2025年1月16日 星期四

Tratakam Part 3 : 內在的導師 ~Tratakam 冥想 (The Teacher Within: Tratakam Meditation )


在瑜伽經文中說:「 即使是從聖人的眼睛裡看一眼,也能治癒心智和身體的不平衡。」 偶爾會有一幅具有超越中性品質的圖片,讓凝視它的人透過它,進入他們更高的意識。 這是一種叫做Tratakam的冥想形式。 幾年前,有人拍攝了一張 Yogi Bhajan 的照片,那張照片就具有如此的品質,從那時起,學生們就一直將其作為與老師和內心意識的聯繫。 它被簡單地稱為「 冥想圖片 」。 這幅畫本身沒有任何力量,崇拜一張照片是愚蠢的。 力量在於觀者,在於學生,學生透過使用圖片來幫助他調整自己的內在意識,提升自己,並賦予老師內心的靈性生命。 

在這樣的照片上冥想時,不可能停留在人類個性層面上。 它會比鏡子更能反映你自己本身。 在鏡子裡,你可以用自己的臉自欺欺人。 但在這張照片中,你不能。 在這樣的照片中,老師的眼睛裡一定有一束光, 一張具有中性直視的目光的照片可以治癒你,並讓你立即能夠接觸到自己的更高指導。

當專注物的不同方面呈現在你眼前時,你實際上體驗到了自己的不同方面。 外部物件只不過是通往自我體驗許多方面的門戶。 從真正意義上說,你成為你冥想的那個。 

如果你在冥想物件中發現了一種新的品質,你就已經聯繫上,並帶出了自己身上的這種品質。 出於這個原因,聖人的照片和靈感物件一直存在成為一種冥想的主題。 我們很幸運有這樣一張 Yogi Bhajan 的照片。 據說,如果透過適當和認真地冥想,業力可以被抹去,個人使命可以擴大。 

教師透過黃金鍊結連線到無限。 冥想圖片可以讓你登入黃金鍊結。 這是一種謙卑的行動。 沒有其它東西有這種冥想的價值。 

任何由 Yogi Bhajan 教授的昆達里尼瑜伽的學生或教師,都必須有這方面的經驗。 這種做法被稱為「心智煥發」。 它賦予了頭腦透過想象力的創造力,投射到無限的能力。


在日出前的清晨,你可以嘗試練習這個冥想 40 天,看看它對你有什麼影響。 在此期間,吃得清淡點,白天用新的視野來看東西。 如果你願意,你可以在做 Tratakam 時唱誦 Panj shabd( Sa Ta Na Ma )。 

Yogi Bhajan 指示冥想圖片需被橙色邊框包圍。 將照片放在離你大約 3-6 英尺(30-60 mm)的地方。 在圖片前面放一兩根蠟燭,以便清晰可見。 房間的其餘部分應該是黑暗的。 

用 Adi Mantra(Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo)調頻進入冥想,並謙卑地告訴你的心智,更高的自我將引導你穿越人類個體性的海洋,進入宇宙自我的和平。 要知道,你會在所有事情上得到指導。

姿勢:輕鬆坐姿,坐直脊椎,用披肩或毯子蓋住頭部和身體。 坐在羊毛墊或羊毛毯上,將你的能量圈 Aura (與地板)隔絕開來。 

眼睛:張大眼睛,用眼睛對著(照片)眼睛,看著圖片。 稍微拉起下眼瞼。 你會覺得你就不需要再眨眼了。 

心智焦點:完全靜止身體。 呼吸會自動變得越來越輕。 看著照片裡眼睛裡的光,在精神上透過圖片旅行到光的來源。 在心裡提出問題並傾聽答案。 在冥想期間,圖片似乎在移動,看起來是三維的。 你可能會感覺像從身體裡飄出來。 只要記得把目光放在眼中的指引之光上。 

時間:冥想 15-31 分鐘。 


In the yogic scriptures it says, “Even a glance from the eyes of a holy man can cure mental and physical imbalances.” Once in a very great while there is a picture that has a transcendent quality of neutrality that allows the person gazing at it to go through it and into their higher consciousness. This is a form of meditation called Tratakam.

