2025年1月5日 星期日

Yogi Bhajan 金句:找到安全感 (4) Yogi Bhajan Quotes on Finding Security (Part 4)

有些人用智慧來護自己安全;有些人用金錢來護自己安全;有些人用更高層次的覺知來護自己安全,但你會驚訝地知道,他們很少有人用自己的靈魂和神來護自己安全。~ 1996年1月1日

每個人都瘋了。 他們試圖快樂,但他們完全不開心,因為沒有安全感。 安全不在於你的大量金錢。 安全感在於你自己,和你說話的方式,那才是安全感。 「最始之初有一個字,這個字與神同在,這個字就是神。」 你的安全感取決於你的話語,如果你擁有安全感,你說出的話也會是有安全的,這就是幸福所在。 ~ 1979年9月22日

冥想是一門科學,透過它,我們可以立即創造冥想的心智。透過冥想的心態,我們可以理解利弊和因果關係,透過理解因果關係,我們可以建立安全感,這是幸福的關鍵。 我釐清了嗎? ~ 1979年9月22日 

我們想擺脫這種不安全感,我們想使我們的生活富有價值,我們想理解我們的深度,我們想理解我們的維度。~ 1981年2月10日

如果你變得安全牢靠,你就不能被剝削。~ 1981年10月2日

Some people secure themselves with wisdom; some people secure themselves with money; some secure themselves with higher level of consciousness, but you’ll be surprised to know that they are very few who have secured themselves with their own soul and God.

Everybody is crazy. They try to be happy, but they are totally unhappy because there is no security. Security does not lie in your tons of money. Security lies in you and how you talk, that is security. “In the beginning there was a word, word was with God and word was God.” On your word lies your security and if you are secure, your words will be secure, and that is where lies happiness.

Meditation is a science through which we can immediately create the meditative mind. Through the meditative mind we can understand the pros and cons and the cause and effect, and through understanding the cause and the effect, we can build security which is a key to happiness. Am I clear?

We want to get out of that insecurity, we want to value our life, we want to understand our depth, we want to understand our dimension.

If you become secure, you cannot be exploited.

                                   本文選自 STUDENTSOFYOGIBHAJAN

                                        明月心滴翻譯 / 歡迎覺知轉載分享 


