2013年7月28日 星期日

Guru Ram Das 的婚禮 ( Livtar Singh Khalsa 作詞 )

Chandra Kirin Kaur 與 Chander Kirin Singh的婚禮

Guru Ram Das 的婚禮

1. Guru Ram Das 的婚禮就像今天一樣
Guru Amr Das 眼神蘊藏仁慈的愛Bibi Bani 的靈魂充滿光帶著翅膀飛翔他們融入在永不死去的傳承裡

合唱第一輪 – 我會為我的責任而活
第二輪  -   我會和你一起走在這條道路上
第三輪  -   我將無所恐懼
第四輪  -   我們將在Wahe Guru裡融合

2. 婚姻是通往無限的馬車這條路崎嶇不平 總是不容易
但終將會撥雲見日堅持就能穿越 這就是我們學習的方式
     3.     家庭是穩定社會的脊梁它是Grist 修道院它是生活最高的層次
, 提供了幼鷹安全舒適的巢讓他們練習羽翼

4.     你們分別走過自己的人生現在你們兩個將一起走

5.     現在你們的這天來臨了我幾乎不相信我的眼

Gurubachan Singh 婚禮主持人 與 Livtar Singh 婚禮祝福歌者

The Wedding of Guru Ram Das

1. The wedding of Guru Ram Das was a day much like today
Guru Amar Das looked on his kindly loving way
Bibi Bani was radiant as her soul took wing to fly
They merged into a legacy that was never to die

First round -- I will live for my duty
Second round -- I'll walk this path with you
Third round -- I will be fearless
Fourth round -- We will merge in Wahe Guru

2. Marriage is the carriage to infinity
But the road is winding and not often easy
The clouds will always pass, the sun will always return
Keeping up will see you through, and this is how we learn

3.the household is the backbone of a stable society
It is the Grist Ashram, the highest state of living
Household provides the cozy nest for young hawks to test their wings
And when they fly bright and high, they shall have everything

4.You each have walked as one, now you shall walk as two
You'll walk into your future, each step with your Guru 
Household provides two have walked four rounds, 8 is the totality
And when 8 bows it's head, it becomes infinity

5. Now your day has come, I can hardly believe my eyes
The Guru's court is filled with saints, and Angels fill the skies
And the heavens are filled with joy, for the souls that merge today
Who pledge their sacred honour to live in the married way 

      M.S.S Livtar Singh Khalsa Oct. 1994       

中文翻譯:Chandra Kirin Kaur