Years ago, a photograph was taken of Yogi Bhajan which had such a quality, and it has been used ever since by students as a link to their teacher and their inner consciousness. It is called simply, “The Meditation Picture.” The picture itself does not have any power, and it would be folly to worship a photograph. The power is in the beholder, in the student who, by using the picture to help him tune into his inner awareness, elevates himself and gives life to the spirit of the Teacher inside.

When meditating on such a photo, it is impossible to get stuck on the level of personality. It will reflect you better than a mirror. In a mirror you can fool yourself with your own face. In this photo you cannot. In such a photo there must also be a light in the eyes of the teacher. A photo with the direct gaze of neutrality can heal and give you the instant ability to contact your own higher guidance.

As the different facets of an object of concentration present themselves to you, you actually experience different facets of your own self. The outer object is nothing but a gateway to the many facets of your self-experience. In a real sense, you become what you meditate on.

If you identify a new quality in an object of meditation, you have contacted and brought out that quality in yourself. For this reason, pictures of saints and objects of inspiration have always been subjects of meditation.

We are fortunate to have such a picture of Yogi Bhajan. It is said that if it is meditated on properly and seriously, the karmas can be erased and individual destiny expanded.

Teachers are connected by the Golden Chain, unto Infinity. Meditating on the picture allows you to ascend the Golden Chain. It is an action done with humility. Nothing else has the value of this meditation.

Nothing else has the value of this meditation. It is a must for any student or teacher of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan to have an experience of this. The practice is called, “mental beaming.” It gives the mind the ability to project to Infinity through the creative power of the imagination.

Practice this Meditation

Try this practice for 40 days in the early morning before sunrise and see what effect it has on you. During this time, eat lightly, and see with new sight during the day. If you like, the panj shabd (Sa Ta Na Ma) can be chanted mentally while doing Tratakam.

Yogi Bhajan instructed that the meditation picture be surrounded by an orange border. Set the photo about 3-6 feet (30-60 cm) away from you. Set one or two candles in front of the picture so that it can be clearly seen. The rest of the room should be dark.

Tune in with the Adi Mantra (Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo), and humbly tell your mind that the higher Self will guide you across the ocean of individuality, into the peace of the Cosmic Self. Know that you will receive guidance in all matters.

Posture: Sit very straight in an easy meditative posture, and cover your head and body with a shawl or blanket. Sit on a sheepskin or wool blanket to insulate your auric field.

Eyes: Open the eyes wide, and look eye into eye at the picture. Draw up the lower eyelids slightly. You will feel like you do not need to blink anymore.

Mental Focus: Completely still the body. The breath will automatically become lighter and lighter. Look at the light in the eyes of the photo and travel mentally through the picture to the source of that light. Mentally ask a question and listen to the answer. During the meditation, the picture may seem to move and look three dimensional. You may feel like floating out of the body. Just remember to keep your gaze on the light of guidance in the eyes.

Time: Meditate from 15 – 31 minutes.

To End: Close your eyes and see the image at the Brow Point.

Here is a link to a black and white image of the Tratakam photo.

Here is a link to a black and white image of the Tratakam photo with an orange border.

Here is a free download of “Guru Yoga and the Technology of Tratakam.

Here is a story published in a 2005 Aquarian Times article of how Yogi Bhajan first gave this meditation.

                                   本文選自 STUDENTSOFYOGIBHAJAN

                                        明月心滴翻譯 / 歡迎覺知轉載分享 

Tratakam Part 2: 照片的歷史 ( History of the Tratakam Photo )

🌍  Tratakam 照片連結:

根據 Guru Singh( 洛杉磯 )的說法,他在 2012 年講述了這個故事,他們需要有Yogi Bhajan 的照片作為小冊子和海報,因此在 1969 年 10 月,Guru Singh 和Shakti Parwha Kaur帶他去了位於 Melrose 大道 Jules Buccieri 古董店附近的一家照相館,那裡也舉辦了第一次昆達里尼瑜伽課程。 這位攝影師以為電影明星拍攝「 頭像 」而聞名,所以他給Yogi Bhajan拍了很多照片。

大約一週後,當照片的校樣稿準備好時,Guru Singh 和 Shakti 和 Yogi Bhajan 一起回去看了它們。 Yogi Bhajan 看著他們中的一個,說:「 這張照片捕捉到了黃金鏈的所有血統的精髓。」 Shakti 表示,它太嚴厲了,對宣傳材料不夠友好,Yogi Bhajan 說他不在乎這一點,他選擇的那個很特別。 不久之後,他用這張照片介紹了tratakam 冥想的練習。

