early.

Even though it usually took a long time to figure out his statements, this day his actions gave me a big clue. Straight away, he was still the teacher no matter how much these ex-students had maligned him. He was still open to all of them, but they’d have to come to him. This is the protocol that comes with being a true teacher. And, to their credit, a couple of these people did come over and pay their respects with humility and sincerity. Then again, a couple of them didn’t.

Having spent almost every day with our teacher, I would notice when he acted differently. I noticed that on this day he acted royally, but was “on guard,” and also unusually loving, all at the same time.

When these ex-students came over to greet him, he made sure that there was no misunderstanding about his love for them. He was as open as the ex-student allowed him to be. And let me add here, this is exactly how he was with all of us. He was “true” and could not be influenced by any circumstances. This great gift to witness and understand proved his neutrality of consciousness. As much as many of us sitting there had strong emotions which wanted to punish these ex’s for slandering our teacher, he demonstrated his compassion and elevation, proving that that’s not who we are. We are open to all; especially those who stretch us the most.

His statement that I shared above was the reason behind his actions. He had no choice; he was open to their love and it was up to them to set the limit. I saw it. It was very interesting. Yes, I felt sorry for the ex-students as they truly had no clue as to what we were all about, but that’s their karma. He was always available to them, but their karma was their karma and therefore help for them may not have been currently in the stars.

The answers to his rhetorical questions stated above were on display. “Who do you let into your heart?” The answer is anyone and everyone. That doesn’t mean that others can abuse you as you come with a protocol (grace) which protects you. For our teacher, his relationship with Guru Ram Das assured this protection.
“How much heart must I give?” There is no limit. The other person sets the limit in love. And, here’s the interesting thing: you are always the other person! The fewer the limits, the greater lover you are. It doesn’t matter whether it’s earthly love or divine love; the issues are the same. The depth of trust the student experiences is dependent upon the student’s love. The teacher’s love must be unlimited but the depth of the relationship is determined by the lowest common denominator.

“How correctly do you judge your relationship?” People think they’re in love when they have no idea what love is. Most say, “I love you” one day and “I divorce you” next year.” “I love God, but I’m still suffering, so I can’t trust Him.” “I love my teacher, but he doesn’t know everything.” This isn’t love. This is negotiation. And, negotiation doesn’t work in the spiritual realm. So, the student’s limits must be overcome. This is accomplished only through surrender.

Our teacher taught me this because he lived up to his own challenge. Thank God. Stay tuned,

In the Humility of Service and Gratitude,MSS Hari Jiwan Singh KhalsaChief of Protocol 

