2011年9月19日 星期一

瑜珈胎教音樂:Poota Mata Kee Asees(母親的祝福)

Mantra: Poota Mata Kee Asees
Also Known as: Mother's Blessing 母親的祝福

Bibi Bhani 在她兒子Guru Arjan離家時,用這些話語祝福他。這首動人的禱詞使我們得以一瞥她滿懷的純潔和神性,以及她眾所推崇的神聖母性力量。西元1535她誕生於北印度,她的一生是冥想與奉獻的寫照,是活生生的真理、堅忍,與智慧。她是眾所景仰的一位神聖女性,她是一位guru(Guru Amardas)的女兒、一位guru(Guru Arjan Dev)的母親、一位(Guru Hargobind)的祖母,她也是一位guru(Guru Tegh Bahadar)的曾祖母,一位guru(Guru Gobind Singh)的曾曾祖母。

Yogi Bhajan通常建議母親們反覆唱誦這首禱詞,來守護並祝福孩子。有些母親每天都唸誦,也有些母親只在孩子們的生日時重複11遍,或56遍,或108遍。而光是聽著這首禱詞就能傳遞出祝福。

Complete Mantra:Jis simrat sabh kilvikh naaseh pitri hoay udhaaroSo har har tum sad hi japahu jaa kaa ant na paaroPuta mata kee aseesNimakh na bisarao tumh ko har har sada bhajaho jagdeesSatgur tum ko hoe dayala satsang teree preetKaparh pat parmesar raakhee bhojan keertan neetAmrit peevho sada chir jeevho har simrat anad anantaRang tamaasha pooran aasa kabhe na biaapai chinta Bhavar tumaara ih man hovo har charna hohu kaulaNanak Das un sang lapataio jio bundeh chaatrik maula

Language: Gurmukhi - Source: Siri Guru Granth Sahib - Author: Guru Arjun Dev Ji


Translation:Remebering God all sins are erased and on's generations are saved.So repeat the name Har, Har, the Lord who has no end or limitation.O son, this is thy mother's blessing.My you forget not god even for a moment, may you ever worship the lord of the universe.May the true guru be kind to you, and may you love the company of saints.May god's honor and protection be your clothing, andmay his praises and songs be your food.So drink the ambosial nectar, live long, and be in the bliss of the lord's meditation.May joy and pleasure be yours, May your hopes be fulfilled, andMay worry never touch you.Let your mind be the bumble bee, and the Lord's feet be the lotus flower.Says Nanak, ever attach to the Lord's feet, andblossom like the songbird who has found the raindrop.

<中文翻譯>銘記神,那麼所有因小我而起的罪惡都會消解、每個世代都都會得到救贖反覆呼頌Har, Har吧,那無邊無際的上主噢孩子,這是汝母的祝福願你時刻毋忘神,願Har Har的振動永遠通過你。願那真實的guru仁慈待你,願你欣然與聖者同行願主賜你榮耀加身願祂的讚美和歌唱成為你的食糧願你永遠啜飲來自祂的芬芳甘露,願你活在恆久受到恩澤的冥想流中願你享有所有的幸福和喜悅,願你的祈望都將實現,願你永遠無憂。讓你的心成為一隻辛勤的黃蜂,而蓮花是神的雙足願你永久採成那蓮花的甘露,如同那無比渴求雨滴的鳥兒 