多年來,Satsimran Kaur 和其他人試圖獲得這張照片的原始底片,但沒有成功。 當時的攝影師去世了,他的作品沒有儲存下來。 2012 年,在檔案中發現了第二代底片,由 Yogi Bhajan 的學生、來自洛杉磯的專業攝影師(現已去世)的 Ram Jiwan SinghSteven Stickler)重新製作。 他費盡心思地克服了負面因素,清除灰塵並填補了受損區域。 舊照片的副本缺少了他的部分鬍鬚,而且沒有那麼鋒利。

According to Guru Singh (Los Angeles), who recounted this story in 2012, there was a need to have photos of Yogi Bhajan for brochures and posters, so in October 1969 Guru Singh and Shakti Parwha Kaur took him to a photo studio located on Melrose Ave. near Jules Buccieri’s antique store, where the first kundalini yoga classes were held. The photographer was well known for doing “head shots” for movie stars so he took numerous photos of Yogi Bhajan.

About a week later, when the proof sheet of the photographs was ready, Guru Singh and Shakti went back with Yogi Bhajan to look at them. Yogi Bhajan looked at one of them and said,

“this photo captures the essence of all of the lineage of the golden chain”.

Shakti expressed that it was too stern and not friendly enough for promotional materials and Yogi Bhajan said he did not care about that and that the one he chose was special. After a short time, he introduced the practice of tratakam meditation using this photo.

Over the years, Satsimran Kaur and others tried to get the original negative for this photo, but were unsuccessful. The photographer died and his work was not saved. A second generation negative was discovered in the archive files in 2012, and was remastered by Ram Jiwan Singh (Steven Stickler) a student of Yogi Bhajan and a professional photographer from LA (now deceased). He painstakingly went over the negative, removing dust and filling in damaged areas.  Older copies of the photo have part of his beard missing and are not as sharp.

Here is a link to a black and white image of the Tratakam photo. 

Here is a link to a black and white image of the Tratakam photo with an orange border.

Here is a story published in a 2005 Aquarian Times article of how Yogi Bhajan first gave this meditation.

Here are instructions for this meditation.

Here is a free download of “Guru Yoga and the Technology of Tratakam.

2025年1月15日 星期三

Tratakam Part1 : 與大師對視( Seeing Eye to Eye with the Master )


在 2005 年冬季《寶瓶時報》的這篇文章中,古魯卡·辛格回憶起  Yogi Bhajan 教 Tratakam 的那一天。 Yogi Bhajan 說:「 我正在走最後一英里。」 「 很快地,我就該拋開我的身體了。」 在加利福尼亞州門多西諾溫暖的夏日陽光下,我們 25 名昆達里尼瑜伽老師坐在他小屋附近的草地上,這是第一次夏至慶祝活動之一。 「 不要因為我要離開你而傷心。 我永遠和你在一起。 你可以隨時和我說話。 你不需要我的身體。 你知道那張照片嗎? 把那幅畫放在你面前,眼睛對眼睛,然後冥想。 誦讀長篇的 Sat Nam。 Guru Nanak 會和你在一起。 我會和你在一起的。 任何問題都會立即得到解答。 沒問題。 你隨時都可以和我在一起。」

我們都立刻知道他所說的「 那張照片 」是什麼意思。 一張他臉部的簡單黑白照片,他睜開眼睛,直視著群眾。 他向我們解釋說,這是一張非常特別的照片。 當他處於深深的 Turiya 意識狀態時,它從他身上被拿走了。 Turiya 與 Samadhi 三摩地相同,Samadhi 三摩地是與宇宙完全融合的狀態。 在 Turiya,雖然眼睛睜開,大腦覺醒和警覺,但腦電波是深度睡眠的長三角波。 通常情況下,這種腦電波頻率在清醒時永遠不會發生。 這是被稱為 Turiya 的深沉、又深沉的覺醒狀態。 他早些時候告訴我們這張特別的照片。 他說:「 如果你睜著眼睛冥想,請記住你必須對著眼睛冥想。」 他還說,如果你睜著眼睛冥想,然後閉上眼睛,看到眼皮內側的圖片,即使如此,也需要更長的時間,但這仍然是對老師的完美冥想。 「 記住,你要冥想的這位老師的照片不是我。 你可能沒有意識到這一點:這張照片沒有任何價值。 你的奉獻精神就在那裡受到重視。」

**他告訴我們將照片安裝在橙色啞光上,在圖片兩側用低光(如蠟燭火焰)將其與眼睛齊平,然後用固定的、睜開的眼睛盯著圖片的眼睛,讓連線發生。 冥想可以在任何時間進行,透過閉上眼睛,在內部看到額頭處的圖片影像來結束。 這種技術被稱為Tratakam。 Tratakam 的意思是使用穩定的凝視。 Tratakam 是將心靈集中在特定的解剖或心理位置,以喚醒這些焦點中的意識和能量。

Yogi Bhajan 繼續說道:「 並非所有照片都有用。 無論那張特定的照片多麼奇怪 — 有時你不喜歡它 — 這是唯一一張我有效的照片。 所有其他圖片都無能為力。 那是唯一的一個。 我應該怎麼做? 有些人向我抱怨,「 Yogi Ji,你的其他照片更漂亮。」 但我說,「 我沒辦法。」 「 有時也需要不漂亮的東西。」 自從門多西諾草地的那個陽光明媚的日子以來,我一直把這幅神奇的畫放在祭壇上方的牆上,與眼睛平視。 在冥想中,眼睛對眼睛,所有問題都得到了解決,所有答案都變得清晰。

在這裡檢視 2005 年《水瓶座時報》的這篇原創文章。 



這是「 大師瑜伽 和 Tratakam 技術」的免費下載。 


這是帶有橙色邊框的 Tratakum 照片的黑白影像連結。

In this article from a Winter 2005 Aquarian Times, Guruka Singh remembers the day that Yogi Bhajan taught the Tratakam.

“I am walking my last mile,” Yogi Bhajan said. “Soon it will be time for me to leave my physical body behind.”

There are 25 of us Kundalini Yoga teachers sitting on the grass near his cabin in the warm summer sun of Mendocino, California, at one of the very first Summer Solstice celebrations.

“Do not be sad that I am leaving you. I am always with you. You can talk to me at any time. You do not need my physical body. Do you know that picture? Place that picture in front of you, look eyes into eyes, and meditate. Chant the long Sat Nam. Guru Nanak will be with you. I will be with you. Any question will be immediately answered. No problem. You can be with me any time.”

We all knew immediately what he meant by ‘that picture.” A simple black and white photo of his face in which, eyes open, he stared directly at the viewer. He had explained to us that this was a very special photograph. It had been taken of him while he was in a state of deep Turiya consciousness. Turiya is the same as Samadhi, the state of total merger with the Universe.

In Turiya, though the eyes are open and the brain awakened and alert, the brain waves are the long delta waves of deep sleep. Normally this frequency of the brain waves never occurs during waking. This is the deep, deep awakened state called Turiya.

He told us earlier about this particular photograph. He said, “If you meditate with open eyes, remember you have to meditate into the eyes.” He also said that if you meditate with your eyes open and then close them and see the picture on the inside of your eyelids, even then, it will take a longer time, but it will still be a perfect meditation on your teacher.

“Remember, this teacher whose photograph you are going to meditate on is not me. You might not be aware of this thing: the picture does not have any value. It is how much devotion you have that shall be valued right there.”

**He told us to mount the photo on an orange matte and place it at eye level with a low light (like a candle flame) on either side of the picture and then to stare with fixed, open eyes into the eyes of the picture and let the connection take place. The meditation can be performed for any length of time and is ended by closing the eyes and seeing the image of the picture at the brow point, internally. This technique is known as Tratakam.

Tratakam means beaming with a steady gaze. Tratakam is the focusing of the mind on specific anatomical or psychic locations to awaken the awareness and energy within these foci.

Yogi Bhajan continued: “Not all pictures do something. However weird that particular picture is—sometimes you don’t like it—that’s the only picture |of me| that works. All the other pictures can do nothing. That’s the only one. What should I do? Some people complain to me, ‘Yogi Ji, your other pictures are more beautiful.’ But I say, ‘I can’t help it.’ Sometimes non-beautiful things are required too.”

Since that sunny day in the Mendocino meadow, I have always kept this magical picture on the wall at eye level right above my altar. In meditating, eyes into eyes, all questions are resolved and all answers become clear.

View this original article from the 2005 Aquarian Times here.

Here’s a history of how this photo came to be.

Here are instructions for this meditation.

Here is a free download of “Guru Yoga and the Technology of Tratakam.

Here is a link to a black and white image of the Tratakum photo.

Here is a link to a black and white image of the Tratakum photo with an orange border.

                                   本文選自 STUDENTSOFYOGIBHAJAN

                                        明月心滴翻譯 / 歡迎覺知轉載分享 

Sahibi Kriya: 掌握自我的領地( Sahibi Kriya to Master Your Domain )

當你控制你的領地時,你會從你臨在的中心開始行動。 在心智領域,這意味著你可以持有和投射一個重要的想法。 在身體領域,這意味著你能夠將血液從核心迴圈到肢體和腺體。 這個kriya在兩個領域都賦予了你這個指揮命令。 透過這些練習,釋放的深層肌肉緊張,使血液能夠自由流向身體的各個部位,為細胞提供氧氣和營養物質,並清除體內的毒素和正常新陳代謝的副產品。


1. 仰面躺著,雙腳併在一起,勾腳面。 

2. 在嘴上做一個穩定的O形圓圈,然後開始透過嘴巴火呼吸。 

3. 繼續火呼吸,將腿向上舉到90度,然後再將它們放回地上。 

4. 保持腳和腳趾彎曲勾住腳面,膝蓋保持伸直。 節奏地移動腳伴隨火呼吸。

5. 持續 3 ~ 5分鐘

結束:吸氣並短暫地抬起腿。 呼氣時,慢慢地將腿放到地面上。 接著放鬆呼吸。


1. 透過 O 形嘴火呼吸,並開始交替雙腿抬起到90度,再放回地面。 快速地移動。

2. 持續 1 ~ 2 分鐘結束。

結束:吸氣。 呼氣,接著放鬆呼吸。


1. 來到四足跪姿,擺出牛的姿勢。 

2. 儘可能向上和向後抬腿,交替進行。 

3. 透過 O 形嘴開始火呼吸,隨著呼吸的節奏,快速移動雙腿。 

4. 持續 2 - 4分鐘

結束:最後吸氣。 呼氣,放鬆呼吸,在下一個練習時保持牛姿勢。


1. 抬起右腿,向後抬起。 同時將左臂伸直到身體前面。 接著放下它們,再抬起另一隻胳膊和腿。 繼續交替雙臂和雙腿,透過O形嘴,隨著火呼吸有節奏地活動。

2. 持續 1-2分鐘。



1. 擺出青蛙的姿勢。 

2. 蹲在腳跟上,膝蓋分開。 鞋跟在地面上抬起。 

3. 將指尖放在膝蓋之間的地面上。 頭朝上,面向前方。 

4. 一邊吸氣,一邊抬起臀部,直到膝蓋伸直。  

5. 呼氣,蹲下,抬起頭。 

6. 繼續有節奏地快速移動。

7. 持續 1-2分鐘

結束:吸氣。 呼氣,接著放鬆呼吸。


Sahibi Kriya

1. 輕鬆坐姿勢,腹部稍向內拉,胸部抬起向上。 

2. 將下巴收進去,從脊柱底到頭頂形成一條直線。 把自己定在這個姿勢上。

3. 手臂伸展 60 度,掌心面對面。 保持手臂伸直,肘部不要彎曲。 

4. 吸氣,將手臂伸直。 

5. 呼氣,將手臂降低到60度。 

6. 聽 Jaap Sahib 的錄音節奏。 在第一個節拍時將手臂伸直,然後在第二個節拍時向旁伸至 60 度。 在音樂插曲中,則不要移動。 

7. 繼續練習,每 2 秒進行一次完整的呼吸。 隨著音樂以完美的節奏移動。

8. 持續 3-5 分鐘

結束:吸氣。 呼氣,接著放鬆手臂和呼吸。



1. 保持輕鬆坐姿。 

2. 深長呼吸冥想,播放放鬆或提升的音樂。

3. 持續 3-5分鐘

結束:吸氣。 呼氣,放鬆呼吸。